Irene Miracle
Birthplace : Stillwater, Oklahoma , United states ( 38N53 77W01 )
Birth date : 08/20/54 12:00 (UTC-6)
Biography :
Irene Miracle is an American film and television actress and director....
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1954 births American film actors American television actors Living peopleHoroscope :

* Leo, the lion
The lion is the king of beasts and even in captivity is an embodiment of stateliness and pride. The typical Leos of the Zodiac also express pride in every movement and a stateliness which will not escape attention of the keen observer; the expansive chest, the massive shoulders, the strong arm and the large head contrast noticeably with the more slender but still muscular under body; and as Aries has the sheep face, so the typical Leo has certain feline features. The complexion is florid, eyes large and full, blue or grayish in color, expressing laughter, cheerfulness and content. The whole frame is well knit and strong, having great endurance and recuperative power. It is really wonderful how the symbology of the signs is brought out in the different kinds of people born under them. People who are born under Leo always want to be noted; they are aggressive and want to attract attention everywhere they go. They aim to be leaders, not followers. Leo rules the heart, and it is a marked characteristic that people with Leo rising unafflicted, have hearts bigger than their pocketbooks, they give generously of their time, money or knowledge without thought of self. If the Sun rises in Leo, this trait becomes almost prodigality, but if Saturn is there to afflict instead, he will counteract it sot that they will either circumscribe their gifts with conditions to such an extent that they retain practical control, or they will spend their means on themselves. Leos are honest and faithful; being children of the day star, they love light and truth, are above subterfuge and aim straight at their object. Their will is firm to attain by honorable means, They make good orators and hold their audiences by personal magnetism. They are very attractive to the opposite sex, and the lower nature should be held firmly in check, otherwise serious trouble and heartache may ensure. The French, as a race, are ruled by Leo, and afford ample illustration of this point. The Sun rising in Leo, unafflicted, gives a body of wonderful strength, vitality and recuperative power; superior in its wiriness to the body generated by the Sun in Taurus; but if Mars is afflicted in Leo, palpitation of the heart will ensue. Saturn here will cause regurgitation unless care is taken in early years to avoid strain.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Leo
Leo rules the heart, the dorsal region of the spine, the spinal cord, and the aorta, therefore the afflictions in Leo cause regurgitation, palpitation, faintings, aneurism, spinal meningitis, and curvature of the spine, also arterio-sclerosis and angina pectoris, hyperaemia, anaemia and hydraemia.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Leo
You are outgoing, overflowing, and very generous. Always the leader, if not the center of any group, you seldom fail to exhibit strong emotions. You are proud of yourself and of your accomplishments. Dramatic and just plain happy to be here, you are warm of heart, gregarious, outspoken, and independent.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Leo
THE SUN IN LEO The Sun in Leo gives a masterful nature with a large measure of self-control, a keen sense of honor and a never-failing integrity. The person aspires to rule others but would scorn to take a mean advantage or to do anything to others that would not be in strict accord with the golden rule; the affections are deep and lasting. People with the Sun in Leo are staunch defenders of those they love, but equally strong in their aversions. Leo is the sign which rules the heart. Whatever people with the Sun in Leo do is done with a concentration of purpose which compels success. They make true friends and if one must have an enemy, a Leo will prove more honorable and magnanimous than any other.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Leo
The Sun in Leo gives a masterful nature with a large measure of self-control, a keen sense of honor and a never-failing integrity. The person aspires to rule others but would scorn to take a mean advantage or to do anything to others that would not be in strict accord with the golden rule; the affections are deep and lasting. People with the Sun in Leo are staunch defenders of those they love, but equally strong in their aversions. Leo is the sign which rules the heart. Whatever people with the Sun in Leo do is done with a concentration of purpose which compels success. They make true friends and if one must have an enemy, a Leo will prove more honorable and magnanimous than any other.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 28° Leo
MENTALITY. 28° Leo denotes a person with a powerful mind and many ideas, who is forceful about putting them into action. The fixed star Al Talhah is here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 28° Leo
Innumerable little birds have settled down upon one large tree; they chirp happily to each other in endless rows.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Sun-Mercury
You communicate with consummate skill, and it is stimulating just being with you. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able to excel in speaking, writing, and all types of communication skills. Your ambitions go hand-in-hand with communication and using the mind, and the two should never be far apart.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Sun-Pluto
You come on strong and may tend to intimidate those around you. It's nothing you have done so much as something you are. Your presence and obvious concentration are very forceful, and you like to get down to essentials right off. This intensity tends to put others through a lot of changes. You are not afraid of a good confrontation, and you seldom pull any punches. You would be great at research or any work that requires digging, searching, investigating, and getting beneath the surface.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Sun-Neptune
A born mother to any and all forms of life. Very compassionate and attentive (aware of) the needs of others. Spiritual ideas and concepts are a way of life here. There is deep appreciation, even love for, movies, big ideas, themes. Visionary director.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Sun-Moon
There is a lack of harmony between your environment and your ambitions. What you need most is not always at hand to make the kind of progress you envision. Or, when the support is there, you can't get the instruction or direction you require. You may have forgotten where it was you wanted to get to, sort of "all dressed up, but which way to go?" It could be historical, too, as simple as being torn between your mother and your father -- a struggle between that which seeks to nurture you (and perhaps baby you) and your ambitions -- a need to succeed and be all that you can be.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Mars
It is easy for you to work with those in authority -- those older and more experienced than you. You enjoy working with others and would make a good manager. An interest (and ability) in athletics, exercise (working with the physical body), the outdoors, and such, should be lifelong. Another form this could take is training or coaching others. You have a natural ability to express yourself and handle emotions and you may like to perform a bit. A career in one of the entertainment industries is a possibility.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Sun-Mercury
These are the only aspects ever formed and are good for the memory and mentality provided Mercury is not closer to the Sun than three degrees, for then he is "combust" and his good qualities are burned up in the Sun's rays. It is most fortunate to have Mercury rise before the Sun at Birth for he is then the Lightbearer who holds the torch of reason before the Spirit which in the horoscope is symbolized by the Sun. When he rises after the Sun the mentality is not nearly so keen (unless other good aspects favor).
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Sun-Neptune
favors the possibility of developing spiritual faculties, for Neptune intensifies the higher vibrations in the aura and as some express themselves best through music these aspects make them unusually sensitive to echoes from the heaven world, which is the realm of tone. Many people with these configurations hear the harmony of the spheres and if Mercury, the lower octave of Neptune, gives the requisite dexterity they become musicians of a high inspirational nature. In others it breeds a love of the occult which leads them into the higher life, but they usually approach it from the intellectual standpoint as psychic investigators. A few live the life and obtain first-hand knowledge.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Sun-Moon
makes the person vacillating and unsettled in disposition, changeable and unable to pursue a settled course in life, rash to plunge into untried ventures but lacking the persistence or continuity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For that reason such people become failures in life; their dealings with women and people higher in the social scale such as employers, the authorities, judges, etc., are especially unsuccessful; they always have difficulty in obtaining proper employment and in keeping their positions when obtained, for they are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense, with or without provocation. These configurations also affect the health; the body is liable to colds and recuperation is slow when sickness has overtaken the person.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Mars
The conjunction gives a tendency to fever, especially if it occurs in Aries, the sign which governs the head, but it is curious that people with that configuration seem also to be able to endure a much higher temperature than others, and come unscathed through such a siege of sickness as would ordinarily prove fatal. With that exception these aspects produce a superabundance of vital energy which assures their possessor of the most radiant health all through life. They strengthen the constitution and makes the person able to endure the hardest tasks; they give him a dauntless determination and courage to face the greatest odds. Given a plan to follow he may be trusted to overcome all physical obstacles for he has both executive and constructive ability together with an indomitable will which refuses to recognize defeat. The disposition is frank and open but blunt and often brusque; such people are too intensely bent on what they want to do to waste time in politeness and suavity, therefore they brush the conventionalities aside without compunction and are consequently not liked by people of too fine sensibilities, but they are men and women of action and the foremost factors in the world's work; but for their energy and enterprise the world would move much more slowly.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Taurus
You have strong, stable emotions and tend to draw around you the perfect environment for your upbringing. The thing you need is always at hand. In addition, you get much support and good fortune from friends and relatives. You value constancy and security in all things and possess a good business sense. You are, by nature, very domestic and enjoy nice surroundings.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Taurus
THE MOON IN TAURUS. This is the Moon's exaltation sign and her effect is therefore very powerful for good if she is free from affliction and well-aspected. Then the fixed nature of Taurus tones down the changeability of the Moon which also blends with the Venus ray. Hence it makes the disposition gentle, self-reliant and determined. It gives perseverance, forethought and kindness, therefore the person attracts all the good things of life, health and wealth, friends and family, houses and lands with the ability to enjoy all these things for it makes him fond of pleasure, sociable and hospitable, a lover of art and music and all other things which make for the enjoyment of life.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Taurus
This is the Moon's exaltation sign and her effect is therefore very powerful for good if she is free from affliction and well-aspected. Then the fixed nature of Taurus tones down the changeability of the Moon which also blends with the Venus ray. Hence it makes the disposition gentle, self-reliant and determined. It gives perseverance, forethought and kindness, therefore the person attracts all the good things of life, health and wealth, friends and family, houses and lands with the ability to enjoy all these things for it makes him fond of pleasure, sociable and hospitable, a lover of art and music and all other things which make for the enjoyment of life.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 22° Taurus
SINGULAR. 22° Taurus denotes one who has an unusual quality or ability, or a fixation on one particular thing or idea. Fame or notoriety may be the result.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 22° Taurus
A white homing pigeon flies straight a fearlessly over a broad body of troubled water.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Moon-Jupiter
Like a fish in water when in the limelight or in a group, you have an innate social charm. Political and lucky too! A natural sense of what's right or of the way to get things done brings great popularity, even renown. Law, education. Could be lazy.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Uranus
The life of the party, able to loosen up even the most sober. Great at bringing out the best qualities of others, discovering hidden talents. New and innovative ideas regarding the social scene. Spontaneous, on the move. Independent.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Moon-Mercury
You have difficulty expressing your emotions and tend to say things that are unrelated to what you may actually be feeling. You blurt out stuff that you don't really feel, and have trouble putting your real feelings into words. Thus you can't find a lot of support from others for what you think. You don't waste a lot of thought on your surroundings, and history or tradition probably are not high on your interest list. You may upset others with things that you say. You could tend to argue with women.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Moon-Pluto
You keep your feelings and emotions to yourself and resent any attempt to analyze or probe them. Your home and surroundings are tidy and air-tight, as well. However, you don't mind probing and dissecting the lives of others. This can't help but produce a strain in your relations with others, and you probably get very little support for your detective work. These two parts of you which seldom meet cause constant tension, resulting in periodic explosions.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Jupiter
gives an optimistic, noble and generous disposition. The open-hearted honesty, fairness and friendliness of people with these aspects make them universally popular. These aspects strengthen both the reasoning faculties and constitution, so that such people usually have a strong mind in a strong body and hence a powerful personal magnetism which may be used to great advantage in healing the sick. They have lofty ideals and a fruitful imagination with the power of acquiring wealth which will grow greater if used in philanthropic enterprises of which these people are prone to dream. This is one of the best aspects in the gamut and makes for general success in life both physically and spiritually.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Moon-Uranus
gives great originality and independence to the mind which is quick, intuitive and very vivid in its imagination, hence the person has inventive ability; he is attracted to the occult arts and is endowed with hypnotic or magnetic powers, also the intuitional ability to study and practice astrology. If electricity is adopted as a vocation the person will make a success of it. These aspects also give the person a peculiar fascination for the opposite sex and are likely to lead to a clandestine love affair or an unconventional union.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Moon-Mercury
gives a poor memory and lack of mental stability with a tendency to indecision and worry, liability to brain storms and hysterics. These characteristics make the person unpopular and as the saying is, "unlucky."
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Leo
You are dynamic and always expressive in thought and speech -- dramatic. You appreciate your own ideas, and tend to be outgoing in speech and manner. Fresh. Warm. You put forth strong views and are hard to influence or change. Emotional and a good entertainer, you are louder than average and tend to exaggerate. You are a lover. There are always plenty of tears and laughter.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Leo
MERCURY IN LEO gives high ideals and aspirations, a positive, strong and persevering intellect which scorns to stoop to low and mean acts, and despises equivocation; is blunt and out-spoken, quick-tempered, but kind-hearted and sympathetic. People with Mercury in Leo well-fortified have good organizing ability and make capable leaders. They love children and are also fond of pleasure. When Mercury is afflicted in Leo it makes the person fickle and inconstant in his affections, an unsuccessful gambler and speculator, a low and sensual nature.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mercury in Leo
gives high ideals and aspirations, a positive, strong and persevering intellect which scorns to stoop to low and mean acts, and despises equivocation; is blunt and out-spoken, quick-tempered, but kind-hearted and sympathetic. People with Mercury in Leo well-fortified have good organizing ability and make capable leaders. They love children and are also fond of pleasure. When Mercury is afflicted in Leo it makes the person fickle and inconstant in his affections, an unsuccessful gambler and speculator, a low and sensual nature.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Leo
TALKATIVE. 27° Leo denotes one who is unusually talkative and who may have linguistic ability. This can, of course, be someone who has something to say or a mere chatterbox. The fixed stars Alphard and Adhafera are here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Leo
Over at the eastern edge of the night the streaks of dawn appear; gradually the mounting light wipes out the stars.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Mercury-Pluto
Anyone who tries to get you to play with words is in for a big surprise. Your mind cuts right through all the window dressing and gets right down to the quick. Before anyone knows it, you have the heart of the matter out front for everyone to see. You would make a great investigator, either in scientific research or undercover work. It makes no difference. Your ability to get to the point is all but phenomenal. You can talk and put into words areas of the psychological that others wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Mercury-Neptune
Great psychological talent. Able to sense and feel in the more abstract mental areas and to bring far-out ideas down to earth. Always at the leading edge of social understanding. Great sense of compassion and a real understanding of others.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Mercury-Mars
You have a great love of the written and spoken word, and ideas in all their flavors are what you like best to work with. Your enthusiasm for mind, the intellect, and the world of ideas makes it easy for you to communicate these things to others. You would be a good teacher. You have no trouble putting your feelings into words, and what you say always carries a lot of content. You could make a fine entertainer and an excellent speaker.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Mercury-Neptune
makes a man peculiarly adapted to the occult art, particularly if the conjunction occurs in the Third or Ninth House or the trines are from watery signs--Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Such people usually succeed in occult science and often develop a supernormal faculty. They are particularly good as magnetic healers.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Mercury-Mars
gives a keen, sharp, ingenious and resourceful mentality. It makes the person enthusiastic over any proposition which appeals to him and he has also the ability to enthuse others and impress them with his views. He is an indefatigable worker in any cause which arouses his sympathies, but he is no visionary, he is interested only in concrete matters. These people love argument or debate, and they have an inexhaustible fund of wit and good humor, sometimes blended with a vein of sarcasm which always strikes it mark, yet never viciously nor maliciously. They also have remarkable dexterity and are able to turn their hands to whatever task is required and do it with a speed, facility and expedition that are astonishing to say the least. They cannot do anything slowly or by halves; whatever they undertake must be dome with a rush, and they put their whole energy into it so that they may accomplish the task and do it well; hence these aspects give success in life, in almost any line of endeavor these people may select, but probably most in literature or the mechanical arts.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis