Jason Faunt
Birthplace : Chicago , Illinois , United states ( 38N53 77W01 )
Birth date : 20/11/74 12:00 (UTC-6)
Biography :
Jason Patrick Faunt (born on November 20, 1974, in Chicago, Illinois) is an American actor, best known for playing the role of Wes Collins in Power Rangers: Time Force, as well as that of Alex, the former Red Time Force Ranger. Faunt grew up in the Chicago suburb of McHenry, Illinois. He attended McHenry High School East Campus, and graduated in the same class as Matt Skiba, lead singer of Alkaline Trio. A talented athlete, Faunt almost became a professional baseball player. Instead, he moved to...
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1974 births American actors Living peopleHoroscope :

* Venus in Sagittarius
You love all things plain and true, and possessing an innate sense of religion and what's real. Not prudish, even communal, you insist on freedom in all things. You love sports, 'great' ideas, and travel. You are anything except too domestic. An idealist of the first water, but not dreamy, you are frank and affectionate.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Sagittarius
VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS. This is another of her strongest positions for there her qualities blend with those of Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, to foster love and good-will among men. Therefore also this position indicates a genial and optimistic disposition, a sympathetic, kind and generous heart, a love of God expressed in religious devotion, or love of man shown by philanthropy and charity. It indicates a refined mind, cultured, and fond of drama, art and music. It fosters the imagination and intuition and like the other double-bodies signs Gemini and Pisces, it inclines to plurality of marriages.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Sagittarius
This is another of her strongest positions for there her qualities blend with those of Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, to foster love and good-will among men. Therefore also this position indicates a genial and optimistic disposition, a sympathetic, kind and generous heart, a love of God expressed in religious devotion, or love of man shown by philanthropy and charity. It indicates a refined mind, cultured, and fond of drama, art and music. It fosters the imagination and intuition and like the other double-bodies signs Gemini and Pisces, it inclines to plurality of marriages.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 2° Sagittarius
SERVANT. 2° Sagittarius denotes one who seeks to help others to extend their experience. This degree may have something to do with distance or with telescopes and astronomy.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 2° Sagittarius
A quick wind is making sport with the sea; through sharp mist as far as sight reaches are scurrying whitecaps.
Sabian Symbols
* Mars in Scorpio
You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others may find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do work others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the nitty-gritty.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Scorpio
MARS IN SCORPIO when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first until others get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy. When Mars is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worse side of the passional nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes addiction to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that parturition will be a dangerous event. In either sex Mars in Scorpio indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Scorpio
when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first until others get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy. When Mars is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worse side of the passional nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes addiction to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that parturition will be a dangerous event. In either sex Mars in Scorpio indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 16° Scorpio
UNKNOWN. 16° Scorpio denotes one who delves into unknown areas of life and thought. Sometimes one who is unknown comes into prominence unexpectedly because of his search and research.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 16° Scorpio
A girl's face is revealed of fine, delicate, aristocratic features; suddenly these break into a glorious smile.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Mars-Saturn
The word here is accomplishment. If there is a job, you can do it. A prodigious worker, you pour yourself into any task with absolute determination. You are responsible to the extreme and take on obligations as though you just can't get enough. You enjoy discipline, and limitations are seen as opportunities rather than as handicaps. You would make a good teacher of others in matters of organization, practical competence, and the like. You have a great desire and drive to be thorough and responsible down to the smallest details. You always know what is essential and what is not. You love the routine.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Mars-Saturn
gives a capable, determined and energetic nature capable of intense and sustained actions and of obtaining unusual results thereby. The executive ability, dominant forcefulness and endurance of these people are remarkable and consequently they are constantly accomplishing that others cannot achieve. On account of these qualities they always rise to prominent positions and are much esteemed on account of their ability but seldom liked for these aspects also make the character cruel and hard. They give a strong physique and general good health.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Pisces
You are a real humanitarian, with a genuine interest in social work and able to sacrifice yourself to help others. You have a love of what's beyond the surface: religion, psychology, and mysticism. Intuitive, sensitive to emotions, and sympathetic, you are always giving of self and would make an excellent counselor. You are farsighted, future- oriented.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Pisces
JUPITER IN PISCES gives a charitable, sympathetic and hospitable nature which loves to minister to the outcasts of society. These people are veritable angels of mercy to all who suffer in body, soul or spirit. They are well known to those who are "sick of in prison." Being of a sensitive nature and subject to the influences from the invisible world they not infrequently have psychic experiences and become students of the occult. They love music, art and literature and if well-aspected by Venus, Jupiter in Pisces will give considerable ability as a performer; but if Jupiter is afflicted in Pisces it gives a vacillating mind, a nerveless, cowardly nature indulging in all vices in the calendar and a generally despicable dispositon--a social parasite.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Pisces
gives a charitable, sympathetic and hospitable nature which loves to minister to the outcasts of society. These people are veritable angels of mercy to all who suffer in body, soul or spirit. They are well known to those who are "sick of in prison." Being of a sensitive nature and subject to the influences from the invisible world they not infrequently have psychic experiences and become students of the occult. They love music, art and literature and if well-aspected by Venus, Jupiter in Pisces will give considerable ability as a performer; but if Jupiter is afflicted in Pisces it gives a vacillating mind, a nerveless, cowardly nature indulging in all vices in the calendar and a generally despicable disposition--a social parasite.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 9° Pisces
IMITATION. 9° Pisces denotes one who may mimic or copy others. To follow the herd and hide the emotions from the self is usually a primary objective.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 9° Pisces
A tiny jockey from his magnificent horse looks about eagerly and as the race starts he becomes a god of speed.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Jupiter-Neptune
Your tendency to compromise and settle for less than you dreamed can be a problem. Given the opportunity, you may choose the path of least resistance, willing to bypass some of the things you always wanted in favor of expediency. Career moves must be given special attention. Tension results when you ignore your own desires (the things you need and want) and take a course of action, job, career, or whatever that can never satisfy. Or worse, you may find yourself in a job that is compromising.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Jupiter-Neptune
indicates lack of control of the emotions. The person is sensitive to the influences of the borderland between the seen and the unseen worlds but they are often of an awe-inspiring and disgusting type, hence apt to cause hysterical conditions, involuntary trance and kindred disorders attendant upon negative psychism, but from a material standpoint it gives danger of fraud through speculation or large companies and dealing with predatory interests should therefore be avoided.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Cancer
You could have difficulty in letting go and feeling life, preferring instead to think about it rather than do it. Afraid of the sense world, you avoid plunging in and fear being caught or tied down. "To be or not to be..." is your question. There is a need to accept responsibility and limitations, as well as home, family, children, and such.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Cancer
SATURN IN CANCER is always weak and his virtues therefore find it difficult to express themselves when he is in this position. Nevertheless he gives reliable judgment concerning houses, lands, mines etc., and gains by investing in these things; when well-aspected, he favors thrift, economy and solid comfort in the home with quiet, peaceful and comfortable conditions in the latter part of life. He makes the person frugal and gives a good control of the appetite. But when afflicted he indicates domestic infelicity, the person being held back in life by a gloomy kill-joy partner who is always restraining every ambitious thought. Trouble, sorrow and disappointment increase as the life advances and to this is added ill-health, for Saturn in Cancer indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to pyorrhoea, hence there is inability to properly digest the food, so that unless such people have sufficient will to curb their appetites they become the victims to chronic indigestion. Saturn in Cancer also indicates a religious tendency and an inclination toward study of the deeper sciences.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Cancer
is always weak and his virtues therefore find it difficult to express themselves when he is in this position. Nevertheless he gives reliable judgment concerning houses, lands, mines etc., and gains by investing in these things; when well-aspected, he favors thrift, economy and solid comfort in the home with quiet, peaceful and comfortable conditions in the latter part of life. He makes the person frugal and gives a good control of the appetite. But when afflicted he indicates domestic infelicity, the person being held back in life by a gloomy kill-joy partner who is always restraining every ambitious thought. Trouble, sorrow and disappointment increase as the life advances and to this is added ill-health, for Saturn in Cancer indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to pyorrhea, hence there is inability to properly digest the food, so that unless such people have sufficient will to curb their appetites they become the victims to chronic indigestion. Saturn in Cancer also indicates a religious tendency and an inclination toward study of the deeper sciences.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 19° Cancer
MILITANT. 19° Cancer denotes one who may become domineering due to his own inadequacy. There is some connection with both the military and with music.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 19° Cancer
A fragile miss, representative of proud old blood, is wed by a pompous priest to an eager youth of the new order.
Sabian Symbols