Juan José Videgain
Birthplace : Madrid , Spain ( 40N26 03W42 )
Birth date : 07/30/75 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Juan José Videgain (born 30 July 1975) is a Spanish writer, actor and director. Most of Videgain's books reached cult status thanks to their weird sense of humour. He is from an old theatrical family in Spain. Salvador Videgain is his grandfahter. He wrote narratives,essays and biographies in this time....
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Categories :
1975 births Living people Madrid writers People from Madrid Spanish essayists Spanish novelists Spanish screenwriters Spanish theatre directorsHoroscope :
* Venus in Virgo
Finely wrought or overwrought? You have a fine sense of appreciation and are very attentive. You love to help out and take care of others, expressing a first-rate sense of compassion. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to the needs and demands of others. Fragile, refined, you are perhaps too prudish.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Virgo
VENUS IN VIRGO, the Sixth House sign gives the person a deep and tender sympathy for the sick and people with this position make good nurses. This position also favors occupation as a chemist, or a dietitian who is concerned with the preparation of foods for the maintenance or attainment of health. If the person has employees or subordinates under his management his relations with those people will always be very pleasant, and they will serve him well.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Virgo
the Sixth House sign gives the person a deep and tender sympathy for the sick and people with this position make good nurses. This position also favors occupation as a chemist, or a dietitian who is concerned with the preparation of foods for the maintenance or attainment of health. If the person has employees or subordinates under his management his relations with those people will always be very pleasant, and they will serve him well.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 11° Virgo
USEFULNESS. 11° Virgo denotes one always ready to help others even though he has little respect for their opinions. Photography and nature may play a part. The fixed star Zozma is here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 11° Virgo
A beautiful boy is revealed; he is all boy in every way, but in him lives the idealization of a wise mother.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Venus-Neptune
Your value system has little room for the mystical, much less whatever the psychics are talking about. When these things crop up, you cut them off early on. Your position is simple: dreams, images, spiritual thoughts, and what-not are just not your cup of tea. You don't care for them. And yet, this whole subject fascinates you. There is a siren-like quality to all of this, calling and luring you. Sooner or later, this must be worked through.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Venus-Neptune
makes the person liable to sorrow, loss and trouble, especially through the marriage partner or anyone else in whom he trusts. People with these aspects should be particularly careful to avoid anything which has in it an element of chance or speculation for they are sure to lose, especially in dealing with large companies or corporations.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Taurus
You have great staying power, a drive for security and stability, and can withstand almost anything. You are very dependable, somewhat emotional but stable. You have a natural need to build solid foundations. You are stubborn, but patient and slow to anger. Once angry, watch out!
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Taurus
MARS IN TAURUS and well-aspected is a good indication of an early marriage. It shows good earning power and a free, generous disposition with regards to finances; it gives an interior strength of an unconquerable nature so that the person will always gain his ends by unflagging determination and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat, but presses on towards the goal that he has set for himself despite all obstacles. It is also indication of money by legacy. But if Mars is afflicted in Taurus it gives an exceedingly stubborn, violent and vindictive nature. Such people will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone attempts to thwart them in their purposes they never forgive. They also have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so that they are often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are more likely to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also to have domestic trouble.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Taurus
and well-aspected is a good indication of an early marriage. It shows good earning power and a free, generous disposition with regards to finances; it gives an interior strength of an unconquerable nature so that the person will always gain his ends by unflagging determination and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat, but presses on towards the goal that he has set for himself despite all obstacles. It is also indication of money by legacy. But if Mars is afflicted in Taurus it gives an exceedingly stubborn, violent and vindictive nature. Such people will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone attempts to thwart them in their purposes they never forgive. They also have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so that they are often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are more likely to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also to have domestic trouble.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 21° Taurus
AMBITION. 21° Taurus denotes one who may carry this to an extreme, ruthless towards all which seems to block his path. May be connected with poisons.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 21° Taurus
A moving finger points to the significant passages in a large open book.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Mars-Saturn
Applied force. Practical competence. Tremendous discipline and a love of routine work. Ability to simplify, code, and reduce a subject to its essential elements. Inner drive to be thorough and responsible in minute details. Self-disciplined.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Mars-Saturn
gives a capable, determined and energetic nature capable of intense and sustained actions and of obtaining unusual results thereby. The executive ability, dominant forcefulness and endurance of these people are remarkable and consequently they are constantly accomplishing that others cannot achieve. On account of these qualities they always rise to prominent positions and are much esteemed on account of their ability but seldom liked for these aspects also make the character cruel and hard. They give a strong physique and general good health.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Aries
You could pursue a career as a leader or pioneer. You tend to be the one who takes the initiative and are courageous and often fearless to the point of being foolish. Success for you in most things is second nature. Always "walking point," you tend to be a loner, a warrior. Confident, single-minded, you are sometimes rash but are always direct -- straight out.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Aries
JUPITER IN ARIES gives a high-spirited, energetic and ambitious mind, always on the lookout and alert for new and progressive methods usable for advancement in the world's work, it makes a true pioneer, neither too conservative not too impulsive, a thoughtful, but sympathetic disposition, sincere, honest and trustworthy, somewhat religiously inclined. It gives some legal of literary ability and a love of out-door games with popularity in social and business circles. But if Jupiter is afflicted the mind is not so conservative and well-balanced. There is a tendency to rash and impulsive acts; impatience and temper are shown under adverse circumstances with a consequent loss of esteem and popularity.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Aries
gives a high-spirited, energetic and ambitious mind, always on the lookout and alert for new and progressive methods usable for advancement in the world's work, it makes a true pioneer, neither too conservative not too impulsive, a thoughtful, but sympathetic disposition, sincere, honest and trustworthy, somewhat religiously inclined. It gives some legal of literary ability and a love of out-door games with popularity in social and business circles. But if Jupiter is afflicted the mind is not so conservative and well-balanced. There is a tendency to rash and impulsive acts; impatience and temper are shown under adverse circumstances with a consequent loss of esteem and popularity.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 25° Aries
WANTON. 25° Aries denotes one who if uncontrolled will display the less desirable conduct of one who is without morals. Under control it becomes a degree which upholds law and order. Policemen sometimes have this degree in their charts.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 25° Aries
A double promise revealed by some suggestive event of both immediate or literal and sentimental significance.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Jupiter-Saturn
You have real difficulties when it comes to matters of self-discipline. Your career suffers due to your lack of training and education. You go against authority, clashing with it rather than finding a way to work with and learn from it. You end up taking an unplanned course of action that lacks any organization and seldom holds up for long. Taking the easy way out can be very painful. You come back to square one again and again.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Jupiter-Uranus
You like your career straight and conventional, and you defy anyone who would suggest otherwise. The well-trodden path is where to find you. You go out of your way to conform, and avoid the new, novel, and unconventional with great vigor. Confrontations with people and things that don't conform are common, not to mention arguments along these lines. That which won't go along is opposed.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Jupiter-Saturn
gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide, often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest. These aspects also give a tendency to arterio-sclerosis.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Jupiter-Uranus
gives an impulsive nature liable to act in a sudden or impulsive nature liable to act in a sudden impulsive, erratic or unexpected manner to his own undoing. Loss by speculation, lawsuits and impulsive extravagance are also indicated, many changes both of occupation and residence, loss of friends and reputation. It signifies one of an ostentatious nature given to sham and camouflage and subterfuge, generally disliked for his insincerity and double dealings; a confidence man, bunko man or cheap gambler.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Cancer
You could have difficulty in letting go and feeling life, preferring instead to think about it rather than do it. Afraid of the sense world, you avoid plunging in and fear being caught or tied down. "To be or not to be..." is your question. There is a need to accept responsibility and limitations, as well as home, family, children, and such.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Cancer
SATURN IN CANCER is always weak and his virtues therefore find it difficult to express themselves when he is in this position. Nevertheless he gives reliable judgment concerning houses, lands, mines etc., and gains by investing in these things; when well-aspected, he favors thrift, economy and solid comfort in the home with quiet, peaceful and comfortable conditions in the latter part of life. He makes the person frugal and gives a good control of the appetite. But when afflicted he indicates domestic infelicity, the person being held back in life by a gloomy kill-joy partner who is always restraining every ambitious thought. Trouble, sorrow and disappointment increase as the life advances and to this is added ill-health, for Saturn in Cancer indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to pyorrhoea, hence there is inability to properly digest the food, so that unless such people have sufficient will to curb their appetites they become the victims to chronic indigestion. Saturn in Cancer also indicates a religious tendency and an inclination toward study of the deeper sciences.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Cancer
is always weak and his virtues therefore find it difficult to express themselves when he is in this position. Nevertheless he gives reliable judgment concerning houses, lands, mines etc., and gains by investing in these things; when well-aspected, he favors thrift, economy and solid comfort in the home with quiet, peaceful and comfortable conditions in the latter part of life. He makes the person frugal and gives a good control of the appetite. But when afflicted he indicates domestic infelicity, the person being held back in life by a gloomy kill-joy partner who is always restraining every ambitious thought. Trouble, sorrow and disappointment increase as the life advances and to this is added ill-health, for Saturn in Cancer indicates that the stomach is weak and the gums subject to pyorrhea, hence there is inability to properly digest the food, so that unless such people have sufficient will to curb their appetites they become the victims to chronic indigestion. Saturn in Cancer also indicates a religious tendency and an inclination toward study of the deeper sciences.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 25° Cancer
INDEPENDENCE. 25° Cancer denotes a person who often stands alone in life, but who is well equipped to take care of the self. May do work whose influence will spread far and wide. The fixed star Procyon is here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 25° Cancer
A leader of men erect and fearless suddenly finds thrown across his right shoulder an invisible mantle of power.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Saturn-Uranus
You have trouble controlling yourself and tend to fluctuate between uninspired routine and crazy binges. Your sense of responsibility and the way you go about organizing your life seem like a prison sentence. You rule out any possibility of change, all spontaneity. You get so set in your ways that you can't help but revolt and break out. Your flings have a total lack of caution. When they die down, you find yourself seeking refuge in the same old routine, and we begin again.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Saturn-Uranus
gives an unscrupulous nature with an extremely violent temper. The outbursts are as sudden as a bolt from the blue and exhaust the person completely. These people are very eccentric and look at everything from a peculiar angle--treacherous, idle and indolent, malicious and altogether dangerous to the community. These aspects also indicate chronic or incurable diseases according to the signs wherein they are placed, but as often said, if the other indications in the horoscope are good the influence of a single aspect will not bring out such evil characteristics and therefore the whole horoscope is to be carefully considered before judging the influences enumerated, for they may be materially minimized by other favorable indications in the horoscope.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis