Khalil Mutran
Birthplace : Baalbek , Ottoman Syria , Lebanon ( 33N50 35E50 )
Birth date : 01/01/70 12:00 (UTC+2)
Biography :
Khalil Mutran (July 1, 1872—June 1, 1949), also known by the sobriquet Sha’ir al Qutrayn (the poet of the two countries) was a noted Arabic poet and journalist....
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Categories :
1872 births 1949 deaths Arab journalists Arab writers Arabic-language writers Egyptian journalists Lebanese poetsHoroscope :

* Uranus in Leo
You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. You come up with brilliant ways to express, emote or act things out. New methods of lovemaking, raising kids, caring for animals are yours. You are outspoken, very dramatic, impressive, and even regal. You relax with children, sports, acting, singing, and such. You really like yourself.
Planet in Sign
* Uranus in Leo
URANUS IN LEO gives a very determined nature, rebellious and impatient of restraint or contradiction, with strong likes and dislikes, and an utter disregard of the conventions where the passional nature is involved. The personality is strong, forceful and self-assertive, therefore these people often incur the displeasure of others and create much opposition. They are very inconstant in affairs of the heart--"on with the new love" before it is "off with the old." In a woman's horoscope an afflicted Uranus shows difficulty in childbirth, perhaps the death of a child by accident or in a sudden, unexpected manner, also a strong tendency towards palpitation of the heart. When Uranus is well-aspected in Leo both courtship and domestic affairs run much more smoothly and it indicates original and inventive genius, particularly along educational or journalistic lines, also for entertainment and amusement of the public and gain thereby.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Uranus in Leo
gives a very determined nature, rebellious and impatient of restraint or contradiction, with strong likes and dislikes, and an utter disregard of the conventions where the passional nature is involved. The personality is strong, forceful and self-assertive, therefore these people often incur the displeasure of others and create much opposition. They are very inconstant in affairs of the heart--"on with the new love" before it is "off with the old." In a woman's horoscope an afflicted Uranus shows difficulty in childbirth, perhaps the death of a child by accident or in a sudden, unexpected manner, also a strong tendency towards palpitation of the heart. When Uranus is well-aspected in Leo both courtship and domestic affairs run much more smoothly and it indicates original and inventive genius, particularly along educational or journalistic lines, also for entertainment and amusement of the public and gain thereby.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 1° Leo
MASTERY. 1° Leo denotes one who is capable of gaining great self-control and mastery and thereby can control not only his own destiny, but that of others.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 1° Leo
A fat and normally good-natured little man of affairs is bursting with determination to have his own way.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Uranus-Neptune
The rebel in you likes to ignore your dreams and ideals and just let come what may. You relish your freedom and independence and pursue it even at the expense of what you know you really want. You can take delight in ruining your own deep-rooted dreams. The romantic in you struggles against the frontier spirit that often moves you to action.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Uranus-Neptune
brings underhanded, deceptive influences into the life which aim to undermine the reputation and make the person suffer scandal and public disfavor, sudden and unaccountable reverses in business are met with, or trouble in social affairs. There is the same love of travel and exploration as given by the good aspects but the person cannot accomplish his aims with the same facility, or if he does it is to his disadvantage and brings added trouble He is also drawn towards the occult or mystic side of life, but his path is beset by dangers of mediumship and obsession and all through life he is filled with a vague dread of impending disaster which he can neither account for nor dispel by will or reason, hence uncertainty overshadows the life as a cloud and robs him of peace and contentment.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Neptune in Aries
You believe in action and have the original pioneer-type spirit, forever forging ahead. The ideal you strive for is courage, carrying on -- a standard bearer. Not teary-eyed, mystical, or psychological in the least, you welcome the brave new world and are always the hero.
Planet in Sign
* Neptune in Aries
NEPTUNE IN ARIES, when well aspected fills a person with religious enthusiasm, though not always of the orthodox kind, and gives him the energy and ambition to push forward to the front rank in whatever line of thought and belief he espouses. There is a desire to elevate humanity to a higher and more noble plane of life and on that account this configuration or position usually brings the person forward as a public character or more or less importance, according to the general aspects and tenor of the horoscope. But when afflicted, Neptune in Aries brings out the destructive tendencies. There is a similar desire to raise humanity to realms of happiness, but the methods are anarchistic and it incites to murder of those whom the person conceives to be the enemies of society, by bomb plot or assassination, and lays the person liable to imprisonment on account of conspiracy against the government or others in authority.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Neptune in Aries
when well aspected fills a person with religious enthusiasm, though not always of the orthodox kind, and gives him the energy and ambition to push forward to the front rank in whatever line of thought and belief he espouses. There is a desire to elevate humanity to a higher and more noble plane of life and on that account this configuration or position usually brings the person forward as a public character or more or less importance, according to the general aspects and tenor of the horoscope. But when afflicted, Neptune in Aries brings out the destructive tendencies. There is a similar desire to raise humanity to realms of happiness, but the methods are anarchistic and it incites to murder of those whom the person conceives to be the enemies of society, by bomb plot or assassination, and lays the person liable to imprisonment on account of conspiracy against the government or others in authority.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Aries
DISCOVERY. 27° Aries denotes one whose consuming curiosity either causes him to find something of value to the world, or just gives a good case of "nose trouble." Usually gifted in scientific, writing, inventive, or exploratory fields. Auctioneers and detectives sometimes have placements in this sign. The fixed stars Al Pherg and Vertex are both here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Aries
A panorama of blending events out of the past shows the regaining of lost opportunity through the imagination.
Sabian Symbols
* Pluto in Taurus
You could be a terrific business person, as you have an ability to get past the surface of things and separate out that with real worth. In the area of possessions and material goods, you will go through a lot of changes, learn a lot.
Planet in Sign
* 21° Taurus
AMBITION. 21° Taurus denotes one who may carry this to an extreme, ruthless towards all which seems to block his path. May be connected with poisons.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 21° Taurus
A moving finger points to the significant passages in a large open book.
Sabian Symbols
North Node
* 13° Gemini
DIRECTION. 13° Gemini denotes one who is restless and always pushing forward to new fields of endeavor. Engineering, mechanical work, or factors dealing with speed and distance involved.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 13° Gemini
The great artist, a world famous pianist, sits at his instrument on the stage of a huge auditorium.
Sabian Symbols
* 13° Sagittarius
GAMBLER. 13° Sagittarius denotes one who is always ready to take a chance, one who will risk everything for working out things as he sees them, regardless of the cost to himself.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 13° Sagittarius
A wistful young woman, dressed in black, is surprised into a warm companionship to which she has felt alien.
Sabian Symbols