Naveen Jindal
Birthplace : Hisar, Haryana , Haryana , India ( 21N00 77E12 )
Birth date : 03/09/70 12:00 (UTC+5)
Biography :
Naveen Jindal (born 9 March 1970) is a Member of Parliament, India since 2004 representing the Kurukshetra constituency in the state of Haryana. He is a member of the Congress Party. He is an industrialist with operations located in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. He runs the rail & steel and power businesses of the Jindal Group, the fourth largest private sector Indian business group by assets and sales turnover. The Jindal group was founded by his father O. P. Jindal. He is also the Chanc...
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14th Lok Sabha members 15th Lok Sabha members 1970 births Indian politicians Living people University of Texas at Dallas alumniHoroscope :

* Venus in Pisces
You have deep commitments and appreciate sacrifice and duty on the part of others. At home in the world of the dreamer and mystic, you have great intuition. You are always willing to sublimate and take the back seat. Domestic at heart, you love family life. A true romantic. Musical, psychological, poetic, gentle.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Pisces
VENUS IN PISCES is in her own exaltation sign where she again blends with the benefic ray of Jupiter and as Pisces is a watery sign this position signifies a powerful emotional nature, subdued and toned down by the element of sorrow inherent in the twelfth house sign. This position therefore indicates someone capable of feeling a sentiment such as that felt by our Savior when He said: "Come unto Me all ye that are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Thus Venus in Pisces indicates a nature yearning and aching to assist those who are afflicted by bodily ills or suffering from sorrow. This position also gives an intense love of music and when other testimonies concur, considerable ability to express either vocally or instrumentally, for music is the most wonderful outlet for the deepest emotions of which the human soul is capable. People with Venus in Pisces are especially liable to financial imposition on the part of others and trouble through an illegal marriage.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Pisces
is in her own exaltation sign where she again blends with the benefic ray of Jupiter and as Pisces is a watery sign this position signifies a powerful emotional nature, subdued and toned down by the element of sorrow inherent in the twelfth house sign. This position therefore indicates someone capable of feeling a sentiment such as that felt by our Savior when He said: "Come unto Me all ye that are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Thus Venus in Pisces indicates a nature yearning and aching to assist those who are afflicted by bodily ills or suffering from sorrow. This position also gives an intense love of music and when other testimonies concur, considerable ability to express either vocally or instrumentally, for music is the most wonderful outlet for the deepest emotions of which the human soul is capable. People with Venus in Pisces are especially liable to financial imposition on the part of others and trouble through an illegal marriage.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 29° Pisces
MASTERING. 29° Pisces denotes one who works to overcome obstacles or overrules objections to their goals. This degree can be either a giant of strength and guidance for others, or just plain bossy.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 29° Pisces
The scientist adjusts the tiny prism carefully and by means of the divided rays of light makes his clever analysis.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Venus-Neptune
You have the gift of working with others, helping them to sense and feel the unity of life. Your love of the spiritual and the eternal is clear to all who meet you. You love to solve the problems of the world, at least in words and images, and when you tell it, all are enchanted. Dreams and images are your stock and trade.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Venus-Pluto
You don't want things to get too personal and tend to keep your distance. You even go out of your way to oppose anyone who probes or analyzes to any extent. Conversations turn into arguments around that time. You prefer to gloss over things, gliding along the surface. You don't like what could be beneath the surface and choose to ignore the whole thing. This takes a toll on your desires or passions. Every so often, you turn the whole thing inside out and get totally vulnerable, involved at every level -- more than you bargained for.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Venus-Neptune
makes an inspirational musician. It gives a fertile imagination and deep emotions, a nature that is pure and chaste, hence occasionally it leads to platonic unions and companionship of the most ecstatic nature.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Taurus
You have great staying power, a drive for security and stability, and can withstand almost anything. You are very dependable, somewhat emotional but stable. You have a natural need to build solid foundations. You are stubborn, but patient and slow to anger. Once angry, watch out!
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Taurus
MARS IN TAURUS and well-aspected is a good indication of an early marriage. It shows good earning power and a free, generous disposition with regards to finances; it gives an interior strength of an unconquerable nature so that the person will always gain his ends by unflagging determination and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat, but presses on towards the goal that he has set for himself despite all obstacles. It is also indication of money by legacy. But if Mars is afflicted in Taurus it gives an exceedingly stubborn, violent and vindictive nature. Such people will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone attempts to thwart them in their purposes they never forgive. They also have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so that they are often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are more likely to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also to have domestic trouble.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Taurus
and well-aspected is a good indication of an early marriage. It shows good earning power and a free, generous disposition with regards to finances; it gives an interior strength of an unconquerable nature so that the person will always gain his ends by unflagging determination and a quiet persistence that recognizes no defeat, but presses on towards the goal that he has set for himself despite all obstacles. It is also indication of money by legacy. But if Mars is afflicted in Taurus it gives an exceedingly stubborn, violent and vindictive nature. Such people will pursue their own way despite reason, argument or entreaty and if anyone attempts to thwart them in their purposes they never forgive. They also have good earning power but squander the money foolishly so that they are often in financial difficulties and if a legacy comes to them they are more likely to lose it through legal trouble than not and they are sure also to have domestic trouble.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 2° Taurus
STRUGGLE. 2° Taurus denotes a person whose life is filled with struggle and strife. An interest in occultism. May become embittered to the point of cruelty, or compassionate to the point of true self-sacrifice.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 2° Taurus
A brilliant electrical display illuminates the heavens and the forests beneath.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Mars-Saturn
You are responsible to the extreme, always taking on obligations and pushing yourself to the limit. You pursue your obligations with much emotion and obvious enthusiasm. You are spartan when it comes to your needs and surroundings. Small and less are beautiful for you. If anything, you try too hard and tend to force things. Others may find your approach severe and hurtful at times. You can be too sober and frugal.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Mars-Jupiter
You don't lack drive, but you may lack good judgment at times. You could rush into things before thinking them through, and thus not have adequate planning and forethought. You may take a career in something unsuited to your real feelings and emotional demands. Your emotions could bring on problems in your job and affect your career. Arguments on these issues abound. It may take some careful footwork on your part to find a way of making a living that does not hamper your feelings.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Mars-Saturn
These are thoroughly bad aspects indicating a selfish, violent, harsh and cruel nature, quick-tempered and vindictive, absolutely dishonest and untruthful; unscrupulous and liable to public disgrace and imprisonment, also to accident and a violent death, but if one of the planets is essentially dignified or exalted the evil influence is much enhanced. It should also be remembered that such serious defects do not result from one aspect alone and if the other configurations in the horoscope are good the foregoing delineation will only apply in a very mild measure.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Mars-Jupiter
is the signature of the gambler and if one of the planets is in a watery sign, especially in Pisces, he will be a drunkard also, a tricky, dishonest and disreputable character who always acts through impulse. With respect to health we find that these people suffer principally from blood and liver complaints, the circulation is poor and the blood is so rich that there is danger of apoplexy.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Scorpio
An in-fighter, with animal-like instincts when it comes to big business, you are always where the action is most intense. Your penetrating mind gets through the B.S. and straight to the bottom line every time. Exciting to be near, you are an entrepreneur, the big wheel. Sometimes restless, driven.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Scorpio
JUPITER IN SCORPIO gives an ardent, aggressive and self-reliant nature, an enthusiastic, constructive and resourceful mind with the ability to meet all the exigencies of life in an efficient manner and it ensures success in practical everyday occupations, gives a large family and plenty of means to provide for them. This position also shows a tendency towards occult investigations. But if Jupiter is afflicted in Scorpio it will bring loss and trouble through the indulgence of the lower nature in an inordinate measure, love of rich an expensive good and sickness on that account.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Scorpio
gives an ardent, aggressive and self-reliant nature, an enthusiastic, constructive and resourceful mind with the ability to meet all the exigencies of life in an efficient manner and it ensures success in practical everyday occupations, gives a large family and plenty of means to provide for them. This position also shows a tendency towards occult investigations. But if Jupiter is afflicted in Scorpio it will bring loss and trouble through the indulgence of the lower nature in an inordinate measure, love of rich an expensive good and sickness on that account.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 6° Scorpio
PRACTICAL. 6° Scorpio denotes a largely self-centered individual, intent upon acquiring the material things of life. The fixed star Khambalia is here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 6° Scorpio
Sutter's river empire of early California is seen; then all is swept away in the spectacular gold rush of 1849.
Sabian Symbols
* Opposition Jupiter-Saturn
Your career decisions suffer from a lack of organization and self-discipline. "Who needs it?" is your motto. You set yourself against whatever authorities present themselves to you, and this can have major implications. You won't submit to any training and thus lacking the determination you need to establish a right livelihood. Left to your own devices, you tend to take a course that avoids responsibilities and obligations, living as if there were no tomorrow.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Jupiter-Saturn
gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide, often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest. These aspects also give a tendency to arterio-sclerosis.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Taurus
You have difficulty feeling secure. You avoid routine and can't seem to find the right environment for growth and development. This could include a fear of wealth and possessions. You need to develop the steady domestic virtues: routine work, regular growth, commitments, and so on.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Taurus
SATURN IN TAURUS when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once taken. These people are close-mouthed, and my be trusted to keep their own and other people's secrets well. When Saturn is afflicted in Taurus, particularly by Mercury he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a quick temper, especially if Mars is also an afflicting planet. This position makes financial difficulties.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Taurus
when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once taken. These people are close-mouthed, and my be trusted to keep their own and other people's secrets well. When Saturn is afflicted in Taurus, particularly by Mercury he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a quick temper, especially if Mars is also an afflicting planet. This position makes financial difficulties.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 6° Taurus
SYMPATHETIC. 6° Taurus denotes a person who is quiet and unambitious, but usually cordial. There is a tendency for isolation. The degree deals with nature's magic, chemistry, and is one of the astrological degrees.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 6° Taurus
A delicate cantilever bridge is in process of construction across a high narrow gorge.
Sabian Symbols