Nita Ambani
Birthplace : Mumbai ( 19N01 72E51 )
Birth date : 01/11/63 12:00 (UTC+5)
Biography :
Nita Ambani is the wife of Mukesh Ambani. She is actively involved in various philanthrophic activities in the fields of education, human resources and disaster relief....
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Categories :
1963 births Indian philanthropists Living peopleHoroscope :

* Venus in Scorpio
A passionate one, you are never lukewarm in love. It's hot or not. You are in love with mystery, secrets, and intrigue, anything but that which is open or superficial. You have great personal magnetism and a loyalty verging on possessiveness. You are never dull. You enjoy money and influence too. Politics.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Scorpio
VENUS IN SCORPIO is the worst position of all in which she may be placed, for here again the love ray of Venus blends with the martial fire of passion in the sign governing the genitals so that if there are no other redeeming and restraining influences in the horoscope love turns to lust and the unbridled gratification of an exaggerated sexual desire, especially if the Moon or Mars are there. This is apt to undermine the constitution and though that may not be apparent for a long time the effect of such a sapping of the vitality will some time be felt and cause a general breakdown, but that, of course, is nothing compared with the moral effect of the practices indicated by this passion. It should be said furthermore for the benefit of those who have this position that it does not matter whether such abuses take place in wedlock or not; Nature does not care whether they have been legalized by man-made law or not. From her standpoint they are a violation of the law of life and will be punished whether sanctioned by society or not. This position also gives a love of luxury and anything that stirs the emotions or wherein the senses may revel. Curiously enough it also sometimes gives a sense of deep religious devotion which them serves as an out- let for the overcharged feelings of the native. This position also creates jealousy and trouble in marriage and the reputation of the person is apt to be smirched. A well-aspected Venus in Scorpio is liable to bring a legacy.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Scorpio
is the worst position of all in which she may be placed, for here again the love ray of Venus blends with the martial fire of passion in the sign governing the genitals so that if there are no other redeeming and restraining influences in the horoscope love turns to lust and the unbridled gratification of an exaggerated sexual desire, especially if the Moon or Mars are there. This is apt to undermine the constitution and though that may not be apparent for a long time the effect of such a sapping of the vitality will some time be felt and cause a general breakdown, but that, of course, is nothing compared with the moral effect of the practices indicated by this passion. It should be said furthermore for the benefit of those who have this position that it does not matter whether such abuses take place in wedlock or not; Nature does not care whether they have been legalized by man-made law or not. From her standpoint they are a violation of the law of life and will be punished whether sanctioned by society or not. This position also gives a love of luxury and anything that stirs the emotions or wherein the senses may revel. Curiously enough it also sometimes gives a sense of deep religious devotion which them serves as an outlet for the overcharged feelings of the native. This position also creates jealousy and trouble in marriage and the reputation of the person is apt to be smirched. A well-aspected Venus in Scorpio is liable to bring a legacy.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 25° Scorpio
CONVENTIONAL. 25° Scorpio denotes one who follows tradition and precedence, although, under careful planning, that performance can be outstanding and original.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 25° Scorpio
An x-ray machine is in operation; by means of it a bit of fine diagnosis is made possible, and a life is preserved.
Sabian Symbols
* Mars in Sagittarius
With direct drive, you always head straight to the heart of the matter. You are candid, even blunt or brusque in manner. No bells or whistles needed, for you like simple living and could be an outdoors person. You have an urge to be free, to be challenged and tested, and would rather travel far than be stuck in routine.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Sagittarius
MARS IN SAGITTARIUS and well-aspected gives an argumentative disposition and fondness of debating on subjects of serious nature such as law, philosophy and religion. It makes the person candid and open in all his dealings with others, full of enthusiasm and ambition, anxious to appear well in the eyes of the community, although he would scorn to cater to the ideas of others where they do not coincide with this ideas of probity and justice. These people make interesting and ideal entertainers, especially in later life for they are fond of traveling and are keen observers, hence they always have a fund of interesting and instructive information which they are both willing and anxious to impart to their hearers. These people are also fond of sports and out-door exercise, in which they usually excel and a well-aspected Mars in Sagittarius is an ideal position for a lawyer. It makes for much success in that direction by sharpening and quickening the mental and oratorical faculties. When Mars is afflicted in Sagittarius he gives a sharp tongue and a quarrelsome disposition and there is a dishonest streak in the nature, therefore such people are often found generally disliked in the community and particularly in social circles, for they seem to be always at variance with the ideas and opinions of others and adopt a most supercilious attitude toward those with whom they disagree. These people are also liable to meet with accidents when they travel and to sustain a number of broken bones.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Sagittarius
well-aspected gives an argumentative disposition and fondness of debating on subjects of serious nature such as law, philosophy and religion. It makes the person candid and open in all his dealings with others, full of enthusiasm and ambition, anxious to appear well in the eyes of the community, although he would scorn to cater to the ideas of others where they do not coincide with this ideas of probity and justice. These people make interesting and ideal entertainers, especially in later life for they are fond of traveling and are keen observers, hence they always have a fund of interesting and instructive information which they are both willing and anxious to impart to their hearers. These people are also fond of sports and out-door exercise, in which they usually excel and a well-aspected Mars in Sagittarius is an ideal position for a lawyer. It makes for much success in that direction by sharpening and quickening the mental and oratorical faculties. When Mars is afflicted in Sagittarius he gives a sharp tongue and a quarrelsome disposition and there is a dishonest streak in the nature, therefore such people are often found generally disliked in the community and particularly in social circles, for they seem to be always at variance with the ideas and opinions of others and adopt a most supercilious attitude toward those with whom they disagree. These people are also liable to meet with accidents when they travel and to sustain a number of broken bones.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 5° Sagittarius
ACTIVITY. 5° Sagittarius denotes one who is always busy and active. Negatively may be merely a busy-body. This is a critical degree.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 5° Sagittarius
An owl is gravely perched high and deep in the shade of an old landmark of a tree, solitary on a point of land.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Mars-Uranus
Your insistence on the traditional clashes with everything in the world that is innovative and changing. You come up against this again and again. Your drive and emotions take conservative, well-traveled paths, carefully avoiding the new and different. You may have trouble feeling spontaneous and become overly dependent on others. All of this erupts in sudden fits of temper from time to time.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Mars-Uranus
gives an erratic and eccentric disposition, a violent temper of the worst nature, an unusual resentment of even the slightest restraint and gives the person a stubborn, headstrong and dogged determination to go ahead in any line of action upon which he has decided no matter what the outcome. He will listen to neither reason nor entreaty but follows his own course in defiance of all. People with these configurations very often become anarchists of the reddest type for they do not even stop at the shedding of blood, if other testimonies in the figure concur. they are cruel, hard and cold, without a spark of true love though they may be inflamed with passion of the most burning intensity. This is particularly the case when Mars is square Uranus and either planet is placed in Taurus or Scorpio. In a woman's horoscope Uranus square Mars usually leads to seduction no matter where they are placed, but if in Taurus or Scorpio escape is almost impossible. The other characteristics of these planets in these configurations work themselves out according to the signs wherein they are placed so that their placement in Taurus or Scorpio works upon the sex which is governed by these signs. When one of these planets is in Scorpio, if the person takes up the profession of surgery he will become very cruel and unfeeling, ready to operate for the mere pleasure of causing pain and in consequence or in pursuit of this passion he will probably take up vivisection and develop and unusual ingenuity in torturing his victims. With Uranus or Mars in Scorpio or Pisces he will be underhanded or tricky though he may show a very different front to the public. In Aries it will make a rattlebrain, in Gemini and Virgo an unusually quick mentality but quick in seeing only how to trick others. In Sagittarius it will make the person very materialistic, atheistic, or fanatical against the established religion or society. Thus the planets blend their individual natures with the sign.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Aries
You could pursue a career as a leader or pioneer. You tend to be the one who takes the initiative and are courageous and often fearless to the point of being foolish. Success for you in most things is second nature. Always "walking point," you tend to be a loner, a warrior. Confident, single-minded, you are sometimes rash but are always direct -- straight out.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Aries
JUPITER IN ARIES gives a high-spirited, energetic and ambitious mind, always on the lookout and alert for new and progressive methods usable for advancement in the world's work, it makes a true pioneer, neither too conservative not too impulsive, a thoughtful, but sympathetic disposition, sincere, honest and trustworthy, somewhat religiously inclined. It gives some legal of literary ability and a love of out-door games with popularity in social and business circles. But if Jupiter is afflicted the mind is not so conservative and well-balanced. There is a tendency to rash and impulsive acts; impatience and temper are shown under adverse circumstances with a consequent loss of esteem and popularity.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Aries
gives a high-spirited, energetic and ambitious mind, always on the lookout and alert for new and progressive methods usable for advancement in the world's work, it makes a true pioneer, neither too conservative not too impulsive, a thoughtful, but sympathetic disposition, sincere, honest and trustworthy, somewhat religiously inclined. It gives some legal of literary ability and a love of out-door games with popularity in social and business circles. But if Jupiter is afflicted the mind is not so conservative and well-balanced. There is a tendency to rash and impulsive acts; impatience and temper are shown under adverse circumstances with a consequent loss of esteem and popularity.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 12° Aries
CHANGEABLE. 12° Aries denotes a person who tends toward one extreme or the other. Can be unusually reasonable or unusually unreasonable. Heat, metals, and fevers are involved with this degree. Plumbers and gold miners sometimes have placements here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 12° Aries
A flock of white geese is seen in flight overhead.
Sabian Symbols
* Saturn in Aquarius
You have an innate distrust of groups or large organizations and could tend to avoid what is new or future-oriented. You are, perhaps, too conservative and need to develop a sense of community and sharing with others. Learn to be independent. Practice impartiality and altruism. Be innovative.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Aquarius
SATURN IN AQUARIUS when well-aspected gives a humane outlook upon life, a sympathetic and friendly disposition, very distinct and deliberate speech and a seriousness in all affairs of life. These people therefore make friends among the aged, the wealthy and the intellectual who are able to help then rise in life. But when Saturn is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the disposition shrewd, cunning and alert to prey upon others by gaining their confidence and friendship and such people therefore sink to the lower levels of society. This position also carries with it a tendency to heart trouble and varicose veins.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Aquarius
when well-aspected gives a humane outlook upon life, a sympathetic and friendly disposition, very distinct and deliberate speech and a seriousness in all affairs of life. These people therefore make friends among the aged, the wealthy and the intellectual who are able to help then rise in life. But when Saturn is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the disposition shrewd, cunning and alert to prey upon others by gaining their confidence and friendship and such people therefore sink to the lower levels of society. This position also carries with it a tendency to heart trouble and varicose veins.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 17° Aquarius
PROTOCOL. 17° Aquarius denotes one who is much concerned about the "proper order" of things and events. "Pecking order in the hencoop" is a major part of their lives. Much given to formality.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 17° Aquarius
The master is sleeping in the little hut near his newly discovered gold mine with his faithful dog on guard.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Saturn-Neptune
The more disciplined side of you has no time for dreams, visions, and other-worldly stuff. You ignore anything that is not tied down and practical. And yet, all this spiritual stuff has a way of intruding into your real world. You come up against it again and again. You can't live with it, and you can't live without it. It seems you feel that dreams and a more "ideal" life must take a back seat to reality and the (sometimes) drudgery of routine. You keep finding yourself looking out the window.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Saturn-Neptune
lays the person liable to loss by deception, treachery or fraud in worldly matters and if he should undertake to investigate or practice the occult art he is liable to become the prey of spirit-controls and be led into mediumship with consequent danger to the health, and liability to attempt suicide.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis