Pablo Rodríguez (Spanish footballer born 1955)
Birthplace : Turón , Spain ( 40N26 03W42 )
Birth date : 08/03/55 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Pablo Rodríguez Flores, known as Pablo Rodríguez (born March 8, 1955 in Turón) is a retired Spanish professional football player. He won the 1979–80 European Cup Winners' Cup with Valencia CF....
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Categories :
1955 births La Liga footballers Living people Spanish footballers UD Salamanca footballers Valencia CF footballersHoroscope :

* Pisces, the fishes
The typical Piscean is short, flabby and fleshy with a waddling gait not unlike those born under the sign Cancer, but differs from them by having a stouter body. The feet are often tuned in, but larger that those born under Virgo. The body is weak and deficient in recuperative force. The complexion is medium, the eyes blue, watery and expressionless, the nose large and flat. There is a strong tendency to mediumship among the Pisces people, and therein is a danger greater than any other on earth. No one should "sit for development" and degenerate into the tool of low spirits, but Pisces people in particular are "lost" if taken control of. They cannot free themselves, either in this life or the next, because generally inert and devoid of will power. They are timid, and even the mean are tearful on the slightest provocation; they love leisure more than comfort, and do no work which is not absolutely necessary to keep body and soul together. They love change of scene, rove about considerably, generally in an aimless manner. Being fond of good things to eat and drink, particularly the latter, and lacking will to curb their appetite when afflicted, they frequently indulge their craving to such an extent that they become habitual drunkards. The Sun rising in Pisces gives more energy and ambition, Jupiter, the ruler, strengthens the morals, and Venus exalted in this sign, gives great musical talent, but accentuates the tendency to alcoholic indulgence, which mars the lives of so many splendid musicians. When many planets are in Pisces, the person will have a hard life, because he or she will not want to take up life's burden, but will love to dream; such people become recluses; they seek to master the hidden arts, occultism and mysticism; are not guided by reason, but rather by their likes and dislikes, and unless they can find an occupation that is otherwise isolated from the ordinary business and trend of life they will feel out of place. They are prone to incur the enmity of people with whom they come in contact intimately, nobody seems to get along with them, and nearly every body, whether he or she shows it or not, will take a dislike to them. There is, however, a higher side to Pisces; the person who finds himself with Pisces on the ascendant is at the end of one cycle of progress and at the beginning of a new. He stands, as it were, upon the threshold of something higher. Therefore, he is usually not able to live up to the possibilities of the sign which requires self-sacrifice and non-resistance in absolutely Christlike fashion. The tendency is therefore to drift upon the sea of life and dream dreams of future greatness. This tendency must be counteracted by every effort of the will, for otherwise life will be a failure, and later the stern whip of necessity will be applied to goad him or her into action.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Pisces
Pisces rules the feet and toes. It also has a reflex effect on the abdominal region governed by the opposite sign, Virgo, hence afflictions in this sign indicate trouble and deformities of the feet, intestinal diseases and dropsy. It also produces a desire for drink and drugs which may bring about delirium tremens. Consumption is sometimes found to be a secondary result of cold in the feet contracted by an afflicted Pisces.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Pisces
You are long-suffering and able to take a lot for the sake of your beliefs and ideals. In this sense, you are very future-oriented. You are intuitive and at home with the psyche and psychological. A sense of the mystic too. You are able to carry ideas and dreams into reality, to make the spirit matter.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Pisces
THE SUN IN PISCES Gives a retiring disposition and favors success in occupations removed from the public gaze such as prisons, hospitals, institutions for the poor, etc. If the person incur enmity of others, he will be vindicated whatever they may do to hurt his reputation. People with the Sun in Pisces have a strong tendency towards psychism, mediumship and the occult in general.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Pisces
Gives a retiring disposition and favors success in occupations removed from the public gaze such as prisons, hospitals, institutions for the poor, etc. If the person incur enmity of others, he will be vindicated whatever they may do to hurt his reputation. People with the Sun in Pisces have a strong tendency towards psychism, mediumship and the occult in general.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 18° Pisces
TESTING. 18° Pisces denotes one who is either always being tested or is always testing others. A willingness to do right, but weak in the working out of the activities. This is a critical degree.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 18° Pisces
The celebrated revivalist has erected his huge tent, now warmed by music, lights and the smell of sawdust.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Sun-Jupiter
Being successful in life is easy, for you have a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most difficult problems. You have an instinct for justice and the law, and you always know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability makes you a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational matters. Working with and helping older persons is also suggested.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Saturn
Responsibilities are easy for you, and you tend to pile on tasks, one after another. You work very hard, with a gritty resolve, and can accomplish much. It takes a lot to overload your willingness to take charge and help out. Organizational skills are good, and a career in one of the physical sciences is quite possible. You find it easy to work with those in authority or those who are more experienced than yourself.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Uranus
You work well with those in authority who are independent and original. You could find yourself engaged in nonconformist causes, always ready to promote what is independent and innovative. You like radical approaches, and find yourself in support of whatever new-wave product or breakthrough advance is next in line. Communication, computers, electronics, and everything new-wave excites you and you excel here. You discover new ways of working with traditional materials.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Sun-Moon
You will find yourself torn between an environment that is very comfortable and supportive versus a real need to grow, progress, and push out on your own. You are always being caught in the middle, forced to choose between surroundings that are supportive (but not progressive) and new directions that bring advancement that may be at the expense of your comfort. Getting these two opposing directions to work together may require some real compromising skills on your part. This could manifest as a love of history versus future trends, older persons versus younger, and so on.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Jupiter
The conjunction gives a tendency to apoplexy, especially if it occurs in Aries, but with that exception we may say that these configurations are sure indications of health, wealth and happiness; they give the person an abundance of vitality which is proof even against very severe onslaughts of disease, and should a particularly unfavorable planetary influence succeed in breaking down the constitutional resistance recovery will be so rapid as to seem miraculous. This nearly impregnable condition of health is all the more unassailable because it is backed by a disposition at once "sunny" and "jovial" and that latter characteristic also makes the fortunate possessors of these aspects beloved by all with whom they come in contact; everybody is glad to see the person with the perpetual smile, but they do more than "smile"--they earn the friendship universally bestowed upon them by deeds of kindness, by words of sympathy, cheer or hope as the occasion may demand. They are trusted by everybody for they never betray a trust; they have good clear heads, good judgment and executive ability so that they are well fitted to help others. These characteristics also favor their own financial fortunes so that they accumulate wealth, but theirs is never "tainted money," they never benefit by the loss of others. They are conservatively religious and may be aptly described as "pillars of society." They shine particularly in governmental offices.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Saturn
endows the person who is fortunate enough to have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives foresight, method and organizing ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful conclusion despite delays and obstacles. Yet the person makes no enemies in so doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right he will never swerve there from through heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in political and judicial positions, also in connection with mining or agriculture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success are generally delayed till middle life.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Uranus
makes the person original, inventive and independent in his manner of conduct and personal appearance. With respect to food and certain mannerisms, he is what people call eccentric and conspicuous, yet not offensively so, given to pursuits and studies which people consider "queer" such as occultism and astrology. But he also loves delving into the unknown realms after nature's secrets concerning electricity and often becomes a successful inventor if other aspects give the mechanical ability to work his schemes out. Uranus rules the ether and now that we are nearing the Aquarian Age his vibrations will be felt in increasing measure, bringing to our ken methods of using nature's finer forces and the people with Sun sextile or trine Uranus will be the media who attract and interpret them for us as the aerials and receivers in a wireless station collect and transcribe the messages carried by the ether waves to which they are attuned. These people often rise in life through the friendship of someone above them in the social scale. They are of a very high-strung temperament but have themselves well under control, and rarely show temper or anger. They are also out-and-out idealists.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Sun-Moon
makes the person vacillating and unsettled in disposition, changeable and unable to pursue a settled course in life, rash to plunge into untried ventures but lacking the persistence or continuity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For that reason such people become failures in life; their dealings with women and people higher in the social scale such as employers, the authorities, judges, etc., are especially unsuccessful; they always have difficulty in obtaining proper employment and in keeping their positions when obtained, for they are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense, with or without provocation. These configurations also affect the health; the body is liable to colds and recuperation is slow when sickness has overtaken the person.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Virgo
You are concerned and caring when it comes to the welfare of others. Not dynamic or too emotional, you are attentive, observant, careful, and above all responsible -- able to respond. Always competent, you are in fact quite loving, although others could feel scrutinized or inadequate when in your presence.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Virgo
THE MOON IN VIRGO increases the mental qualities if she is well-aspected; she gives a retentive memory, a love of study along scientific or occult lines and an ambition to excel. Chemistry is the favorite of these people among the sciences and they excel as dietitians. They are rather reserved and of quiet demeanor, disliking flattery or ostentation. Unless they devote themselves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or employees of others than in business for themselves.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Virgo
increases the mental qualities if she is well-aspected; she gives a retentive memory, a love of study along scientific or occult lines and an ambition to excel. Chemistry is the favorite of these people among the sciences and they excel as dietitians. They are rather reserved and of quiet demeanor, disliking flattery or ostentation. Unless they devote themselves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or employees of others than in business for themselves.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 15° Virgo
DISCORD. 15° Virgo denotes one who is skillful and who adapts himself to existing conditions, although he is probably out of harmony with them.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 15° Virgo
A handkerchief of the finest linen and oldest lace lies folded near milady's mirror by a bottle of rare perfume.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Moon-Jupiter
Like a fish in water when in the limelight or in a group, you have an innate social charm. Political and lucky too! A natural sense of what's right or of the way to get things done brings great popularity, even renown. Law, education. Could be lazy.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Jupiter
gives an optimistic, noble and generous disposition. The open-hearted honesty, fairness and friendliness of people with these aspects make them universally popular. These aspects strengthen both the reasoning faculties and constitution, so that such people usually have a strong mind in a strong body and hence a powerful personal magnetism which may be used to great advantage in healing the sick. They have lofty ideals and a fruitful imagination with the power of acquiring wealth which will grow greater if used in philanthropic enterprises of which these people are prone to dream. This is one of the best aspects in the gamut and makes for general success in life both physically and spiritually.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Aquarius
You are an impartial thinker, democratic to the point of being impersonal. Fascinated by the latest technology, you have very original ideas, an inventor. Always thinking of the world as a unity, you are idealistic and believe in putting into practice what is preached. You are group-conscious, community-oriented.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Aquarius
MERCURY IN AQUARIUS gives the Uranian qualities of originality and independence and an unconquerable love of liberty to the mind so that people with Mercury in this position are apt to repudiate all the social conventions and live according to their highly idealistic conceptions. They often take no heed of fashion, and dress in a style entirely their own. They advocate ideas on social subjects which are a thousand years ahead of the world's development, among them the theory of soul-mates and affinities which is causing so much trouble in the world today because it advocates have not yet grown to the spiritual stature where they can separate it from sex and live the true Uranian love-life which is altogether spiritual. The foregoing delineations apply particularly where Mercury is aspected by Uranus and the people described by them are the extreme product of Mercury in Aquarius. All who have this position, however, are very intellectual, they have high ideals and aspirations, a love of popular science and mathematics and are usually attracted to the occult sciences also, especially to astrology, for they have a fine faculty for reading the horoscope. They are kind, sociable and fond of friends with the result that they usually attract large numbers of intellectual people to their circle of acquaintances. When afflicted this position makes the person disloyal and ready to prey upon his friends, or criticize and slander them.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* 20° Aquarius
DESIGN. 20° Aquarius denotes one who is interested in and fascinated by the shapes and forms of both things and events, whether it be the designs on materials, the patterns made by the currents in space, or the patterns formed by people's lives as they move over the planet, this is their work and life.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 20° Aquarius
A large white dove circles about and about overhead and then descends and proves to be a carrier with a message.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Mercury-Saturn
You have much trouble organizing your thoughts, and your lack of discipline is a constant hassle to both you and others. Study and mental self-control are not your cup of tea. You can say things that are simply impractical and have trouble limiting yourself to ideas that are down-to-earth, pragmatic. Some of your ideas are just plain irresponsible. Mental hassles can be a constant headache for you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Mercury-Saturn
makes the person subject to trouble and delays all through life. He is thwarted on every hand by slander and secret enemies and this condition in time makes him bitter and sarcastic with the additional consequence that he is shunned by all who can possibly get away from him, and that in time leads him to become a recluse who shuts himself away to brood over his troubles. Such a person sometimes becomes a subject of melancholia of a most piteous character. These aspects also make the person cunning and untruthful. They give the same desire to study the occult conferred by the good aspects, but there is the great difference that while the good aspects of Saturn and Mercury incline to the study of occultism from unselfish motives the bad aspects impel him to ferret out nature's secrets for person power or gain.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis