Ariel Winter
Birthplace : Milwaukee , Wisconsin , Los Angeles , California , United states ( 38N53 77W01 )
Birth date : 28/01/98 12:00 (UTC-8)
Biography :
Ariel Winter (born, January 28, 1998) is an American child actress and singer. She is best known for her role as Alex Dunphy in the TV Series Modern Family....
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Categories :
1998 births Actors from Los Angeles California American child actors American film actors Living people Young Artist Awards winnersHoroscope :

* Uranus in Aquarius
You have a radical approach to communities and group work. Progressive, with insights into uniting humanity, you understand the true meaning of democracy. You want equal rights for all, and function from an inspired sense of idealism, the urge to make it matter. You would make a great networker and are always working for the benefit of all.
Planet in Sign
* Uranus in Aquarius
URANUS IN AQUARIUS, when well-aspected is at its very best, for he is ruler of this sign and therefore in harmony with its vibrations. Hence this position strengthens the intuition and originality, and directs the energies into humanitarian lines of endeavor, unselfish devotion to the cause of friendship, and a sincere desire to help all who are in trouble. These people make many friends and generally realize their hopes, wishes, and ambitions because they are of such an unselfish nature that they desire what is good for humanity at large rather than that which is for personal gain. This position also gives considerable mechanical ability, originality and inventive genius. But if Uranus is afflicted in the sign Aquarius, though the ambitions may be as strong and sometimes as good, and as pure as with a well-aspected Uranus, they will be of such an erratic nature that it is impossible to realize them, and they bill bring trouble with friends, or pretended friends, who will seek to use the person for their own selfish ends, causing much sorrow and disappointment.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Uranus in Aquarius
when well-aspected is at its very best, for he is ruler of this sign and therefore in harmony with its vibrations. Hence this position strengthens the intuition and originality, and directs the energies into humanitarian lines of endeavor, unselfish devotion to the cause of friendship, and a sincere desire to help all who are in trouble. These people make many friends and generally realize their hopes, wishes, and ambitions because they are of such an unselfish nature that they desire what is good for humanity at large rather than that which is for personal gain. This position also gives considerable mechanical ability, originality and inventive genius. But if Uranus is afflicted in the sign Aquarius, though the ambitions may be as strong and sometimes as good, and as pure as with a well- aspected Uranus, they will be of such an erratic nature that it is impossible to realize them, and they bill bring trouble with friends, or pretended friends, who will seek to use the person for their own selfish ends, causing much sorrow and disappointment.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 9° Aquarius
SOUND. 9° Aquarius denotes one who is sensitive to sound or to the rhythmic patterns of life.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 9° Aquarius
A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Uranus-Pluto
Spiritual or psychological insight of the first order. Social and/or political revelation. Looking into the inner workings of the mind and psyche. New and fresh viewpoints into the social scene, mass psychology. Intense light.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Neptune in Capricorn
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in control -- the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be dignified and conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent monarchs -- those who can see what to do.
Planet in Sign
* Neptune in Capricorn
NEPTUNE IN CAPRICORN, when well aspected gives a serious and contemplative nature, able to concentrate upon whatever matters come before it, hence such people are successful, keen and far-sighted business men, usually working on a large scale, or if the nature of the other aspects of the horoscope draws them toward secret work they make excellent detectives capable of solving the most intricate problems, or researchers along psychic lines; in fact they excel in any occupation where deep thought and concentration are the keys to success. But when Neptune is afflicted in Capricorn it makes the nature melancholy, secretive and very often deceitful. These people re generally recluses and shun the society of their fellow-men.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Neptune in Capricorn
when well aspected gives a serious and contemplative nature, able to concentrate upon whatever matters come before it, hence such people are successful, keen and far-sighted business men, usually working on a large scale, or if the nature of the other aspects of the horoscope draws them toward secret work they make excellent detectives capable of solving the most intricate problems, or researchers along psychic lines; in fact they excel in any occupation where deep thought and concentration are the keys to success. But when Neptune is afflicted in Capricorn it makes the nature melancholy, secretive and very often deceitful. These people re generally recluses and shun the society of their fellow-men.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 30° Capricorn
ENVELOPING. 30° Capricorn denotes one whose work or life covers a good deal of territory either literally or figuratively. This degree may have something to do with the length of the life.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 30° Capricorn
In the mahogany-paneled and magnificently furnished directors room a secret business conference has begun.
Sabian Symbols
* Pluto in Sagittarius
You are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts through to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to others.
Planet in Sign
* 8° Sagittarius
EDUCATOR. 8° Sagittarius denotes one whose main interest is in the education and enlightenment of others, which is fine insofar as they are enlightened themselves.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 8° Sagittarius
In the caldron of the universe the rocks and world stuff are in the process of formation; the metals glint within.
Sabian Symbols
North Node
* 11° Virgo
USEFULNESS. 11° Virgo denotes one always ready to help others even though he has little respect for their opinions. Photography and nature may play a part. The fixed star Zozma is here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 11° Virgo
A beautiful boy is revealed; he is all boy in every way, but in him lives the idealization of a wise mother.
Sabian Symbols
* 11° Pisces
FLOWING. 11° Pisces denotes one whose life and thoughts follow a logical flowing sequence. Given to events that seem to follow the path of one's destiny, and the direction of personal redemption.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 11° Pisces
A group of serious-eyed, earnest -faced men are seeking illumination and are conducted into a massive sanctuary.
Sabian Symbols