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Tony McKegney
Birthplace : Montreal , Quebec , Canada ( 45N24 75W40 )
Birth date : 15/02/1958 12:00 (UTC-5)
Biography :
Anthony Syiid McKegney is a retired Canadian professional ice hockey player, who played thirteen seasons in the National Hockey League from 1978–79 until 1990–91....
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Categories :
1958 births Black Canadian sportspeople Buffalo Sabres draft picks Buffalo Sabres players Canadian ice hockey left wingers Chicago Blackhawks players Detroit Red Wings players Hershey Bears players Ice hockey personnel from Quebec Kingston Canadians alumni Living people Minnesota North Stars players New York Rangers players Quebec Nordiques players San Diego Gulls 1990–1995 players St. Louis Blues playersHoroscope :

* Aquarius, the water bearer
The stateliness and pride of those born under the sign of Leo are not missing in the typical Aquarian, but while in the Leo these qualities are of a lower, more bestial nature agreeable to the sign, they are manly pride and stateliness in the true Aquarian. Libra generates a beautiful body but more effeminate as it were, whereas the Aquarian beauty is truly manly or womanly; the fearless eye is kindly and drooping eyelashes are peculiar to this sign. The forehead is square, and the well developed poise tells of intellect, the large domed head shows the spiritual side of the nature and the chin is sufficiently developed to give purpose to all actions. Thus the typical Aquarian is the highest grade of humanity; but therefore, also exceedingly rare, for the variants produced in each sign from the typical, by the interposition of one or more planets are so different that the type is often unrecognizable in the majority of its features. Aquarians are most loyal to friends, therefore they attract many, keep them through life, and are much benefited by them. Like Capricorn, this sign is ruled by Saturn, and he gives to the Aquarian the same retiring nature and tendency to melancholy which marks the Capricornian, but also the persistence in the following a given course; and whatever financial success comes to these people is the result of continued and patient effort; Aquarians are very deliberate and long suffering; they never act in a hurry, and therefore seldom have cause to regret their actions, save when reason has been stilled through play upon their sympathies, for under such circumstances they are readily imposed upon. the love nature is very strong, but they are not as demonstratives as the Leo. It is noteworthy that the qualities of opposite signs are always reflected; Leo in Aquarius, reflects love; Taurus mirrors the passion of Scorpio; the Gemini body is a reflex of the bony Sagittarius frame, etc. The Sun and Saturn bring out more prominently the good traits of Aquarius; this sign, where Saturn rules and Libra, where he is exalted, are therefore under his most benign influence. The Sun in Aquarius adds much hope and life to the nature, and thus counteracts the melancholy trait previously mentioned.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Aquarius
Aquarius rules the ankles, the limbs from the knees to the ankles, and has also a reflex action on its opposite sign Leo, hence afflictions in Aquarius produce varicose veins, sprained ankles, irregularities of the heart action and dropsy.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Aquarius
You are open-minded and democratic, enthusiastic, and have a definite sense of mission. Above all, you are a progressive and enjoy putting into practice that which is good for all. Your altruism could appear as coolness. At home with different cultures, peoples, and lands, you love to work with (and in) groups.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Aquarius
THE SUN IN AQUARIUS This is a combination of the Sun, Uranus and the Eleventh House influences. It gives the person an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Electro-therapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Haling, etc. He is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions. This position gives much popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person's attainment of his ambitions.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Aquarius
This is a combination of the Sun, Uranus and the Eleventh House influences. It gives the person an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Electro-therapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Haling, etc. He is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions. This position gives much popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person's attainment of his ambitions.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Aquarius
DEMONSTRATION. 27° Aquarius denotes one who doesn't always talk about what he is doing or thinking, but sets out to prove his point by a demonstration of what he has discovered, or what he has proven to be fact in his own way of thinking.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Aquarius
In the quiet of the afternoon in the cool of an art connoisseur's library is an old pottery bowl with fresh violets.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Sun-Saturn
There is a real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker, with absolute determination and the ability to accomplish great projects with ease. You are fiercely loyal to your friends. Also, very integral... perhaps too sober.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Jupiter
Being successful in life is easy, for you have a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even the most difficult problems. You have an instinct for justice and the law, and you always know how to approach a problem from just the right angle. This ability makes you a natural counselor or guide for others, in particular regarding vocational matters. Working with and helping older persons is also suggested.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Neptune
You have a natural ability to grasp spiritual and visionary matters and to put them to work. You can perform with the imagination and metaphysical thoughts like others work with durable things. This is because you understand what is behind and connecting things. Much of your own self-image is wrapped up with your ability to work with images -- dreams and the imagination. You would make a good teacher in areas of music, philosophy, and all that is mystical.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Sun-Pluto
You resist change and resent others prying into your personal affairs. You prefer things be left just as they are. Self-analysis and any unnecessary probing go against the grain. The unexamined life is what you champion. Your personal contacts (or lack thereof), coupled with a need for growth and transformation, can build up to the point of eruption. For all your discretion, you still tend to find yourself battling it out with authorities on a regular basis.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Sun-Saturn
endows the person who is fortunate enough to have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives foresight, method and organizing ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful conclusion despite delays and obstacles. Yet the person makes no enemies in so doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right he will never swerve there from through heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in political and judicial positions, also in connection with mining or agriculture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success are generally delayed till middle life.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Jupiter
The conjunction gives a tendency to apoplexy, especially if it occurs in Aries, but with that exception we may say that these configurations are sure indications of health, wealth and happiness; they give the person an abundance of vitality which is proof even against very severe onslaughts of disease, and should a particularly unfavorable planetary influence succeed in breaking down the constitutional resistance recovery will be so rapid as to seem miraculous. This nearly impregnable condition of health is all the more unassailable because it is backed by a disposition at once "sunny" and "jovial" and that latter characteristic also makes the fortunate possessors of these aspects beloved by all with whom they come in contact; everybody is glad to see the person with the perpetual smile, but they do more than "smile"--they earn the friendship universally bestowed upon them by deeds of kindness, by words of sympathy, cheer or hope as the occasion may demand. They are trusted by everybody for they never betray a trust; they have good clear heads, good judgment and executive ability so that they are well fitted to help others. These characteristics also favor their own financial fortunes so that they accumulate wealth, but theirs is never "tainted money," they never benefit by the loss of others. They are conservatively religious and may be aptly described as "pillars of society." They shine particularly in governmental offices.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Neptune
favors the possibility of developing spiritual faculties, for Neptune intensifies the higher vibrations in the aura and as some express themselves best through music these aspects make them unusually sensitive to echoes from the heaven world, which is the realm of tone. Many people with these configurations hear the harmony of the spheres and if Mercury, the lower octave of Neptune, gives the requisite dexterity they become musicians of a high inspirational nature. In others it breeds a love of the occult which leads them into the higher life, but they usually approach it from the intellectual standpoint as psychic investigators. A few live the life and obtain first-hand knowledge.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Capricorn
Yours is the most practical of environments. You can manipulate and every idea or situation and put it to good use. Emotions are seldom a priority, and you are always very practical and ambitious. Your career is central to everything you do. Farsighted and traditional, you enjoy success and the successful. You are, for the most part, unmoved by tears and feelings.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Capricorn
THE MOON IN CAPRICORN, if well-aspected, gives abundance of help from people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself forward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Moon is afflicted it gives a liability to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with Moon in this position often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avaricious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for themselves and none at all for others.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Capricorn
if well-aspected, gives abundance of help from people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself forward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Moon is afflicted it gives a liability to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with Moon in this position often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avaricious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for themselves and none at all for others.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 24° Capricorn
MILITANT. 24° Capricorn denotes a person whose tastes and outlook run towards the military or along militant lines. A vigilant person who may restrict the activities of others.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 24° Capricorn
The convent lies between gnarled old trees as a very picture of peace and a woman approaches this sure haven.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Moon-Venus
You like other people, and they can tell. Others value you for your sense of discrimination and kindness. You love working with groups, especially in psychological areas and where feelings are involved. You are very discriminating when it comes to your home and surroundings -- a great lover of tradition. Your love of history, different cultures, and your own past is exceptional. You value and are a connoisseur of all things bright and kind.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Moon-Venus
Moon is significator of marriage for a man and therefore the good aspects between Venus, the planet of love, and the Moon are good indications of a happy marriage when they occur in a man's horoscope. But in a woman's horoscope these aspects operate upon the health, for the Moon is the planet of fecundity and has rule over the female functions in particular which are so large a factor in the health of a woman; this latter is much strengthened by the good aspects of the Moon and Venus. These aspects make the person an orator with a fruitful imagination; give love of pleasure, music and art, and an engaging personality, very attractive to the opposite sex, because kindly, affectionate and sympathetic. They tend to general success in life and the person usually has sufficient for the day and the way.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Aquarius
You are an impartial thinker, democratic to the point of being impersonal. Fascinated by the latest technology, you have very original ideas, an inventor. Always thinking of the world as a unity, you are idealistic and believe in putting into practice what is preached. You are group-conscious, community-oriented.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Aquarius
MERCURY IN AQUARIUS gives the Uranian qualities of originality and independence and an unconquerable love of liberty to the mind so that people with Mercury in this position are apt to repudiate all the social conventions and live according to their highly idealistic conceptions. They often take no heed of fashion, and dress in a style entirely their own. They advocate ideas on social subjects which are a thousand years ahead of the world's development, among them the theory of soul-mates and affinities which is causing so much trouble in the world today because it advocates have not yet grown to the spiritual stature where they can separate it from sex and live the true Uranian love-life which is altogether spiritual. The foregoing delineations apply particularly where Mercury is aspected by Uranus and the people described by them are the extreme product of Mercury in Aquarius. All who have this position, however, are very intellectual, they have high ideals and aspirations, a love of popular science and mathematics and are usually attracted to the occult sciences also, especially to astrology, for they have a fine faculty for reading the horoscope. They are kind, sociable and fond of friends with the result that they usually attract large numbers of intellectual people to their circle of acquaintances. When afflicted this position makes the person disloyal and ready to prey upon his friends, or criticize and slander them.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* 15° Aquarius
LITERATURE. 15° Aquarius denotes one who either writes, or who spends much time with literature. A good degree for a librarian as well as an author.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 15° Aquarius
Two little love birds are sitting on a fence singing to each other and advertising their happiness to the world.
Sabian Symbols