Basil Ashmore
Birthplace : Sutton Coldfield , Warwickshire ( 52N20 01W35 )
Birth date : 13/09/15 12:00 (UTC+0)
Biography :
Basil Ashmore (born September 13, 1915) is a British theatrical director and author. In addition to writing his own plays, Ashmore has also adapted and translated existing works, such as The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God and The Spoils of Poynton....
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1915 births Living people People from Sutton ColdfieldHoroscope :

* Virgo, the virgin
People born when Virgo is rising are above middle stature. The upper part of the head is much more developed than the lower, the weak chin, showing lack of will and the large brain indicating greatness of intellect, being therefore earmarks of the Virgo. The face is thin, the complexion sallow, the hair brown and the eyes hazel or grey. The feet are small, the toes turn inwards and give these people a peculiar labored walk. Virgo people are very quick and active in youth, they learn with facility, and do not work hard for knowledge; they seem to breathe it in without an effort. They acquire linguistic and elocutionary powers most readily, are fluent writers but are often cynical, cold and unforgiving when they have been injured. They are extremists in their food, and make hygiene a fad; they often fancy that they have every imaginable disease, because Virgo is the sixth sign and has a certain affinity with the sixth house, denoting health the and disease. Mercury, the ruler, is also exalted here and gives pronouncement of all the good which otherwise might be expected from the Sun. Virgo people are slender in youth, but when the Sun of Life passes the Meridian and begins to throw its shadows toward the East, we find in them a tendency toward corpulence of body, particularly of that part ruled by Virgo, namely, the abdomen. They neglect to take exercise, and naturally on this account a sluggish condition of the intestines may set in which retains the poisons in the body and robs life of its joys, making one indifferent. In this fact lies the greatest danger of the Virgo people. Once they get into the rut of sickness, they actually "enjoy" poor health. They love to talk over their symptoms with other people, and they resent any thought or suggestion given to them that they are not sick, or that they can get well. The presence of Saturn in Virgo, or the sixth house, accentuates this tendency in the very highest degree, and therefore it is an almost infallible sign that the native will have or be subject to chronic illness, the nature of the disease being denoted by the aspect, and the afflicting planets. In order to deal successfully with Virgo people when they have once become subject to disease, and get them out of it at all, it is necessary to be firm almost to the verge of cruelty. But though one may seem cruel in enforcing upon them the regime that is necessary to bring them away from themselves, this is really the greatest kindness that can be shown, for once these people are in the grip of sickness they stubbornly refuse to let go; they will resort to the most cunning, even childlike schemes to excite sympathy, particularly from strangers, and they will represent any effort to show them that they are not helpless invalids. At the very slightest suggestion of a hopeful nature, they sometimes lost their temper in the most unwarranted manner. But when at last they are given the deaf ear by everybody, when people who are in their immediate environment can be persuaded to show them no sympathy, then they may come to themselves. They need a shock to bring them out and away from their condition. And until they get that they never can be cured. The Virgos make splendid nurses, if they can keep from taking on the conditions of the patient. The Virgo people never can bear to see blood shed or touch dead things. They feel bodily injury to others more that harm done to themselves, and are in fact splendidly described by the word "chicken hearted."
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Virgo
Virgo rules the abdominal region, the large and small intestines, the lower lobes of the liver, and the spleen, therefore afflictions in Virgo produce peritonitis, tapeworm, malnutrition, interference with the absorption of the chyle, typhoid fever, cholera, and appendicitis.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Virgo
You are nothing if not compassionate. Interested in serving others, you worry about their welfare. You like to take care of everything, and are always redeeming, salvaging, and restoring. You believe in conservation in all things. You find yourself through response and service to others, to life.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Virgo
THE SUN IN VIRGO This is combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influences. It shows the successful middleman between the producer and consumer, subtle, extremely quick to see what will work to his advantage in the promotion of business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom he expects to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necessarily insincere; he merely looks out for number one. The Sun in Virgo makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, NOT SURGEONS BUT DRUG-DOCTORS; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Virgo
This is combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influences. It shows the successful middleman between the producer and consumer, subtle, extremely quick to see what will work to his advantage in the promotion of business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom he expects to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necessarily insincere; he merely looks out for number one. The Sun in Virgo makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, not surgeons but drug-doctors; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 20° Virgo
CONSISTENT. 20° Virgo denotes one who takes a stand and remains firm. A writer's degree. A teller of tales.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 20° Virgo
A group of old-fashioned automobiles comprise a caravan of settlers on the move; a fresh enthusiasm marks the party.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Sun-Venus
You have a basic self-esteem that is plain to all who meet you. Your sense of discrimination and innate good taste means that you know good items from bad and are a connoisseur of all that is fine and beautiful. A love of authority figures (men in particular), plus an appreciation for authority and your elders in general, makes you welcome at any social scene.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Sun-Mars
A natural ability to use emotions in productive ways. Entertaining others is one form this might take. Hard work and all things physical (such as sports and outdoor activities) should be a snap. You are able to manage and see how to work with the energy of others.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Sun-Saturn
There is a real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker, with absolute determination and the ability to accomplish great projects with ease. You are fiercely loyal to your friends. Also, very integral... perhaps too sober.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Sun-Jupiter
You may end up making a living at something not entirely in your best interests. There is a tendency to get carried away when it comes to vocational choices, and you could find yourself pursuing possibilities that lead nowhere. This going against yourself, so to speak, may also bring you in opposition to those in authority. You may have to examine carefully any career choices you make.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Sun-Venus
calls out the artistic side of the nature, making the person fond of music, art and poetry. It also strengthens the love-nature and if the configuration occurs in the seventh house it is a positive testimony of unalloyed marital bliss. In the second or eighth house it leads to extravagance of the person or his mate, in Scorpio it is not good for the morals and in Pisces it leads to intemperance, but generally speaking, these aspects strengthen the constitution, increase the popularity and make social intercourse smooth so that the person finds many friends and keeps them.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Sun-Mars
The conjunction gives a tendency to fever, especially if it occurs in Aries, the sign which governs the head, but it is curious that people with that configuration seem also to be able to endure a much higher temperature than others, and come unscathed through such a siege of sickness as would ordinarily prove fatal. With that exception these aspects produce a superabundance of vital energy which assures their possessor of the most radiant health all through life. They strengthen the constitution and makes the person able to endure the hardest tasks; they give him a dauntless determination and courage to face the greatest odds. Given a plan to follow he may be trusted to overcome all physical obstacles for he has both executive and constructive ability together with an indomitable will which refuses to recognize defeat. The disposition is frank and open but blunt and often brusque; such people are too intensely bent on what they want to do to waste time in politeness and suavity, therefore they brush the conventionalities aside without compunction and are consequently not liked by people of too fine sensibilities, but they are men and women of action and the foremost factors in the world's work; but for their energy and enterprise the world would move much more slowly.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Sun-Saturn
endows the person who is fortunate enough to have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives foresight, method and organizing ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful conclusion despite delays and obstacles. Yet the person makes no enemies in so doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right he will never swerve there from through heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in political and judicial positions, also in connection with mining or agriculture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success are generally delayed till middle life.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Sun-Jupiter
gives a tendency to indulge in habits which are bad for the health; the person is far too fond of the "good things in life" and very selfish in supplying his own comforts; he exercises little and never denies himself, with the result that the circulation becomes sluggish and as these people have a superabundance of blood their lassitude and indulgence is productive of various noxious growths and kindred disorders; sometimes a fit of anger raises the blood pressure to such a point that a vessel burst and ends the life or leaves the person thenceforth a useless wreck. These aspects give a bombastic, haughty disposition with an inordinate love of display and thus induce to extravagance both in social and business affairs with the result that the person sometimes finds himself involved in debt which he cannot pay and then there is but a step to the bankruptcy court. A false pride often prevents these people from working honestly for others so they would rather prey upon the public as gamblers where there is an opportunity to swindle other people and get what they call an "easy" living until then land in the meshes of the law. Children with these aspects should be given special training in self- restraint, thrift and honesty, above all, religion, for they have a tendency to scorn and scoff at religion, but perhaps a memory of a devout mother may help to keep them straight.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Scorpio
Yours is a passionate life. Intense feelings and strong attachments make for hot times, and you are fiercely loyal, if not sometimes possessive. Secretive, you are not at all superficial but always get to the heart of things. This is good for business and politics. You have a sense for power, wealth, and passion.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Scorpio
THE MOON IN SCORPIO gives a courageous independent and energetic disposition. The person who has this configuration will not tolerate interference with his plans or submit to imposition. He is often very abrupt in his manners and blunt in speech, quick-tempered and not to be coerced by threats, but singularly amenable to kindness. He has a strong and stubborn will and determination to carry out whatever he undertakes. This position also gives a considerable attraction toward the occult sciences but if afflicted may lead to excess gratification of the senses, trouble with women or difficulties in parturition.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Scorpio
gives a courageous independent and energetic disposition. The person who has this configuration will not tolerate interference with his plans or submit to imposition. He is often very abrupt in his manners and blunt in speech, quick-tempered and not to be coerced by threats, but singularly amenable to kindness. He has a strong and stubborn will and determination to carry out whatever he undertakes. This position also gives a considerable attraction toward the occult sciences but if afflicted may lead to excess gratification of the senses, trouble with women or difficulties in parturition.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 13° Scorpio
PULSATION. 13° Scorpio denotes one who deals with the ebb and flow of life and circumstances around him in a conscious manner.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 13° Scorpio
In a rattle trap old wooden barn an earnest man works in a maze of apparatus; invention at the point of success.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Moon-Mars
You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into those around you. Your home and surroundings reflect this. When it comes to teaching or coaching younger people, you are a natural, always able to motivate and inspire others. With your powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and have an active social life as well.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Moon-Saturn
Your sense of responsibility is so well developed that you always end up managing any situation you become involved in. You are disciplined, work hard, and are good at getting others to work with and for you. Perhaps a little too serious and frugal, you enjoy getting along on less. Essentials are what count. You like to keep to yourself and tend to avoid too much socializing. Others may prefer keeping some distance too.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Moon-Mars
gives a wonderful vitality and strong physique so that the person is able to withstand almost any tendencies to ill-health, which will be overcome by it. The power of endurance is increased and the person can survive hardships to which people ordinarily succumb. It gives a resolute, courageous, energetic and ambitious mind of a resourceful and eminently constructive turn. It makes the person quick but not precipitate in his decisions. Thus he gains confidence and esteem of others and earns considerable money, but the nature is extremely free and generous so that money does not stay by such people--they spend it almost as fast as they get it.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Moon-Saturn
imparts all the best saturnine qualities tot he mind; it makes the person self-reliant, serious, sober and systematic, careful and thrifty in business affairs and gives success in life through tactful and diplomatic dealings with others. Such people are eminently reasonable and trustworthy in all matters of honor and justice and gain great esteem in the community on that account. Their patience and persistence are inexhaustible.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Libra
Yours is a reflective mind, a mirror for others. You are equality-minded and easy to talk with -- a great mediator or negotiator. You find it easy to accept the ideas and thoughts of others and to hear them out. You are good at relations (politics, diplomacy, sales), not to mention considerate, helpful, and courteous. Calm.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Libra
MERCURY IN LIBRA, when well-aspected gives a broad, well-balanced mind with a love of art and music and an uncommon ability of expression. It brings success as a public speaker and sometimes as a singer. When Mercury is afflicted in Libra it indicates trouble by lawsuits through partnerships and an unfaithful marriage partner.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mercury in Libra
when well-aspected gives a broad, well-balanced mind with a love of art and music and an uncommon ability of expression. It brings success as a public speaker and sometimes as a singer. When Mercury is afflicted in Libra it indicates trouble by lawsuits through partnerships and an unfaithful marriage partner.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 13° Libra
SINGULAR. 13° Libra denotes one who is apt to remain single, or whose marriage may not be successful. An essentially lonely person, with unusual ideas and outlook.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 13° Libra
A children's birthday party is in progress; on a side porch a group of youngsters are blowing soap bubbles.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Mercury-Mars
You have a hair-trigger temper and it takes little to set it off. Your sharp-tongue is well-known and you use it before you have time to think, resulting in little mental and verbal explosions that you regret later. The sad part is that half the time you don't even mean what you may have said in anger. What is clear to those around you is that you communicate as much with your feelings as with words. People learn to look at what you do, rather than what you say. Your mind is very, very sharp. The less said the better.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Mercury-Saturn
You have much trouble organizing your thoughts, and your lack of discipline is a constant hassle to both you and others. Study and mental self-control are not your cup of tea. You can say things that are simply impractical and have trouble limiting yourself to ideas that are down-to-earth, pragmatic. Some of your ideas are just plain irresponsible. Mental hassles can be a constant headache for you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Mercury-Uranus
You enjoy working with your mind, and your sharp perceptions make finding new solutions easy. You always bring an unexpected twist or insight to anything you set your mind to. You are able to teach or help others to be more original when it comes to the words or thoughts they use. You can use the mind in original ways and probably have excellent eye-hand coordination. Your laser-like mind makes conversations fast-paced and illuminating. A ready wit.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Mercury-Mars
makes people quick-witted, sharp and alert, quick-tempered, impulsive and excitable, liable to jump at conclusions and act before they think with the inevitable result that they are always getting themselves or other people into trouble, hence they are dangerous associates. They are born prevaricators and utterly incapable of making an exact statement. It is just as natural for them to color or exaggerate their statements as it is to breathe. They are vitriolic in their wrath and their tongues are more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake, hence they are either feared or hated by those who are unfortunate enough to be bound to them by environment; all who can, shun them. They are bullies who are bound either to rule or ruin wherever they are and they allow no obstacle to stand in their way which can be removed either by force or slander. They are the acme of selfishness, swagger and consummate egotism. The foregoing tendencies may of course be modified by other aspects, but if they are not, such people are a menace to society. If either Mars or Mercury is placed in the Sixth or Twelfth House or in any other position so that the bad aspect acts upon the health, there is a liability to nervous prostration, brain fever and insanity.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Mercury-Saturn
makes the person subject to trouble and delays all through life. He is thwarted on every hand by slander and secret enemies and this condition in time makes him bitter and sarcastic with the additional consequence that he is shunned by all who can possibly get away from him, and that in time leads him to become a recluse who shuts himself away to brood over his troubles. Such a person sometimes becomes a subject of melancholia of a most piteous character. These aspects also make the person cunning and untruthful. They give the same desire to study the occult conferred by the good aspects, but there is the great difference that while the good aspects of Saturn and Mercury incline to the study of occultism from unselfish motives the bad aspects impel him to ferret out nature's secrets for person power or gain.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Mercury-Uranus
gives an original, independent and eccentric mind impatient of the fetters of fashion, tradition and convention. Such a person is strenuous in his efforts to hew a path for himself in complete liberty. Therefore this is the hall-mark of pioneers in thought and invention, the sign of genius. Their ideas and ideals are exceedingly lofty, progressive and inspiring, in fact too much so in the opinion of the average man or woman who looks upon their actions and vagaries as the outcome of a diseased mind. Nevertheless they have plenty of friends on account of their kindly and sympathetic nature. These aspects are good for a literary or scientific pursuit, also for invention, particularly those which have to do with air or electricity.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis