William Breeze
Birthplace : Paris , France ( 47N00 02E00 )
Birth date : 12/08/55 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
William Breeze is an American musician and occultist, best known as a member of Coil and as the current international leader of Ordo Templi Orientis. Under the name Hymenaeus Beta he is a leading editor of the occult works of English author Aleister Crowley, the founder of the philosophy and religion of Thelema. Breeze was born in Paris, France on 12 August 1955. As part of his musical training he is believed to have studied one term at Harvard University in the 1970s. He is a musician who plays...
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Categories :
1955 births American musicians American occultists American Thelemites Coil band members Harvard University alumni Living people People from ParisHoroscope :

* Venus in Leo
Big heart, big love, you are seldom petty. Given to grand gestures and dramatic scenes, you love independence and greatness in all forms and are very regal. You can be generous to a fault. Children and animals are high on your list of priorities. Fervently loyal, you are courageous and demonstrative.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Leo
VENUS IN LEO is compounding love, for Leo rules the heart and whoever has this position will be tender-hearted to a degree. Contrary to the commonly accepted ideas there is a cruel streak in Leo, but when Venus is there, there is no more loving and tender sign in the zodiac, besides being that Leo is a fixed sign Venus in this position makes for an unparalleled assertion of the affections when once they have been placed and an unswerving loyalty to the object thereof. Being that Leo is the fifth sign Venus in Leo also gives success in entertainment or educational enterprises and the blending of the Venus ray with the solar brings favor from those above the person in the social scale.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Leo
is compounding love, for Leo rules the heart and whoever has this position will be tender-hearted to a degree. Contrary to the commonly accepted ideas there is a cruel streak in Leo, but when Venus is there, there is no more loving and tender sign in the zodiac, besides being that Leo is a fixed sign Venus in this position makes for an unparalleled assertion of the affections when once they have been placed and an unswerving loyalty to the object thereof. Being that Leo is the fifth sign Venus in Leo also gives success in entertainment or educational enterprises and the blending of the Venus ray with the solar brings favor from those above the person in the social scale.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 14° Leo
HEADLINER. 14° Leo denotes those dealing with publicity or receiving publicity. Can be either steadfast or stubborn. Much fixity in either case.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 14° Leo
In the form of a cherub, whispering soft coaxing in words into every receptive ear, a human soul seeks expression.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Venus-Jupiter
You value fairness in all things and go out of your way to be just. You appreciate others who have been successful and may surround yourself with those in power, be they politicians, officials, what-have-you. Your sense of quality and discrimination may amount to some sort of livelihood for you. You could make your living with your good taste. In addition, you have an innate sense of how to work with and guide others in making decisions. You understand the choices and can spot the right ones.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Venus-Saturn
You have trouble accepting responsibilities. You don't like them. You would rather enjoy yourself at the expense of any obligations, letting them accumulate as they will. This struggle with authority and simple duty makes for great tension and diminished good times. It is hard to have fun when you are ignoring your responsibilities. What we have here is a stalemate.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Venus-Jupiter
is one of the best signs of success and general good fortune in life. It favors the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of all the luxuries of life. It is a good indication of a successful and happy marriage, social prestige and the respect of all with whom the person comes in contact. It endows him with a jovial, optimistic, generous and large-hearted disposition, makes him honorable to a degree, interested and active in philanthropic measures, liberal in mind, tolerant of the views of others even where he differs radically, fond of pleasure, traveling, parties, and capable of enjoying life to the fullest extend; he loves expensive and ultra-comfortable things, a fine house, valuable books, pictures and other rich appointments.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Venus-Saturn
brings out the evil qualities of the two planets and troubles which are thus generated usually come through the person's relations with the opposite sex. It makes him underhanded and scheming to gratify his passions, often in an unusual manner, and his perverted desires are usually directed against someone who is much younger than himself. If regular marriage relations are entered into, such a person is often a demon of jealously which makes life a burden for the marriage partner on account of his suspicious nature. People with these afflictions are also stingy in all money matters and exceedingly avaricious. They have very poor business judgment and are therefore liable to losses, failure and bankruptcy. During the earlier years people with these configurations should beware of dealings with older people who will be prone to take advantage of them, but later on it will be their turn to prey upon the young.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Leo
You are always center-stage and entertaining others. You have an almost fierce sense of pride and are very dramatic and expressive, sometimes forceful. You are a natural at sports, games, anything that "gets it out." Very emotional, you have strong likes and dislikes. You are good with kids, animals -- a teacher or coach. You act it out.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Leo
MARS IN LEO and well-aspected gives an active, industrious and honest nature, fearless and independent in all dealings with others, a keen sense of honor and responsibility, hence makes one eminently fitted to occupy a position of trust either in a public or private concern. These people are enthusiastic and energetic either in work or play, lovers of sport and a good time generally. They are very ardent in their admiration of the opposite sex and woo the object of their affections with an intensity that carries all before it, overrides all obstacles and brings the matter to a speedy consummation. These people never beat about the bush but say what they mean in a manner that is often extremely embarrassing in its directness. They are strong and forceful in their arguments either for or against that which they believe or disbelieve and therefore they not infrequently arouse opposition on the part of those who differ from them. They are very venturesome and often take a pride in risk either in the pursuit of pleasure or business. When Mars is afflicted in Leo it gives a fiery, violent temper and a liability to fever inflammatory diseases, palpitation of the heart, hallucinations, biliousness. There is also danger of inordinate affection, trouble in courtship, loss of children and loss through speculations. An afflicted Mars in Leo gives the same daring as when well-aspected but the danger of accident is greater because the person with the afflicted planets becomes foolhardy and reckless.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Leo
and well-aspected gives an active, industrious and honest nature, fearless and independent in all dealings with others, a keen sense of honor and responsibility, hence makes one eminently fitted to occupy a position of trust either in a public or private concern. These people are enthusiastic and energetic either in work or play, lovers of sport and a good time generally. They are very ardent in their admiration of the opposite sex and woo the object of their affections with an intensity that carries all before it, overrides all obstacles and brings the matter to a speedy consummation. These people never beat about the bush but say what they mean in a manner that is often extremely embarrassing in its directness. They are strong and forceful in their arguments either for or against that which they believe or disbelieve and therefore they not infrequently arouse opposition on the part of those who differ from them. They are very venturesome and often take a pride in risk either in the pursuit of pleasure or business. When Mars is afflicted in Leo it gives a fiery, violent temper and a liability to fever inflammatory diseases, palpitation of the heart, hallucinations, biliousness. There is also danger of inordinate affection, trouble in courtship, loss of children and loss through speculations. An afflicted Mars in Leo gives the same daring as when well-aspected but the danger of accident is greater because the person with the afflicted planets becomes foolhardy and reckless.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 21° Leo
FOREMOST. 21° Leo denotes one who has the capacity for leadership in his area of life. Care must be taken, however, to maintain a sense of proportion.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 21° Leo
A few chickens who have gotten at some fermented seed, and are happily intoxicated
Sabian Symbols
* Jupiter in Leo
You would love a career that is creative and expressive. Always dramatic, you are a born entertainer and salesman -- warm, loud, and gregarious. Proud, you have an inner need to express feelings and emotions to others. You can be self-centered and are driven to leadership positions by a sense of your own inner worth.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Leo
JUPITER IN LEO gives a truly noble nature, blending kindness and courage, self-reliance and loyalty, self-restraint and compassion, mercy and justice. It indicates, in short, a paragon of virtues nowhere excelled. It gives an abundance of vitality and a strong constitution so that it marks a leader physically, morally and spiritually, nor will such a person ever be content to follow. He craves positions of trust and responsibility, the greater the better. He will always be equal to the occasion and never abuse the confidence of those who have placed him there. Such people have an innate culture and refinement. They are fond of everything that tends to the uplift of humanity, religious, sincere; sure to win recognition and success dealing in speculative investments. When Jupiter is afflicted in Leo the person becomes cruel and sensuous, abnormally fond of pleasure and subject to loss by investments, speculation and gambling.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Leo
gives a truly noble nature, blending kindness and courage, self-reliance and loyalty, self-restraint and compassion, mercy and justice. It indicates, in short, a paragon of virtues nowhere excelled. It gives an abundance of vitality and a strong constitution so that it marks a leader physically, morally and spiritually, nor will such a person ever be content to follow. He craves positions of trust and responsibility, the greater the better. He will always be equal to the occasion and never abuse the confidence of those who have placed him there. Such people have an innate culture and refinement. They are fond of everything that tends to the uplift of humanity, religious, sincere; sure to win recognition and success dealing in speculative investments. When Jupiter is afflicted in Leo the person becomes cruel and sensuous, abnormally fond of pleasure and subject to loss by investments, speculation and gambling.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 13° Leo
STRAITLACED. 13° Leo denotes one who will sacrifice much for principle, regardless of the difficulties.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 13° Leo
A bit of green grass before a neatly flowered cottage by the sea supports a chair in which an old sea captain rocks.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Jupiter-Saturn
You have real difficulties when it comes to matters of self-discipline. Your career suffers due to your lack of training and education. You go against authority, clashing with it rather than finding a way to work with and learn from it. You end up taking an unplanned course of action that lacks any organization and seldom holds up for long. Taking the easy way out can be very painful. You come back to square one again and again.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Jupiter-Saturn
gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide, often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest. These aspects also give a tendency to arterio-sclerosis.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Scorpio
You have difficulty owning up to any selfishness, sexuality or mental undercurrents of any kind. You may attempt to deny your passions, but you need to accept instincts, attachments, and all things natural. Allow your desires to function unhindered. Take off the straight-jacket. Feel it.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Scorpio
SATURN IN SCORPIO when well-aspected gives a rare mechanical turn to the mind, a resourcefulness under the most difficult conditions, an indomitable courage and a patient persistence before which even the most difficult construction problems must give way. Hence such people make exceedingly able engineers and are invaluable in all pioneer undertakings; they blend the fire of Mars with the forethought of Saturn and are therefore invincible. They gain by legacy, economy and thrift and their financial fortunes are much improved after marriage. Good health and a long life are also indicated, but when Saturn is afflicted in Scorpio the marriage partner is poor, dull, egotistical and exacting and the person is liable to worry and ill-health; constipation and piles are the basic causes when then affect the nerves and the whole system.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Scorpio
when well-aspected gives a rare mechanical turn to the mind, a resourcefulness under the most difficult conditions, an indomitable courage and a patient persistence before which even the most difficult construction problems must give way. Hence such people make exceedingly able engineers and are invaluable in all pioneer undertakings; they blend the fire of Mars with the forethought of Saturn and are therefore invincible. They gain by legacy, economy and thrift and their financial fortunes are much improved after marriage. Good health and a long life are also indicated, but when Saturn is afflicted in Scorpio the marriage partner is poor, dull, egotistical and exacting and the person is liable to worry and ill-health; constipation and piles are the basic causes when then affect the nerves and the whole system.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 15° Scorpio
MOTION. 15° Scorpio denotes one who is always active and on the move. An active person, with much ambition and energy.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 15° Scorpio
In unconscious occult symbolism a group of laughing, joyous children are playing on five mounds of sand.
Sabian Symbols