Darlie Routier
Birthplace : Altoona, Pennsylvania ( 40N31 78W24 )
Birth date : 04/01/70 12:00 (UTC-5)
Biography :
Darlie Lynn Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas who was convicted of murdering her young son Damon, and is currently on death row awaiting execution by lethal injection. Two of her three children, Damon and Devon were stabbed to death in the family's home on June 6, 1996. Routier was accused by police and local media of killing both children but was prosecuted for and convicted only of Damon's death. Routier also sustained knife wounds, which prosecuto...
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Categories :
1970 births American female murderers American murderers of children American people convicted of murder American prisoners sentenced to death Living people Parents who killed their children People convicted of murder by Texas People from Rowlett Texas People from the Dallas -Fort Worth Metroplex Prisoners sentenced to death by TexasHoroscope :

* Venus in Capricorn
You are in love with what's practical, right down to the last detail. You appreciate tradition and ceremony and are a conservative in all things. You are loyal, seldom emotional, and always proper, even too serious. Cool cucumber. You like to be in control.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Capricorn
VENUS IN CAPRICON, the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Venus does not blend well with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Venus in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Saturn has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Saturn throws him down. Venus in Saturn's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Venus marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Venus never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Saturn's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Capricorn
the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Venus does not blend well with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Venus in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Saturn has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Saturn throws him down. Venus in Saturn's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Venus marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Venus never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Saturn's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 10° Capricorn
RESTRICTED. 10° Capricorn denotes one who is restricted or confined in some way, either physically or mentally. Sometimes confined in the sense of a single line of thought or work.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 10° Capricorn
On the deck of an old fashioned sailing ship seamen are taming an albatross that feeds from their hand.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Venus-Uranus
Your conservative values clash with whatever is unconventional and different. You don't value novelty and do your best to ignore changes. You appreciate tradition and regularity, and your value system is dead set against anything new or out of the ordinary. Despite your feigned ignorance to the contrary, you suffer regular infusions of change, which you find very disturbing. New things threaten to overpower you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Venus-Uranus
The square or opposition always brings trouble through the sex relation--quarrels, divorces, public scandals through clandestine intercourse and kindred irregularities, with loss of friends, prestige and popularity, exile from home and family and sudden financial losses through unexpected or unforeseen happenings. There is a general lack of balance, an erratic personality.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Pisces
You have a sense of true understanding and real sacrifice. Dedication to long-range goals, you are future-oriented. Intuitive, you have an inner drive for all that's psychological, religious, and mystical. Artistic too. You are sensitive and can get lost in the clouds on occasion. You are not too logical or practical.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Pisces
MARS IN PISCES when well-aspected gives ability as a detective, warden of a prison or surgeon in a hospital and in kindred positions where the person does not come in direct contact with the public, but exercises authority in an obscure manner. It also gives a tendency toward secret love affairs which the person is able to hide from the public eye. But when Mars is afflicted in Pisces the indulgence of clandestine intercourse will bring trouble into the life. There is also liability to suffer from the attaches of secret enemies and to become enmeshed in the net of the law and suffer imprisonment, or it may manifest as an inordinate love of strong drink which will then cause imprisonment and makes the person a ward of the community. Much trouble and many misfortunes are indicated because the nature is untruthful.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Pisces
when well-aspected gives ability as a detective, warden of a prison or surgeon in a hospital and in kindred positions where the person does not come in direct contact with the public, but exercises authority in an obscure manner. It also gives a tendency toward secret love affairs which the person is able to hide from the public eye. But when Mars is afflicted in Pisces the indulgence of clandestine intercourse will bring trouble into the life. There is also liability to suffer from the attaches of secret enemies and to become enmeshed in the net of the law and suffer imprisonment, or it may manifest as an inordinate love of strong drink which will then cause imprisonment and makes the person a ward of the community. Much trouble and many misfortunes are indicated because the nature is untruthful.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 16° Pisces
POETIC. 16° Pisces denotes a dreamy, sensitive person who is apt to spend his life being rebuffed by his stronger associates, Sometimes a victim of them.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 16° Pisces
In the sacred quiet and afternoon half-lights of the museum a young art student drinks in pure inspiration.
Sabian Symbols
* Jupiter in Scorpio
An in-fighter, with animal-like instincts when it comes to big business, you are always where the action is most intense. Your penetrating mind gets through the B.S. and straight to the bottom line every time. Exciting to be near, you are an entrepreneur, the big wheel. Sometimes restless, driven.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Scorpio
JUPITER IN SCORPIO gives an ardent, aggressive and self-reliant nature, an enthusiastic, constructive and resourceful mind with the ability to meet all the exigencies of life in an efficient manner and it ensures success in practical everyday occupations, gives a large family and plenty of means to provide for them. This position also shows a tendency towards occult investigations. But if Jupiter is afflicted in Scorpio it will bring loss and trouble through the indulgence of the lower nature in an inordinate measure, love of rich an expensive good and sickness on that account.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Scorpio
gives an ardent, aggressive and self-reliant nature, an enthusiastic, constructive and resourceful mind with the ability to meet all the exigencies of life in an efficient manner and it ensures success in practical everyday occupations, gives a large family and plenty of means to provide for them. This position also shows a tendency towards occult investigations. But if Jupiter is afflicted in Scorpio it will bring loss and trouble through the indulgence of the lower nature in an inordinate measure, love of rich an expensive good and sickness on that account.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 3° Scorpio
BRAVADO. 3° Scorpio denotes one who may take many chances because his own conceit demands it. May travel extensively, physically or mentally. The fixed star Princeps is here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 3° Scorpio
At a clearing of pioneer days in the forest all the neighbors have gathered to assist in a happy house-raising.
Sabian Symbols
* Opposition Jupiter-Saturn
Your career decisions suffer from a lack of organization and self-discipline. "Who needs it?" is your motto. You set yourself against whatever authorities present themselves to you, and this can have major implications. You won't submit to any training and thus lacking the determination you need to establish a right livelihood. Left to your own devices, you tend to take a course that avoids responsibilities and obligations, living as if there were no tomorrow.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Jupiter-Saturn
gives a diffident, vacillating mind unable to form decisions, always distrustful of others, indolent and inclined to drift with the tide, often a ward of society either in the poor-house or the prison, for the character is basically dishonest. These aspects also give a tendency to arterio-sclerosis.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Taurus
You have difficulty feeling secure. You avoid routine and can't seem to find the right environment for growth and development. This could include a fear of wealth and possessions. You need to develop the steady domestic virtues: routine work, regular growth, commitments, and so on.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Taurus
SATURN IN TAURUS when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once taken. These people are close-mouthed, and my be trusted to keep their own and other people's secrets well. When Saturn is afflicted in Taurus, particularly by Mercury he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a quick temper, especially if Mars is also an afflicting planet. This position makes financial difficulties.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Taurus
when well-aspected makes a person slow of speech but that he says will have weight and be well worth hearing. It gives a quiet disposition, slow to decide, but stubborn in maintaining a position once taken. These people are close-mouthed, and my be trusted to keep their own and other people's secrets well. When Saturn is afflicted in Taurus, particularly by Mercury he always causes trouble with the speech and gives a quick temper, especially if Mars is also an afflicting planet. This position makes financial difficulties.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 3° Taurus
IMPOTENCE. 3° Taurus denotes a person who is basically artistic, scientific or visionary, but who may meet with so many problems in life that he gives up in despair. He tends to be estranged from others. The fixed star is Sharatan.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 3° Taurus
A beautiful expanse shows natural steps leading upward to a lawn of clover in full bloom.
Sabian Symbols