Dianne Guise
Birthplace : Victoria (Australia) , Melbourne ( 37S49 144E58 )
Birth date : 10/29/52 12:00 (UTC+11)
Biography :
Dianne Joy Guise (born 29 October 1952) is an Australian politician. She was a Labor member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly from 2001 to 2008, representing the district of Wanneroo. Born in Melbourne, Guise was formerly the President of the WA Council of State School Organisations. Guise was first elected to parliament at the 2001 state election, defeating sitting Liberal MP Iain McLean. Guise was re-elected at the 2005 election, defeating Liberal candidate Paul Miles. From 2001 t...
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Categories :
1947 births Australian Labor Party politicians Australian women in politics Living people Members of the Western Australian Legislative AssemblyHoroscope :

* Scorpio, the eagle
The nose is the most prominent feature of the Scorpio; it is large, heave, and hooked, resembling the bill of the eagle, the brows are bushy, the eyes sharp and piercing; the jaw is very heavy; the glint of the eye, and the set of the jaw indicate the great determination which is the most prominent characteristic of the Scorpio. The face is angular, complexion murky, and hair dark, with a peculiar ruddy tinge noticeable when the sun shines on it. The teeth are large and subject to early decay. The body is short and thickest, with a short, thick neck resembling that of the opposite sign, Taurus. Scorpio people always stand up for their rights, and never submit to imposition, through prone to ride roughshod over others. They are full of worries over things that may happen, but never do, and thus make life a burden to those around them. Sarcasm that stings like a scorpion is ever upon the tip of their tongue, yet their love is strong, and their aspirations lofty. Thus there are two natures struggling in the Scorpios and they need much sympathy and forbearance from their friends. In the hour of danger they never flinch, but perform deeds of heroism with a disregard for self that amounts to foolhardiness. The mind is sharp, cool and collected, therefore Scorpio men make good army officers and excel in surgery. The Scorpio woman has a large family. The Sun in Scorpio accentuates the good traits, and gives a love mysticism; but Mars, the ruler, brings out the worldly side of the sign and makes scoffers and skeptics.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Scorpio
Scorpio rules the bladder, urethra, and genital organs in general, also the rectum and the descending colon, the sigmoid flexure, the prostate gland, and the nasal bones; hence afflictions in Scorpio produce nasal catarrh, adenoids, and polypi, diseases of the womb and ovaries, various venereal diseases, stricture, and enlargement of the prostate gland, irregularities of the menses, leucorrhoea, rupture, renal stones and gravel.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Scorpio
You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes driven, you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom interested in refinement. You can be very magnetic, even wild at times, and have a sense of power and an instinct for survival. Moody.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Scorpio
THE SUN IN SCORPIO The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and in- dependence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Scorpio
The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and independence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 6° Scorpio
PRACTICAL. 6° Scorpio denotes a largely self-centered individual, intent upon acquiring the material things of life. The fixed star Khambalia is here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 6° Scorpio
Sutter's river empire of early California is seen; then all is swept away in the spectacular gold rush of 1849.
Sabian Symbols
* Moon in Pisces
The world is a sacred place to you, and you have an absolute commitment to spiritual ideas. Intuition is a fact of life, and you are sensitive, kind, and gentle. A romantic too, with a tender heart. You always work for a real future, doing what has to be done. You love all that is musical and artistic. You have sensitivity to all that is psychic. You have real faith.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Pisces
THE MOON IN PISCES gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination with a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillation and faint-heartedness, makes one fond of creaming rather than acting, therefore sorrow, trouble and self-undoing beset the path in life. This position not infrequently leads to mediumship, especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect, for these people are peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit-controls and love anything that will stir their emotions. They are also very wordy in their expressions. If a good aspect from Venus and Mercury enables them to take up music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling. If the Moon is afflicted in Pisces love-affairs are apt to bring the person into trouble. If Pisces is in the Twelfth House and the Moon there at birth this will give a liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus to neglect their children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they reach maturity.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Pisces
gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination with a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillation and faint-heartedness, makes one fond of creaming rather than acting, therefore sorrow, trouble and self-undoing beset the path in life. This position not infrequently leads to mediumship, especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect, for these people are peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit-controls and love anything that will stir their emotions. They are also very wordy in their expressions. If a good aspect from Venus and Mercury enables them to take up music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling. If the Moon is afflicted in Pisces love-affairs are apt to bring the person into trouble. If Pisces is in the Twelfth House and the Moon there at birth this will give a liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus to neglect their children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they reach maturity.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 16° Pisces
POETIC. 16° Pisces denotes a dreamy, sensitive person who is apt to spend his life being rebuffed by his stronger associates, Sometimes a victim of them.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 16° Pisces
In the sacred quiet and afternoon half-lights of the museum a young art student drinks in pure inspiration.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Moon-Mars
A born coach or teacher, you are at home in the physical and "doing" areas of life. An inspiration and driving force in the lives of others. Quite able to manage a very active and strong emotional life. Strong spirit. Attractive. Direct, perhaps loud.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Jupiter
Like a fish in water when in the limelight or in a group, you have an innate social charm. Political and lucky too! A natural sense of what's right or of the way to get things done brings great popularity, even renown. Law, education. Could be lazy.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Moon-Uranus
You are very original when it comes to home and surroundings -- the environment you build around you. This could also manifest in unusual ways of supporting yourself. Your mother may have been quite eccentric or your upbringing somehow different. When you have breakthroughs, they often come as insights into your immediate surroundings, home, and environment -- your support system in general. This could also manifest in your finding new and different ways to make a living. You may have new ideas about the past, history, and younger people, find it easy to create an unusual environment, and enjoy surrounding yourself with what is new and different.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Mars
gives a wonderful vitality and strong physique so that the person is able to withstand almost any tendencies to ill-health, which will be overcome by it. The power of endurance is increased and the person can survive hardships to which people ordinarily succumb. It gives a resolute, courageous, energetic and ambitious mind of a resourceful and eminently constructive turn. It makes the person quick but not precipitate in his decisions. Thus he gains confidence and esteem of others and earns considerable money, but the nature is extremely free and generous so that money does not stay by such people--they spend it almost as fast as they get it.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Moon-Jupiter
gives an optimistic, noble and generous disposition. The open-hearted honesty, fairness and friendliness of people with these aspects make them universally popular. These aspects strengthen both the reasoning faculties and constitution, so that such people usually have a strong mind in a strong body and hence a powerful personal magnetism which may be used to great advantage in healing the sick. They have lofty ideals and a fruitful imagination with the power of acquiring wealth which will grow greater if used in philanthropic enterprises of which these people are prone to dream. This is one of the best aspects in the gamut and makes for general success in life both physically and spiritually.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Moon-Uranus
gives great originality and independence to the mind which is quick, intuitive and very vivid in its imagination, hence the person has inventive ability; he is attracted to the occult arts and is endowed with hypnotic or magnetic powers, also the intuitional ability to study and practice astrology. If electricity is adopted as a vocation the person will make a success of it. These aspects also give the person a peculiar fascination for the opposite sex and are likely to lead to a clandestine love affair or an unconventional union.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Scorpio
The original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kinds of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and penetrating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at the causes beneath the surface of life.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Scorpio
MERCURY IN SCORPIO gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mercury in Scorpio
gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 26° Scorpio
HEEDLESS. 26° Scorpio denotes one who usually rushes headlong, unresponsive to either convention or the ideas and suggestions of others.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 26° Scorpio
A group of American Indians are making camp; as if by magic the teepees are erected and home comfort established.
Sabian Symbols
* Square Mercury-Pluto
Getting personal with you is a real mistake, for it always manages to plunge you into turmoil. You resent probing on the part of others, yet are fascinated by behind-the-scenes and so-called "secret" information. You may prefer not to think about anything below the surface, but even this is not a constant, and this inner conflict produces more than its share of tension.
Aspects of Natal Planets