Ezequiel Mosquera
Birthplace : Cacheiras-Teo , Galicia (Spain) , Spain ( 40N26 03W42 )
Birth date : 19/11/75 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Ezequiel Mosquera Míguez (born 19 November 1975) is a Spanish professional road bicycle racer for UCI Professional Continental team Xacobeo-Galicia. He has finished in the top 5 of the Vuelta a España in all appearances, and finished second in the 2010, after putting in a strong time trial and winning the penultimate stage to Bola del Mundo. On September 30, 2010 UCI reported that Mosquera and his team-mate David García Dapena tested positive for hydroxyethyl starch during the 2010 Vuelta. Hydro...
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Categories :
1975 births Galician sportspeople Living people Spanish cyclistsHoroscope :

* Scorpio, the eagle
The nose is the most prominent feature of the Scorpio; it is large, heave, and hooked, resembling the bill of the eagle, the brows are bushy, the eyes sharp and piercing; the jaw is very heavy; the glint of the eye, and the set of the jaw indicate the great determination which is the most prominent characteristic of the Scorpio. The face is angular, complexion murky, and hair dark, with a peculiar ruddy tinge noticeable when the sun shines on it. The teeth are large and subject to early decay. The body is short and thickest, with a short, thick neck resembling that of the opposite sign, Taurus. Scorpio people always stand up for their rights, and never submit to imposition, through prone to ride roughshod over others. They are full of worries over things that may happen, but never do, and thus make life a burden to those around them. Sarcasm that stings like a scorpion is ever upon the tip of their tongue, yet their love is strong, and their aspirations lofty. Thus there are two natures struggling in the Scorpios and they need much sympathy and forbearance from their friends. In the hour of danger they never flinch, but perform deeds of heroism with a disregard for self that amounts to foolhardiness. The mind is sharp, cool and collected, therefore Scorpio men make good army officers and excel in surgery. The Scorpio woman has a large family. The Sun in Scorpio accentuates the good traits, and gives a love mysticism; but Mars, the ruler, brings out the worldly side of the sign and makes scoffers and skeptics.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Scorpio
Scorpio rules the bladder, urethra, and genital organs in general, also the rectum and the descending colon, the sigmoid flexure, the prostate gland, and the nasal bones; hence afflictions in Scorpio produce nasal catarrh, adenoids, and polypi, diseases of the womb and ovaries, various venereal diseases, stricture, and enlargement of the prostate gland, irregularities of the menses, leucorrhoea, rupture, renal stones and gravel.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Scorpio
You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes driven, you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom interested in refinement. You can be very magnetic, even wild at times, and have a sense of power and an instinct for survival. Moody.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Scorpio
THE SUN IN SCORPIO The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and in- dependence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Scorpio
The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and independence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Scorpio
FISHIER. 27° Scorpio denotes one who, although normally peaceful, thoroughly enjoys a fight usually for the sake of principle than due to any real dissension.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Scorpio
Scintillating with the flash of the instruments and the colors of banners and uniforms, a military band is marching.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Sun-Mercury
You communicate with consummate skill, and it is stimulating just being with you. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able to excel in speaking, writing, and all types of communication skills. Your ambitions go hand-in-hand with communication and using the mind, and the two should never be far apart.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Saturn
Responsibilities are easy for you, and you tend to pile on tasks, one after another. You work very hard, with a gritty resolve, and can accomplish much. It takes a lot to overload your willingness to take charge and help out. Organizational skills are good, and a career in one of the physical sciences is quite possible. You find it easy to work with those in authority or those who are more experienced than yourself.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Sun-Moon
You will find yourself torn between an environment that is very comfortable and supportive versus a real need to grow, progress, and push out on your own. You are always being caught in the middle, forced to choose between surroundings that are supportive (but not progressive) and new directions that bring advancement that may be at the expense of your comfort. Getting these two opposing directions to work together may require some real compromising skills on your part. This could manifest as a love of history versus future trends, older persons versus younger, and so on.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Sun-Mercury
These are the only aspects ever formed and are good for the memory and mentality provided Mercury is not closer to the Sun than three degrees, for then he is "combust" and his good qualities are burned up in the Sun's rays. It is most fortunate to have Mercury rise before the Sun at Birth for he is then the Lightbearer who holds the torch of reason before the Spirit which in the horoscope is symbolized by the Sun. When he rises after the Sun the mentality is not nearly so keen (unless other good aspects favor).
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Saturn
endows the person who is fortunate enough to have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives foresight, method and organizing ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful conclusion despite delays and obstacles. Yet the person makes no enemies in so doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right he will never swerve there from through heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in political and judicial positions, also in connection with mining or agriculture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success are generally delayed till middle life.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Sun-Moon
makes the person vacillating and unsettled in disposition, changeable and unable to pursue a settled course in life, rash to plunge into untried ventures but lacking the persistence or continuity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For that reason such people become failures in life; their dealings with women and people higher in the social scale such as employers, the authorities, judges, etc., are especially unsuccessful; they always have difficulty in obtaining proper employment and in keeping their positions when obtained, for they are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense, with or without provocation. These configurations also affect the health; the body is liable to colds and recuperation is slow when sickness has overtaken the person.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Gemini
You are at home where there is lots of communication, investigation, and exploration. Fascinated by social interchange (and gossip too) you tend not to be emotional and are somewhat surface-oriented. You enjoy variety and change. Thinking, writing, researching, and science are good. A teacher.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Gemini
THE MOON IN GEMINI gives a wide-awake intellect, fond of literature and science, resourceful and able to cope with emergencies, broad, liberal and alert for progressive ideas which are taken up with avidity. Hence such people are much attracted to literary occupations, particularly in the newspaper field where they may flit from one subject to another as required by their extremely restless mind. This position also gives an inordinate love of traveling, and desire for positions where one meets many people. Hence it favors such occupations as those of traveling salesmen, canvassers, and the like.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Gemini
gives a wide-awake intellect, fond of literature and science, resourceful and able to cope with emergencies, broad, liberal and alert for progressive ideas which are taken up with avidity. Hence such people are much attracted to literary occupations, particularly in the newspaper field where they may flit from one subject to another as required by their extremely restless mind. This position also gives an inordinate love of traveling, and desire for positions where one meets many people. Hence it favors such occupations as those of traveling salesmen, canvassers, and the like.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 3° Gemini
PRECISE. 3° Gemini denotes one who is extremely ambitious but does not overlook the smallest detail involved in his work.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 3° Gemini
An etching or rare beauty displays a charming court life at the garden of the Tuileries under Louis XIV.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Moon-Saturn
A tireless and disciplined worker, you have a tendency to be serious and to prefer being alone over entering the social scene. You can get the most out of others, get them to work under you. A wisdom that comes from simple needs. Conservative. Careful.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Saturn
imparts all the best saturnine qualities tot he mind; it makes the person self-reliant, serious, sober and systematic, careful and thrifty in business affairs and gives success in life through tactful and diplomatic dealings with others. Such people are eminently reasonable and trustworthy in all matters of honor and justice and gain great esteem in the community on that account. Their patience and persistence are inexhaustible.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Scorpio
The original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kinds of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and penetrating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at the causes beneath the surface of life.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Scorpio
MERCURY IN SCORPIO gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mercury in Scorpio
gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 22° Scorpio
SEPARATE. 22° Scorpio denotes one who tends to separate the factors in his life, or live separate from his contemporaries in the same field of endeavor.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 22° Scorpio
A group of hunters protected by heavy clothing are making their way out into the marsh to shoot wild ducks.
Sabian Symbols