Fred Perry (Canadian football)
Birthplace : Fort Smith, Arkansas ( 35N23 94W24 )
Birth date : 05/01/75 12:00 (UTC-6)
Biography :
Fred Perry (born January 5, 1975 in Fort Smith, Arkansas) is a Canadian football defensive end who is currently a free agent. Perry most recently played for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers where his success was limited due to injury....
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Categories :
1975 births Canadian football defensive linemen Edmonton Eskimos players Grey Cup champions Living people People from Fort Smith Arkansas Saskatchewan Roughriders players Southern Arkansas University alumni Winnipeg Blue Bombers playersHoroscope :

* Capricorn, the goat
Capricorn rising gives a short, slender, narrow-chested body with a thin neck, thin silky dark hair, a pale peaked face with small, weak eyes. It makes the chin pointed and turned upwards, the nose pointed and turned downwards, an impediment in the speech, ill formed lower limbs and an awkward walk. The vitality is very low, and these children are reared with great difficulty, but once infancy is past, they exhibit a tenacity that is truly amazing, and often become very, very old; they seem to dry up into a mass of wrinkled skin and bone that is all but imperishable, this, on account of the Saturn ray which rules Capricorn. It is noticeable also, that all who have that planet prominent in the nativity show the before mentioned wrinkling of the skin, even though they may retain corpulence conferred by other configurations. Ambition and suspicion are ruling characteristics, an inordinate desire for recognition of their claims to superiority and advancement; also suspicion that others are trying to subvert or withhold the covet prize, is ever with these people. It causes them much unnecessary worry, and may result in habitual melancholy, particularly if Saturn is afflicted. They ought to seek amusement outdoors, read funny stories and otherwise try to cultivate a sense of the humorous from childhood, for this is one of the saddest signs, and needs all possible encouragement. Capricorn people are successful in detective work, where secret practices are used to trap others. and persistence is required to ferret out a mystery, for they never give up. The afflicted Capricorn is very revengeful, and if by Mars, may shed blood to satisfy a grudge. The Sun rising brings out the Justice, Purity and Honor of the sign, makes Captains of Industry such as forward the great enterprises of the world.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Capricorn
Capricorn governs the skin and the knees, but it has also a reflex action on the stomach, which is governed by the opposite sign Cancer. Hence afflictions in Capricorn produce eczema and other skin diseases, erysipelas, leprosy, and digestive disturbances.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Capricorn
You have clear vision and can see what to do. Happy when in control, you enjoy managing anything practical. Not too emotional, you are objective, businesslike, and reliable -- disciplined. To you, life is a serious business and you are a great provider, always far-sighted. You are social, or public- oriented. Practical.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Capricorn
THE SUN IN CAPRICORN This is a good sign that the person will rise in life by the aid of the good-will of people in a higher position than himself; it shows that he will merit their trust and acquit himself well in a position of responsibility and trust; it makes him careful, prudent, faithful and honest. Judges with that position cannot be bought but will administer justice as they see it, to all comers. It gives an all round love of fair play and wins for those who have it the respect and esteem of all in their circle.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Capricorn
This is a good sign that the person will rise in life by the aid of the good-will of people in a higher position than himself; it shows that he will merit their trust and acquit himself well in a position of responsibility and trust; it makes him careful, prudent, faithful and honest. Judges with that position cannot be bought but will administer justice as they see it, to all comers. It gives an all round love of fair play and wins for those who have it the respect and esteem of all in their circle.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 15° Capricorn
FORWARD. 15° Capricorn denotes one who tends to look towards the future and to build towards it constructively, whether for himself or others.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 15° Capricorn
It is the children's ward in the hospital with an abundance of toys, books, and gifts for the youngsters.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Sun-Jupiter
You have a sense of justice and an innate ability to understand the law, whether natural or manmade. Showing others the way through or beyond the problems in their lives comes easy, for you sense how to manipulate the opportunities of life. Lucky.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Sun-Pluto
Any attempt to avoid confronting life at the personal level is bound to frustration. Your avowed goals and ambitions may tend to ignore questions of vulnerability and great sensitivity, and the two are forever about to meet and "tell all." You would rather skirt your sensitive and vulnerable areas and concentrate on your career, but they always intrude and refuse to be banished. Although you yourself like to avoid personal issues, your interest in probing the secrets of others is very energetic.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Sun-Saturn
Your innate sense of responsibility, or the actual duties that come your way, may prevent you from fulfilling your real ambitions. Those in authority, or those older and more experienced, may challenge or oppose you and thus hold you back. Whatever the reason, your goals probably lack the organization and careful planning they need. Your personal self-discipline, or lack thereof, may amount to a liability, thus working against you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Sun-Jupiter
The conjunction gives a tendency to apoplexy, especially if it occurs in Aries, but with that exception we may say that these configurations are sure indications of health, wealth and happiness; they give the person an abundance of vitality which is proof even against very severe onslaughts of disease, and should a particularly unfavorable planetary influence succeed in breaking down the constitutional resistance recovery will be so rapid as to seem miraculous. This nearly impregnable condition of health is all the more unassailable because it is backed by a disposition at once "sunny" and "jovial" and that latter characteristic also makes the fortunate possessors of these aspects beloved by all with whom they come in contact; everybody is glad to see the person with the perpetual smile, but they do more than "smile"--they earn the friendship universally bestowed upon them by deeds of kindness, by words of sympathy, cheer or hope as the occasion may demand. They are trusted by everybody for they never betray a trust; they have good clear heads, good judgment and executive ability so that they are well fitted to help others. These characteristics also favor their own financial fortunes so that they accumulate wealth, but theirs is never "tainted money," they never benefit by the loss of others. They are conservatively religious and may be aptly described as "pillars of society." They shine particularly in governmental offices.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Sun-Saturn
These aspects are adverse to that which is generally termed success, but they give an abundance of experience, so they are excellent form the standpoint of the soul. It may truly be said of the person who has either that "the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley," for no matter how carefully be may plan his affairs he will be subjected to delays and meet obstacles which will thwart his desires; his marriage often is unhappy and is likely to end in divorce or early death of the partner; there is difficulty in finding and keeping employment, trouble with employers and authorities, a feeling as if he were held in leash all his life and denied expression in any direction. These are the outward experiences but they are generated by the inner nature, and until that changes he must suffer the whiplash of necessity. In the first place such a person has a tendency to crawl into a shall and shut himself in and others out. He is pessimistic and a kill-joy, has little or no regard for the feelings of others and is very obstinate. In the horoscope of a woman it signifies marriage to one much older, a person who will hold her with a very tight rein; it augurs death of the husband and often several marriages which are terminated by death or divorce. These configurations often bring legacies but either there is trouble and litigation over the bequests, or the person squanders the estate after he receives it. If Saturn is in Libra, his exaltation-sign, the latter part of the life may be better because the person has taken the lessons of life to heart and mended his ways.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Libra
You like beautiful surroundings, everything that is calm, tasteful, and harmonious. You are very giving, conciliatory, and even flattering in relationships, able to adjust to any situation. Reflective, tactful, you are able to please others. Above all, you are forever charming and gracious. Also ingratiating and inscrutable.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Libra
THE MOON IN LIBRA is a fortunate position for the acquisition of friends and public popularity for it makes the person kind, sympathetic and agreeable, optimistic and fond of social pleasures. This position also gives good reasoning powers and the ability to form a correct judgment, love of art and music, sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by other aspects.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Libra
is a fortunate position for the acquisition of friends and public popularity for it makes the person kind, sympathetic and agreeable, optimistic and fond of social pleasures. This position also gives good reasoning powers and the ability to form a correct judgment, love of art and music, sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by other aspects.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Libra
PARENTAL. 27° Libra denotes one in whose life the parents are in some way emphasized, either through attachment to an unusual degree, responsibility for a parent in old age, or a lack of parents. This is a critical degree.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Libra
Like a great soaring bird - a single brilliant spot in the bright sky- an airplane overhead sails about calmly.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Moon-Uranus
You are very much involved with all that is traditional, but with this special twist: you are a revolutionary when it comes to the domestic scene and have very special insights into home, family, and surroundings. Others find you original (certainly very different) and perhaps unpredictable, especially when it comes to emotional reactions. Your approach to feelings, moods, and the whole psychological gambit is novel. You tend to show emotions suddenly and/or in unusual ways. You like unconventional friends and are a nonconformist yourself. Independent women may be important to you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Moon-Mercury
You have difficulty expressing your emotions and tend to say things that are unrelated to what you may actually be feeling. You blurt out stuff that you don't really feel, and have trouble putting your real feelings into words. Thus you can't find a lot of support from others for what you think. You don't waste a lot of thought on your surroundings, and history or tradition probably are not high on your interest list. You may upset others with things that you say. You could tend to argue with women.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Moon-Venus
You don't appreciate emotion and sentiment, in particular when in a group. Despite the above, you may feel that your feelings go unappreciated. Your disdain for demonstrations of affection may find you unable to appreciate or show love to someone who supports and provides for you. Your system of values tends to go against group norms, and may, at times, irritate others. Tradition, the past, and history in general have little to offer you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Moon-Uranus
gives mental and psychic tendencies similar to those of the good aspects and also the same liability to irregular love-affairs, but these tendencies are not so pronounced and a clandestine love-affair generated under the conjunction of Uranus and the Moon may have distinctly disastrous results similar to those mentioned under the bad aspects. If the conjunction occurs in Cancer it indicates nervous indigestion; in Leo it inclines to palpitation of the heart, interferes with the rhythm of the heartbeat and gives a spasmodic action which will probably prove fatal when it has run its course; in Scorpio it inclines to perverted practices; in Sagittarius the reflex action would be felt in the lungs and similarly with the other signs.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Moon-Mercury
gives a poor memory and lack of mental stability with a tendency to indecision and worry, liability to brain storms and hysterics. These characteristics make the person unpopular and as the saying is, "unlucky."
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Moon-Venus
is an indication of trouble in marriage for a man, because the wife described by an afflicted Venus will be slovenly and of dissolute habits which will destroy domestic happiness. In a woman's horoscope it indicates disturbance of the female functions and it also gives a tendency to digestive troubles and poor circulation when in the horoscope of either sex. These aspects also give a liability to trouble through slander and public scandal.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Capricorn
You have a very clear and analytical mind and are able to grasp ideas and put them to work at once. You have good management and supervisory ability. You use cold reason, are not much moved by emotions, and are always pragmatic. You prefer concrete subjects to "grand ideas" and flights of fancy. Manipulative too.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Capricorn
MERCURY IN CAPRICORN gives a critical and penetrating but somewhat suspicious mind with a thoughtful and diplomatic disposition, These people make splendid spies and detectives, having the ability to ferret out secrets in the most uncanny manner. They also have the persistence of Saturnians derived from the sign Capricorn so that they never give up until their object has been attained. This position gives a love of science, particularly chemistry. These people are much attracted to the occult, yet are practical and very thrifty. They hold on to what they get and always have something for a rainy day. When afflicted Mercury in Capricorn makes the person miserly, cruel, hard, malicious, vindictive and spiteful.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mercury in Capricorn
gives a critical and penetrating but somewhat suspicious mind with a thoughtful and diplomatic disposition, These people make splendid spies and detectives, having the ability to ferret out secrets in the most uncanny manner. They also have the persistence of Saturnians derived from the sign Capricorn so that they never give up until their object has been attained. This position gives a love of science, particularly chemistry. These people are much attracted to the occult, yet are practical and very thrifty. They hold on to what they get and always have something for a rainy day. When afflicted Mercury in Capricorn makes the person miserly, cruel, hard, malicious, vindictive and spiteful. Mercury in Aquarius gives the Uranian qualities of originality and independence and an unconquerable love of liberty to the mind so that people with Mercury in this position are apt to repudiate all the social conventions and live according to their highly idealistic conceptions. They often take no heed of fashion, and dress in a style entirely their own. They advocate ideas on social subjects which are a thousand years ahead of the world's development, among them the theory of soul-mates and affinities which is causing so much trouble in the world today because it advocates have not yet grown to the spiritual stature where they can separate it from sex and live the true Uranian love-life which is altogether spiritual. The foregoing delineations apply particularly where Mercury is aspected by Uranus and the people described by them are the extreme product of Mercury in Aquarius. All who have this position, however, are very intellectual, they have high ideals and aspirations, a love of popular science and mathematics and are usually attracted to the occult sciences also, especially to astrology, for they have a fine faculty for reading the horoscope. They are kind, sociable and fond of friends with the result that they usually attract large numbers of intellectual people to their circle of acquaintances. When afflicted this position makes the person disloyal and ready to prey upon his friends, or criticize and slander them.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 25° Capricorn
UNIVERSAL. 25° Capricorn denotes one with a universal approach or whose work and thinking deals with the masses rather than individuals. The fixed star Terrebellum is here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 25° Capricorn
The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Mercury-Venus
You have a love affair going with the mind and you value all of its offspring: words, ideas, thoughts, and such. And you love to talk. In particular you appreciate good conversation, and you feel that stimulating mental adventures (either alone or with others) are among the most exciting experiences life offers. You have a built-in sense of discrimination when it comes to the intellect -- all mental activities.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Mercury-Venus
(Note.--Venus and Mercury are never more than 76 degrees apart, therefore they can only form the conjunctions, parallels and sextiles, but not the trine, square nor opposition.) These aspects make the person cheerful and companionable with a good-natured disposition and a desire for society. They also give the ability for music and poetry, especially if in the Ascendant and are a general indication of success in salesmanship, for such people are suave, affable and persuasive.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis