Gloria Guida
Birthplace : Merano , Italy ( 41N54 12E29 )
Birth date : 19/11/55 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Gloria Guida (born 19 November 1955) is an Italian actress and model. She is most famous for starring in sexy film comedies....
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Categories :
1955 births Italian film actors Living peopleHoroscope :

* Scorpio, the eagle
The nose is the most prominent feature of the Scorpio; it is large, heave, and hooked, resembling the bill of the eagle, the brows are bushy, the eyes sharp and piercing; the jaw is very heavy; the glint of the eye, and the set of the jaw indicate the great determination which is the most prominent characteristic of the Scorpio. The face is angular, complexion murky, and hair dark, with a peculiar ruddy tinge noticeable when the sun shines on it. The teeth are large and subject to early decay. The body is short and thickest, with a short, thick neck resembling that of the opposite sign, Taurus. Scorpio people always stand up for their rights, and never submit to imposition, through prone to ride roughshod over others. They are full of worries over things that may happen, but never do, and thus make life a burden to those around them. Sarcasm that stings like a scorpion is ever upon the tip of their tongue, yet their love is strong, and their aspirations lofty. Thus there are two natures struggling in the Scorpios and they need much sympathy and forbearance from their friends. In the hour of danger they never flinch, but perform deeds of heroism with a disregard for self that amounts to foolhardiness. The mind is sharp, cool and collected, therefore Scorpio men make good army officers and excel in surgery. The Scorpio woman has a large family. The Sun in Scorpio accentuates the good traits, and gives a love mysticism; but Mars, the ruler, brings out the worldly side of the sign and makes scoffers and skeptics.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Scorpio
Scorpio rules the bladder, urethra, and genital organs in general, also the rectum and the descending colon, the sigmoid flexure, the prostate gland, and the nasal bones; hence afflictions in Scorpio produce nasal catarrh, adenoids, and polypi, diseases of the womb and ovaries, various venereal diseases, stricture, and enlargement of the prostate gland, irregularities of the menses, leucorrhoea, rupture, renal stones and gravel.
Max Heindel. Pathogenic effects of the twelve signs
* Sun in Scorpio
You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes driven, you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom interested in refinement. You can be very magnetic, even wild at times, and have a sense of power and an instinct for survival. Moody.
Planet in Sign
* Sun in Scorpio
THE SUN IN SCORPIO The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and in- dependence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Sun in Scorpio
The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and independence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Scorpio
FISHIER. 27° Scorpio denotes one who, although normally peaceful, thoroughly enjoys a fight usually for the sake of principle than due to any real dissension.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Scorpio
Scintillating with the flash of the instruments and the colors of banners and uniforms, a military band is marching.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Sun-Saturn
You are, no doubt, a touch too sober, but when it comes down to taking care of business, you really shine. Others may think you are older than you are, for you tend to assume an authoritarian stance. You may even enjoy the thought of being older, and probably treat authority, the elderly, and your teachers with great respect, if not reverence. Discipline is no problem, but you may be too authoritarian and somber.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Sun-Moon
A special affinity for old people and for children, plus an innate love of animals, the helpless, and the underdog. An inner vision coupled with the ability to see the "Big" picture often finds you working as a go-between with others.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Sun-Jupiter
You tend to be stubborn and unable to make solid career choices. You get carried away and go off in directions contrary to your actual needs. Your judgment in vocational matters is often off, sending you on a wild goose chase. In addition, there is possible difficulty with authorities and the law and/or differences with older people. To use an old adage, you can (at times) be your own worst enemy. The advice of a trusted friend regarding career is to be recommended.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Sun-Pluto
Any attempt to avoid confronting life at the personal level is bound to frustration. Your avowed goals and ambitions may tend to ignore questions of vulnerability and great sensitivity, and the two are forever about to meet and "tell all." You would rather skirt your sensitive and vulnerable areas and concentrate on your career, but they always intrude and refuse to be banished. Although you yourself like to avoid personal issues, your interest in probing the secrets of others is very energetic.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Sun-Uranus
You work well with those in authority who are independent and original. You could find yourself engaged in nonconformist causes, always ready to promote what is independent and innovative. You like radical approaches, and find yourself in support of whatever new-wave product or breakthrough advance is next in line. Communication, computers, electronics, and everything new-wave excites you and you excel here. You discover new ways of working with traditional materials.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Sun-Saturn
Either aspect has a very detrimental effect upon health, especially in the common signs where the resistance is fundamentally low; in Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces it gives a tendency to tuberculosis. It does least damage in the fixed signs where the resistance is greatest, but when sickness does get a grip on the person it hangs on like grim death, for this configuration lessens the power of the body to throw off disease quickly, hence recuperation is very slow. This is especially true in a man's horoscope; in a woman's figure it affects her husband's health.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Sun-Moon
The good aspects of the Sun and Moon make for general success in life, health, fair financial fortunes, good home conditions with faithful friends and esteem in the community; they favor a rise in life because of the person's innate ability, which either gains for him the recognition of people in a position to help him rise, or impels him to carve his own way.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Sun-Jupiter
gives a tendency to indulge in habits which are bad for the health; the person is far too fond of the "good things in life" and very selfish in supplying his own comforts; he exercises little and never denies himself, with the result that the circulation becomes sluggish and as these people have a superabundance of blood their lassitude and indulgence is productive of various noxious growths and kindred disorders; sometimes a fit of anger raises the blood pressure to such a point that a vessel burst and ends the life or leaves the person thenceforth a useless wreck. These aspects give a bombastic, haughty disposition with an inordinate love of display and thus induce to extravagance both in social and business affairs with the result that the person sometimes finds himself involved in debt which he cannot pay and then there is but a step to the bankruptcy court. A false pride often prevents these people from working honestly for others so they would rather prey upon the public as gamblers where there is an opportunity to swindle other people and get what they call an "easy" living until then land in the meshes of the law. Children with these aspects should be given special training in self- restraint, thrift and honesty, above all, religion, for they have a tendency to scorn and scoff at religion, but perhaps a memory of a devout mother may help to keep them straight.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Trine Sun-Uranus
makes the person original, inventive and independent in his manner of conduct and personal appearance. With respect to food and certain mannerisms, he is what people call eccentric and conspicuous, yet not offensively so, given to pursuits and studies which people consider "queer" such as occultism and astrology. But he also loves delving into the unknown realms after nature's secrets concerning electricity and often becomes a successful inventor if other aspects give the mechanical ability to work his schemes out. Uranus rules the ether and now that we are nearing the Aquarian Age his vibrations will be felt in increasing measure, bringing to our ken methods of using nature's finer forces and the people with Sun sextile or trine Uranus will be the media who attract and interpret them for us as the aerials and receivers in a wireless station collect and transcribe the messages carried by the ether waves to which they are attuned. These people often rise in life through the friendship of someone above them in the social scale. They are of a very high-strung temperament but have themselves well under control, and rarely show temper or anger. They are also out-and-out idealists.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Moon in Capricorn
Yours is the most practical of environments. You can manipulate and every idea or situation and put it to good use. Emotions are seldom a priority, and you are always very practical and ambitious. Your career is central to everything you do. Farsighted and traditional, you enjoy success and the successful. You are, for the most part, unmoved by tears and feelings.
Planet in Sign
* Moon in Capricorn
THE MOON IN CAPRICORN, if well-aspected, gives abundance of help from people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself forward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Moon is afflicted it gives a liability to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with Moon in this position often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avaricious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for themselves and none at all for others.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Moon in Capricorn
if well-aspected, gives abundance of help from people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself forward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly sensitive to real or fancied slights. If the Moon is afflicted it gives a liability to slander whether that is merited or not. This position also has a detrimental effect upon the digestion. People with Moon in this position often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avaricious and miserly, denying themselves all comforts at the present time that they may have something for a rainy day. They have very little feeling for themselves and none at all for others.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 21° Capricorn
TRANSLATOR. 21° Capricorn denotes one who transforms ideas of language and clothes it in a manner understandable to the layman. May be a researcher or experimenter whose written work becomes popular.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 21° Capricorn
Excitement thrills the grandstands during the relay race as each runner springs to place with eagerness.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Moon-Mercury
A great speaker or entertainer. At the very least, the gift of gab. Working with or teaching others and communicating via the mind in general are indicated. A natural storyteller, you are at home in the world of myths and dreams.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Saturn
A tireless and disciplined worker, you have a tendency to be serious and to prefer being alone over entering the social scene. You can get the most out of others, get them to work under you. A wisdom that comes from simple needs. Conservative. Careful.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Moon-Mars
You may find yourself being too harsh or forceful when dealing with others, especially in group situations. The social fabric around you is something you tear through all too often in your drive to get things done. This can result in a distinct lack of support or assistance from others. Since you tend to ignore sentiment and the feelings of others, you are often left on your own. This noncooperation makes it hard to really get ahead.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Moon-Mercury
gives a receptive mind and a retentive memory, two very rare qualities and therefore these aspects, particularly the sextile and trine, are good indications of success in life, especially in one of the mercurial occupations, literary, clerical or traveling. People with these configurations are usually very verbose, particularly if the conjunction or trine occurs in airy signs or a sign of voice, for then the power of expression reaches a superlative degree and such people become able linguists and elocutionists; but unless there is some steadying influence people with configurations of Mercury and the Moon are not reliable because of their tendency to change their minds repeatedly in the most unexpected manner. They are inclined to look upon the bright side of life and are fond of pleasure, particularly travel.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Sextile Moon-Saturn
imparts all the best saturnine qualities tot he mind; it makes the person self-reliant, serious, sober and systematic, careful and thrifty in business affairs and gives success in life through tactful and diplomatic dealings with others. Such people are eminently reasonable and trustworthy in all matters of honor and justice and gain great esteem in the community on that account. Their patience and persistence are inexhaustible.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Moon-Mars
gives a very quick temper and a tendency to hasty or impulsive expressions and acts that may cause such people a great deal of sorrow and trouble. They resent rules or regulations or any other measures that tend to curb their desires or the gratification of their appetites in whatever direction. But if they are in authority they aver domineering and exacting in their demands for instant obedience upon the part of others, not do they hesitate to use whatever physical force may be necessary to compel obedience if they thing they can do so without too great danger to themselves. Sometimes they will take desperate chances to satisfy their spite. Having an improperly balanced mind they are foolhardy in their venturesomeness and upon occasion they will attempt to do things which no one in his sane mind would try. On account of the foregoing characteristic such people make many enemies and cause a great deal of suffering to others, particularly among members of their immediate family who cannot very well get away from them. If these aspects occur in watery signs, particularly with Mars or the Moon in Pisces the person is also an inveterate drunkard. From the standpoint of health they give a tendency to accidents by fire and water, to fevers and acute inflammatory diseases, wounds and gunshot, diseases of the genitals, too copious menses, danger in parturition and indigestion.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mercury in Scorpio
The original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kinds of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and penetrating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at the causes beneath the surface of life.
Planet in Sign
* Mercury in Scorpio
MERCURY IN SCORPIO gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mercury in Scorpio
gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along wit. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to the occult, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 18° Scorpio
COLOR. 18° Scorpio denotes one who may have dealings with color, chemistry or vibrations (including music).
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 18° Scorpio
A winding quiet road, carpeted by the falling leaves, leads through an old fashioned woods rich in autumn color.
Sabian Symbols