Hugo Stenbeck
Birthplace : Uppsala , Sweden ( 59N21 18E04 )
Birth date : 01/01/70 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Hugo Edvard Stenbeck was a Swedish lawyer and founder of Investment AB Kinnevik. He belonged to a group called in to investigate the collapse of Ivar Kreuger's financial empire. Two of his children became famous in their own right - Jan Stenbeck took over and transformed the family company and Margaretha af Ugglas became foreign minister. His granddaughter, Cristina Stenbeck is now in charge of the family companies....
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Categories :
1890 births 1977 deaths Swedish lawyersHoroscope :

* Venus in Sagittarius
You love all things plain and true, and possessing an innate sense of religion and what's real. Not prudish, even communal, you insist on freedom in all things. You love sports, 'great' ideas, and travel. You are anything except too domestic. An idealist of the first water, but not dreamy, you are frank and affectionate.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Sagittarius
VENUS IN SAGITTARIUS. This is another of her strongest positions for there her qualities blend with those of Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, to foster love and good-will among men. Therefore also this position indicates a genial and optimistic disposition, a sympathetic, kind and generous heart, a love of God expressed in religious devotion, or love of man shown by philanthropy and charity. It indicates a refined mind, cultured, and fond of drama, art and music. It fosters the imagination and intuition and like the other double-bodies signs Gemini and Pisces, it inclines to plurality of marriages.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Sagittarius
This is another of her strongest positions for there her qualities blend with those of Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, to foster love and good-will among men. Therefore also this position indicates a genial and optimistic disposition, a sympathetic, kind and generous heart, a love of God expressed in religious devotion, or love of man shown by philanthropy and charity. It indicates a refined mind, cultured, and fond of drama, art and music. It fosters the imagination and intuition and like the other double-bodies signs Gemini and Pisces, it inclines to plurality of marriages.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 7° Sagittarius
PERSUASIVE. 7° Sagittarius denotes one who is a good talker, smooth in manner and agreeable in personality.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 7° Sagittarius
A little fellow sly and smiling knocks at the door of the human heart; it is none other than cupid himself.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Venus-Jupiter
Born lucky. A natural when it comes to finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Very generous with others. Love to spread the good things around. A natural talent for finding your way past the pitfalls of life. A love of travel and puzzles.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Venus-Neptune
You don't appreciate other-worldly talk. Dreams, imagination, and images are a lot of "hooey," as far as you're concerned. You find it hard to let go, and you stick to a value system that even you know is less than ideal. You compromise your own ideals and values out of fear of being deceived and led astray. "They" are all charlatans, as far as you're concerned, which is one way of showing how important this subject is to you. Confrontations along these lines are easy to come by, and you seldom fail to bite.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Venus-Pluto
You don't want things to get too personal and tend to keep your distance. You even go out of your way to oppose anyone who probes or analyzes to any extent. Conversations turn into arguments around that time. You prefer to gloss over things, gliding along the surface. You don't like what could be beneath the surface and choose to ignore the whole thing. This takes a toll on your desires or passions. Every so often, you turn the whole thing inside out and get totally vulnerable, involved at every level -- more than you bargained for.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Venus-Jupiter
is one of the best signs of success and general good fortune in life. It favors the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of all the luxuries of life. It is a good indication of a successful and happy marriage, social prestige and the respect of all with whom the person comes in contact. It endows him with a jovial, optimistic, generous and large-hearted disposition, makes him honorable to a degree, interested and active in philanthropic measures, liberal in mind, tolerant of the views of others even where he differs radically, fond of pleasure, traveling, parties, and capable of enjoying life to the fullest extend; he loves expensive and ultra-comfortable things, a fine house, valuable books, pictures and other rich appointments.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Venus-Neptune
makes the person liable to sorrow, loss and trouble, especially through the marriage partner or anyone else in whom he trusts. People with these aspects should be particularly careful to avoid anything which has in it an element of chance or speculation for they are sure to lose, especially in dealing with large companies or corporations.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Capricorn
You are a very hard worker and are driven to accomplish, manage, and be in control. You like to manipulate a situation for its own benefit and would make a natural supervisor. You have an inner urge for order and organization and a great sense of responsibility. You are competent, ambitious, and cool.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Capricorn
MARS IN CAPRICORN when well-aspected adds much strength to the character for it gives an ambitious and enthusiastic disposition backed by an indomitable courage and well-nigh inexhaustible energy together with a patient persistence and perseverance that are bound to overcome all obstacles and in the end reach the desired goal. Therefore people with Mars in this position are bound to rise in life, particularly if Capricorn be placed in the Tenth House. It invites respect and esteem of the community so that people with this position are often offered public appointments in addition to their private enterprises and they serve well in posts of honor for they are naturally fitted to take great responsibilities and carry on great enterprises. The wider their scope of action the better they like it, for they are superlatively efficient. When Mars is afflicted in Capricorn there will be a similar ambition to do great things but the person will be rash, impulsive and headstrong so that he overreaches himself and takes upon himself more than he can carry through. He will also lack the persistence and perseverance necessary to overcome obstacles and as the disposition will be basically dishonest, through he may rise on account of his enthusiasm and pretentious nature to some prominence he is certain to be shorn of his authority before very long and become an object of scorn and derision in the community. There is nothing worse than an afflicted Mars in Capricorn. It also gives a liability to accidents affecting the limbs and its reflex action on the part of the body ruled by the opposite sign, viz., the stomach, gives a tendency to gastric troubles. People with this affliction also have a hasty temper and a vindictive disposition.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Capricorn
when well-aspected adds much strength to the character for it gives an ambitious and enthusiastic disposition backed by an indomitable courage and well-nigh inexhaustible energy together with a patient persistence and perseverance that are bound to overcome all obstacles and in the end reach the desired goal. Therefore people with Mars in this position are bound to rise in life, particularly if Capricorn be placed in the Tenth House. It invites respect and esteem of the community so that people with this position are often offered public appointments in addition to their private enterprises and they serve well in posts of honor for they are naturally fitted to take great responsibilities and carry on great enterprises. The wider their scope of action the better they like it, for they are superlatively efficient. When Mars is afflicted in Capricorn there will be a similar ambition to do great things but the person will be rash, impulsive and headstrong so that he overreaches himself and takes upon himself more than he can carry through. He will also lack the persistence and perseverance necessary to overcome obstacles and as the disposition will be basically dishonest, through he may rise on account of his enthusiasm and pretentious nature to some prominence he is certain to be shorn of his authority before very long and become an object of scorn and derision in the community. There is nothing worse than an afflicted Mars in Capricorn. It also gives a liability to accidents affecting the limbs and its reflex action on the part of the body ruled by the opposite sign, viz., the stomach, gives a tendency to gastric troubles. People with this affliction also have a hasty temper and a vindictive disposition.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 15° Capricorn
FORWARD. 15° Capricorn denotes one who tends to look towards the future and to build towards it constructively, whether for himself or others.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 15° Capricorn
It is the children's ward in the hospital with an abundance of toys, books, and gifts for the youngsters.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Mars-Saturn
The word here is accomplishment. If there is a job, you can do it. A prodigious worker, you pour yourself into any task with absolute determination. You are responsible to the extreme and take on obligations as though you just can't get enough. You enjoy discipline, and limitations are seen as opportunities rather than as handicaps. You would make a good teacher of others in matters of organization, practical competence, and the like. You have a great desire and drive to be thorough and responsible down to the smallest details. You always know what is essential and what is not. You love the routine.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Mars-Saturn
gives a capable, determined and energetic nature capable of intense and sustained actions and of obtaining unusual results thereby. The executive ability, dominant forcefulness and endurance of these people are remarkable and consequently they are constantly accomplishing that others cannot achieve. On account of these qualities they always rise to prominent positions and are much esteemed on account of their ability but seldom liked for these aspects also make the character cruel and hard. They give a strong physique and general good health.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Aquarius
A true progressive, especially in community or group work, you are democratic to the point of being radical -- an idealist. You are cool and impersonal when it comes to being fair or just, with a great interest in new trends and world affairs. You are future-oriented. Application-minded.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Aquarius
JUPITER IN AQUARIUS when well-aspected gives a humane, optimistic, original and philosophic mind, fond of friends and the society of others particularly those who are interested in science or mysticism, literature and music, consequently he attracts people of that nature and they will be a benefit to him in helping him to realize his hopes, wishes and ambitions. He may possibly obtain a position of importance in some official capacity with secret or occult societies. This is a good indication of general success in life, but if Jupiter is afflicted it makes the nature restless, nervous and erratic with revolutionary or anarchistic ideas with disinclination for serious work and such people are generally disliked and distrusted.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Aquarius
when well-aspected gives a humane, optimistic, original and philosophic mind, fond of friends and the society of others particularly those who are interested in science or mysticism, literature and music, consequently he attracts people of that nature and they will be a benefit to him in helping him to realize his hopes, wishes and ambitions. He may possibly obtain a position of importance in some official capacity with secret or occult societies. This is a good indication of general success in life, but if Jupiter is afflicted it makes the nature restless, nervous and erratic with revolutionary or anarchistic ideas with disinclination for serious work and such people are generally disliked and distrusted.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 3° Aquarius
EXPRESSION. 3° Aquarius denotes one who expresses himself vividly in word and deed. Never at a loss to do so in his own element. The fixed stars Giedi and Dabih are here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 3° Aquarius
A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the dawning truth that freedom is never the result of compromise.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Jupiter-Neptune
You would do well in a career in music, poetry, psychology, philosophy -- the realms of the imagination. You work well in these areas and can help or teach others by sharing your understanding. You can serve as a guide to the nether worlds of the mind and psyche -- religions, mysticism, and so on. Spiritual problems and questions are easy, for you always grasp the unity behind what appears separate.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Jupiter-Pluto
Mass psychology (what motivates people) is something you understand. Your career may well be in managing or working with people within a psychological context. You would make a good teacher in these areas too. Counseling or helping people who are in crisis or working out sensitive issues are careers where you could excel. You have a way of sifting through the garbage and coming up with whatever is meaningful or relevant.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Jupiter-Neptune
gives an inspirational mystical nature and ability to fill a position connected with occult orders, that is to say, where the character is sufficiently developed so that Neptune can make the influence felt for then this position brings out all the noblest and most spiritual strength of both planets, and occult experiences are not infrequently the result. At any rate, during the sleeping hours these people are quite active and conscious in the invisible worlds and often bring experiences back with them as dreams or visions.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Virgo
You have a tendency to avoid responsibility or work and to put off taking care of details -- delinquency. Application and practice is the remedy. Be specific. Take care of every last detail. Develop and use your critical faculties. Take care of business.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Virgo
SATURN IN VIRGO gives a studious, deep, scientific mind of studying the deeper problems of life. It indicates an innate ability to manage others. It gives a thrifty, economical and frugal nature, but when Saturn is afflicted in Virgo the mind usually centers upon disease and the person becomes a confirmed hypochondriac. These people are the nest customers of the patent medicine vendors for most of their ills are usually imaginary. This position does however, carry with it a liability to intestinal diseases.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Virgo
gives a studious, deep, scientific mind of studying the deeper problems of life. It indicates an innate ability to manage others. It gives a thrifty, economical and frugal nature, but when Saturn is afflicted in Virgo the mind usually centers upon disease and the person becomes a confirmed hypochondriac. These people are the nest customers of the patent medicine vendors for most of their ills are usually imaginary. This position does however, carry with it a liability to intestinal diseases.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 13° Virgo
SHIFTING. 13° Virgo denotes one who is an investigator, but vises his findings for his own purposes. Apt to be here today and there tomorrow. Some connection with music and/or poetry.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 13° Virgo
A statesman stands before the mob; his strong hand can be seen in a transforming of hysteria into new enthusiasm.
Sabian Symbols