Hugo Stenbeck
Birthplace : Uppsala , Sweden ( 59N21 18E04 )
Birth date : 01/01/70 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Hugo Edvard Stenbeck was a Swedish lawyer and founder of Investment AB Kinnevik. He belonged to a group called in to investigate the collapse of Ivar Kreuger's financial empire. Two of his children became famous in their own right - Jan Stenbeck took over and transformed the family company and Margaretha af Ugglas became foreign minister. His granddaughter, Cristina Stenbeck is now in charge of the family companies....
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Categories :
1890 births 1977 deaths Swedish lawyersHoroscope :

* Uranus in Libra
You can find new ways to relate and may be innovative in marriage and social conventions. Very tolerant and accepting of differences, you have good insights into all social values. Independent. You like to facilitate, compromise, and otherwise show your breadth of scope -- like a coat of many colors.
Planet in Sign
* Uranus in Libra
URANUS IN LIBRA, when well-aspected gives literary and artistic ability of an unusual and original nature where the person follows independent lines of endeavor and expression, often in connection with occultism. This position also gives a keen intuition and an attractive personality, a vivid imagination. It signifies partnership, union, or marriage to someone who will be of a Uranian character and of much benefit to the person. But when ill-placed or afflicted, Uranus in Libra brings sorrow, trouble, domestic difficulty and death of the marriage partner by a sudden or strange ailment or accident. Or perhaps the union may be dissolved in the divorce court, for people with the temperament described by an afflicted Uranus in Libra simply cannot remain true to one person. This position also indicates trouble with the public or the authorities on account of eccentric, anarchistic, or socialistic activity.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Uranus in Libra
when well-aspected gives literary and artistic ability of an unusual and original nature where the person follows independent lines of endeavor and expression, often in connection with occultism. This position also gives a keen intuition and an attractive personality, a vivid imagination. It signifies partnership, union, or marriage to someone who will be of a Uranian character and of much benefit to the person. But when ill-placed or afflicted, Uranus in Libra brings sorrow, trouble, domestic difficulty and death of the marriage partner by a sudden or strange ailment or accident. Or perhaps the union may be dissolved in the divorce court, for people with the temperament described by an afflicted Uranus in Libra simply cannot remain true to one person. This position also indicates trouble with the public or the authorities on account of eccentric, anarchistic, or socialistic activity.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 27° Libra
PARENTAL. 27° Libra denotes one in whose life the parents are in some way emphasized, either through attachment to an unusual degree, responsibility for a parent in old age, or a lack of parents. This is a critical degree.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Libra
Like a great soaring bird - a single brilliant spot in the bright sky- an airplane overhead sails about calmly.
Sabian Symbols
* Neptune in Gemini
The dream of worldwide communication (networking) where research and science are the key. Fantasy and science-fiction flourish too. You are a great love of inspired conversation and enhanced communication -- all kinds of connections. Great ideas, flights of fancy. Sharing thoughts.
Planet in Sign
* Neptune in Gemini
NEPTUNE IN GEMINI, well aspected, is one of the best indications of unusual mental faculties, for Neptune is the octave of Mercury the planet of mind, logic and reason. Hence this position develops the occult, prophetic and inspirational faculties. It makes the person sensitive to the finer intuitional and inspirational vibrations in nature. It is the signature of genius in one direction or another according to the conditions in the horoscope. It gives the gift of oratory and unusual literary ability, and makes the person a fine mechanician or mathematician; in short, there is no field of endeavor where mental ingenuity is required, that the person with Neptune in Gemini, well aspected, does not excel. But when Neptune is afflicted in Gemini it indicates inability to concentrate to any good purpose. The mind is restless, chaotic and wavering, inclined to cunning, fraud and deception, or at best it makes the person a visionary and a dreamer who is apt to become the dupe of others. There is generally trouble with brothers, sisters and neighbors who cordially dislike the person in whose horoscope this aspect is found.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Neptune in Gemini
well aspected, is one of the best indications of unusual mental faculties, for Neptune is the octave of Mercury the planet of mind, logic and reason. Hence this position develops the occult, prophetic and inspirational faculties. It makes the person sensitive to the finer intuitional and inspirational vibrations in nature. It is the signature of genius in one direction or another according to the conditions in the horoscope. It gives the gift of oratory and unusual literary ability, and makes the person a fine mechanic or mathematician; in short, there is no field of endeavor where mental ingenuity is required, that the person with Neptune in Gemini, well aspected, does not excel. But when Neptune is afflicted in Gemini it indicates inability to concentrate to any good purpose. The mind is restless, chaotic and wavering, inclined to cunning, fraud and deception, or at best it makes the person a visionary and a dreamer who is apt to become the dupe of others. There is generally trouble with brothers, sisters and neighbors who cordially dislike the person in whose horoscope this aspect is found.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 7° Gemini
WRITER. 7° Gemini denotes one who is involved with literary work and/or figures.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 7° Gemini
An old fashioned well, still yielding the purest and coldest of waters, stands invitingly near a shade of trees.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Neptune-Pluto
Your interest in religion, spiritual matters, and things that stretch beyond the course of a single human lifetime is quite unique. Others may not be able to share your vision into the spiritual and psychological, seeing you as something of a weirdo. To get to know you is to catch a glimpse, however brief, into some of the eternal thoughts and realms. You are very devotional when it comes to anything connected to spiritual and inner growth, and the process of personal introspection and analysis is also sacrosanct.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Pluto in Gemini
A good detective or research person. You can't help but get past all that is superficial. A passion for inquiry, questioning, and searching finds you always in pursuit of some piece of information... communicating, writing, speaking.
Planet in Sign
* 8° Gemini
IMPATIENT. 8° Gemini denotes a good retentive mind, but lacking in originality and a tendency to be quarrelsome because of a lack of imagination.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 8° Gemini
A great industrial plant is closed down and around it mills a crowd of agitators and striking workmen.
Sabian Symbols
North Node
* 16° Gemini
PREDICTION. 16° Gemini denotes one whose intuition is close to the surface and active, but sometimes is swayed by the opinions of others, or whose imagination runs away with them. The fixed star Rigel is here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 16° Gemini
A woman agitator stands upon a platform, making an impassioned plea to a surrounding group in men.
Sabian Symbols
* 16° Sagittarius
SCRIBE. 16° Sagittarius denotes one who has ability for writing, whether an author, or merely a person who has excellent handwriting. This degree is concerned with written communications.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 16° Sagittarius
A peaceful scene is unfolded to view; a calm ocean, a single motionless ship, a few lazy soaring seagulls.
Sabian Symbols