Jim Holperin
Birthplace : Eagle River, Wisconsin ( 45N55 89W15 )
Birth date : 12/18/50 12:00 (UTC-6)
Biography :
Jim Holperin is a Democratic member of the Wisconsin Senate, representing the 12th District in northern Wisconsin since 2008. Previously, he was Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism from 2003 to 2007 and a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1982 through 1994. Holperin, who grew up in Eagle River, Wisconsin, also served for nine years as the director of Trees for Tomorrow, a "natural resources specialty school" focused primarily on conservation education for young people....
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Categories :
1950 births Living people Members of the Wisconsin State Assembly Wisconsin State SenatorsHoroscope :

* Venus in Capricorn
You are in love with what's practical, right down to the last detail. You appreciate tradition and ceremony and are a conservative in all things. You are loyal, seldom emotional, and always proper, even too serious. Cool cucumber. You like to be in control.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Capricorn
VENUS IN CAPRICON, the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Venus does not blend well with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Venus in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Saturn has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Saturn throws him down. Venus in Saturn's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Venus marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Venus never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Saturn's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Capricorn
the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Venus does not blend well with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Venus in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Saturn has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Saturn throws him down. Venus in Saturn's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Venus marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Venus never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Saturn's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 5° Capricorn
COMMUNICATOR. 5° Capricorn denotes one who deals with communication in some form, whether it be music, writing, radio, just talking extensively, entertaining or other.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 5° Capricorn
An American Indian encampment rests by the side of a canoe-filled stream and on the shore a war dance commences.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Venus-Jupiter
Born lucky. A natural when it comes to finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Very generous with others. Love to spread the good things around. A natural talent for finding your way past the pitfalls of life. A love of travel and puzzles.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Venus-Saturn
You have trouble accepting responsibilities. You don't like them. You would rather enjoy yourself at the expense of any obligations, letting them accumulate as they will. This struggle with authority and simple duty makes for great tension and diminished good times. It is hard to have fun when you are ignoring your responsibilities. What we have here is a stalemate.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Opposition Venus-Uranus
You like your life regular and find little value in new trends and inventions for their own sake. The same goes for nonconformists and all the other weirdos that crowd the world. You oppose them, and often deliver your message in person. Arguments on this theme are common. Any sort of change threatens you more than most, and you do all you can to ignore it. Every so often, like those earthquake faults, all hell breaks loose and some of this catches up with you.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Venus-Jupiter
is one of the best signs of success and general good fortune in life. It favors the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of all the luxuries of life. It is a good indication of a successful and happy marriage, social prestige and the respect of all with whom the person comes in contact. It endows him with a jovial, optimistic, generous and large-hearted disposition, makes him honorable to a degree, interested and active in philanthropic measures, liberal in mind, tolerant of the views of others even where he differs radically, fond of pleasure, traveling, parties, and capable of enjoying life to the fullest extend; he loves expensive and ultra-comfortable things, a fine house, valuable books, pictures and other rich appointments.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Venus-Saturn
brings out the evil qualities of the two planets and troubles which are thus generated usually come through the person's relations with the opposite sex. It makes him underhanded and scheming to gratify his passions, often in an unusual manner, and his perverted desires are usually directed against someone who is much younger than himself. If regular marriage relations are entered into, such a person is often a demon of jealously which makes life a burden for the marriage partner on account of his suspicious nature. People with these afflictions are also stingy in all money matters and exceedingly avaricious. They have very poor business judgment and are therefore liable to losses, failure and bankruptcy. During the earlier years people with these configurations should beware of dealings with older people who will be prone to take advantage of them, but later on it will be their turn to prey upon the young.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Opposition Venus-Uranus
The square or opposition always brings trouble through the sex relation--quarrels, divorces, public scandals through clandestine intercourse and kindred irregularities, with loss of friends, prestige and popularity, exile from home and family and sudden financial losses through unexpected or unforeseen happenings. There is a general lack of balance, an erratic personality.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Aquarius
You have an inner drive to improve, and reform the world, to share the wealth -- true democracy. You have a feel for groups and any large-scale business or community project. Independent with a touch of the impersonal. With you, all persons get the same treatment.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Aquarius
MARS IN AQUARIUS when well-aspected makes the person quick-witted and intuitive, ingenious and original, enterprising and ambitious, a hard worker for success in whatever line he chooses in life. Hence he will gain friendship from others who are able to help him realize his hopes and wishes. These people are also very mechanical and ingenious, particularly in things connected with the electrical science. They also succeed well as managers, officials or workers in and for a philanthropic society or public utility corporation. When Mars is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the person too independent, bombastic and resentful of authority, blunt of speech and manner toward others, and resentful in the highest degree if he is not treated with what he considers proper respect and consideration, Hence such people over very difficult to get along with and often quarrel with everybody around them. There is a tendency to loss through gambling and speculation. An afflicted Mars in Aquarius also gives a tendency to trouble with the eyes because Aquarius governs the ethers; and by reflex action the opposite sign Leo may cause palpitation of the heart.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Aquarius
when well-aspected makes the person quick-witted and intuitive, ingenious and original, enterprising and ambitious, a hard worker for success in whatever line he chooses in life. Hence he will gain friendship from others who are able to help him realize his hopes and wishes. These people are also very mechanical and ingenious, particularly in things connected with the electrical science. They also succeed well as managers, officials or workers in and for a philanthropic society or public utility corporation. When Mars is afflicted in Aquarius it makes the person too independent, bombastic and resentful of authority, blunt of speech and manner toward others, and resentful in the highest degree if he is not treated with what he considers proper respect and consideration, Hence such people over very difficult to get along with and often quarrel with everybody around them. There is a tendency to loss through gambling and speculation. An afflicted Mars in Aquarius also gives a tendency to trouble with the eyes because Aquarius governs the ethers; and by reflex action the opposite sign Leo may cause palpitation of the heart.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 3° Aquarius
EXPRESSION. 3° Aquarius denotes one who expresses himself vividly in word and deed. Never at a loss to do so in his own element. The fixed stars Giedi and Dabih are here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 3° Aquarius
A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the dawning truth that freedom is never the result of compromise.
Sabian Symbols
* Trine Mars-Saturn
The word here is accomplishment. If there is a job, you can do it. A prodigious worker, you pour yourself into any task with absolute determination. You are responsible to the extreme and take on obligations as though you just can't get enough. You enjoy discipline, and limitations are seen as opportunities rather than as handicaps. You would make a good teacher of others in matters of organization, practical competence, and the like. You have a great desire and drive to be thorough and responsible down to the smallest details. You always know what is essential and what is not. You love the routine.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Trine Mars-Saturn
gives a capable, determined and energetic nature capable of intense and sustained actions and of obtaining unusual results thereby. The executive ability, dominant forcefulness and endurance of these people are remarkable and consequently they are constantly accomplishing that others cannot achieve. On account of these qualities they always rise to prominent positions and are much esteemed on account of their ability but seldom liked for these aspects also make the character cruel and hard. They give a strong physique and general good health.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Pisces
You are a real humanitarian, with a genuine interest in social work and able to sacrifice yourself to help others. You have a love of what's beyond the surface: religion, psychology, and mysticism. Intuitive, sensitive to emotions, and sympathetic, you are always giving of self and would make an excellent counselor. You are farsighted, future- oriented.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Pisces
JUPITER IN PISCES gives a charitable, sympathetic and hospitable nature which loves to minister to the outcasts of society. These people are veritable angels of mercy to all who suffer in body, soul or spirit. They are well known to those who are "sick of in prison." Being of a sensitive nature and subject to the influences from the invisible world they not infrequently have psychic experiences and become students of the occult. They love music, art and literature and if well-aspected by Venus, Jupiter in Pisces will give considerable ability as a performer; but if Jupiter is afflicted in Pisces it gives a vacillating mind, a nerveless, cowardly nature indulging in all vices in the calendar and a generally despicable dispositon--a social parasite.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Pisces
gives a charitable, sympathetic and hospitable nature which loves to minister to the outcasts of society. These people are veritable angels of mercy to all who suffer in body, soul or spirit. They are well known to those who are "sick of in prison." Being of a sensitive nature and subject to the influences from the invisible world they not infrequently have psychic experiences and become students of the occult. They love music, art and literature and if well-aspected by Venus, Jupiter in Pisces will give considerable ability as a performer; but if Jupiter is afflicted in Pisces it gives a vacillating mind, a nerveless, cowardly nature indulging in all vices in the calendar and a generally despicable disposition--a social parasite.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 3° Pisces
ADVANCED. 3° Pisces denotes one who is warm and sympathetic and who tends to be ahead of his time and his associates. The fixed stars Fomalhaut & Sadalmelik are here.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 3° Pisces
A dull expanse of rocky formations turns out to be a petrified forest or an eternal record of life lived long ago.
Sabian Symbols
* Saturn in Libra
You have difficulty with relationships and are very idealistic when it comes to friends. You are inflexible, seldom compromise, and find it hard to give in where other people are involved. You need to develop diplomacy and patience. Learn to give (as in "give in") rather than oppose. Be flexible.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Libra
SATURN IN LIBRA is exalted and very strong and therefore his good aspects bring out all the fine saturnine qualities and on that account secure for the person public esteem and recognition. The marriage partner is chaste and pure as gold. This position also brings good health and long life, but when Saturn is afflicted in Libra the marriage partner is either treacherous or removed by an early death. If the person goes to law he is likely to lose, and become the object of public disfavor. He will also be subject to urinary troubles.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Libra
is exalted and very strong and therefore his good aspects bring out all the fine saturnine qualities and on that account secure for the person public esteem and recognition. The marriage partner is chaste and pure as gold. This position also brings good health and long life, but when Saturn is afflicted in Libra the marriage partner is either treacherous or removed by an early death. If the person goes to law he is likely to lose, and become the object of public disfavor. He will also be subject to urinary troubles.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 2° Libra
OUTSPOKEN. 2° Libra denotes a frank, open, intelligent person whose lack of "tact" may obscure his motives.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 2° Libra
A new symphony is played by the orchestra; the music dramatizes racial progress from aspiration to realization.
Sabian Symbols