Jim Holperin
Birthplace : Eagle River, Wisconsin ( 45N55 89W15 )
Birth date : 12/18/50 12:00 (UTC-6)
Biography :
Jim Holperin is a Democratic member of the Wisconsin Senate, representing the 12th District in northern Wisconsin since 2008. Previously, he was Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Tourism from 2003 to 2007 and a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1982 through 1994. Holperin, who grew up in Eagle River, Wisconsin, also served for nine years as the director of Trees for Tomorrow, a "natural resources specialty school" focused primarily on conservation education for young people....
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Categories :
1950 births Living people Members of the Wisconsin State Assembly Wisconsin State SenatorsHoroscope :

* Uranus in Cancer
You are very innovative in your approach to home, family, and the domestic scene and can really see how to get into traditional values. You have natural insight into sensations, feelings, and just living life. You like to relax by gardening, cooking, and being with family. You get off on the humdrum.
Planet in Sign
* Uranus in Cancer
URANUS IN CANCER. Cancer is a psychic sign and when Uranus is there it indicates that the person is a sensitive, attuned to the psychic vibrations and capable of cultivating these powers, but whether for good or ill depends upon the aspects. If Uranus is afflicted there is a tendency to nervous indigestion for Cancer rules the stomach, and if this is not attended to serious stomach trouble may be expected. These people are liable to separation from their families, though usually much against their will, but as they are generally of a very uncertain temper, irritable and impatient, they are usually to blame for this condition and are only getting their just desserts.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Uranus in Cancer
Cancer is a psychic sign and when Uranus is there it indicates that the person is a sensitive, attuned to the psychic vibrations and capable of cultivating these powers, but whether for good or ill depends upon the aspects. If Uranus is afflicted there is a tendency to nervous indigestion for Cancer rules the stomach, and if this is not attended to serious stomach trouble may be expected. These people are liable to separation from their families, though usually much against their will, but as they are generally of a very uncertain temper, irritable and impatient, they are usually to blame for this condition and are only getting their just desserts.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 8° Cancer
OVERBEARING. 8° Cancer denotes one who has difficulty understanding that others have rights and opinions which may differ from his own.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 8° Cancer
An imaginary land of rabbits is revealed, with its citizens faultlessly dressed and on dignified parade.
Sabian Symbols
* Neptune in Libra
Relationships are the ideal. Nondiscriminating and impersonal in scope, to you all are equal. You are seldom bound by tradition or personal ties and are not domestic. You hold the ideal vision up to the real. You open up in response to others and accept others as yourself.
Planet in Sign
* Neptune in Libra
NEPTUNE IN LIBRA, when well aspected, gives a musical, poetic and artistic temperament and indicates a union of a highly spiritual nature which will be of great comfort and satisfaction to the person. When Neptune is afflicted in Libra, there is a tendency to clandestine, unconventional and illegitimate relations, either of the person himself or of the marriage partner, according to the nature of the aspects to Neptune. It indicates a weak and over-emotional nature which incurs and merits the dislike for those in its immediate environment.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Neptune in Libra
when well aspected, gives a musical, poetic and artistic temperament and indicates a union of a highly spiritual nature which will be of great comfort and satisfaction to the person. When Neptune is afflicted in Libra, there is a tendency to clandestine, unconventional and illegitimate relations, either of the person himself or of the marriage partner, according to the nature of the aspects to Neptune. It indicates a weak and over-emotional nature which incurs and merits the dislike for those in its immediate environment.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 20° Libra
EMPHATIC. 20° Libra denotes one who, whatever he does, does it with heart and soul. Constructive or destructive, his work is a way of life and his way of life his work.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 20° Libra
In a tiny room ridiculously cluttered with manuscripts and books sits a Jewish rabbi at ease with self and world.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Neptune-Pluto
A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision of the endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith in the natural process and next generation. Love of children and animals.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Pluto in Leo
You are very sensitive (even vulnerable) when it comes to expressing yourself, getting it out. Periods of intense creativity enable you to go through changes and inner growth. This creative intensity is good for music, poetry, art, and such.
Planet in Sign
* 20° Leo
ASCETIC. 20° Leo denotes one who tends to abstain from life's luxuries, or negatively, one who goes "overboard" in them. The fixed star Al Gambi is here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 20° Leo
A group of prehistoric American Indians are seen in the course of an elaborate and impressive invocation to the sun.
Sabian Symbols
North Node
* 24° Pisces
EXTREME. 24° Pisces denotes one who tends to deal in extremes either in ideas or action. The unexpected is always present for them in life.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 24° Pisces
The tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean but its happy inhabitants have created a great world all their own.
Sabian Symbols
* 24° Virgo
RETIRING. 24° Virgo denotes one who is a hard worker. Brutally frank at times. Does not understand the self very well.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 24° Virgo
A large book for children is open at a colored page; here Mary with her yellow curls leads an immaculate white lamb.
Sabian Symbols