Vittorio Colao
Birthplace : Brescia ( 45N31 10E14 )
Birth date : 03/10/61 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Vittorio Colao (born 3 October 1961]) is an Italian businessman, the current Chief Executive of Vodafone Group....
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Categories :
1961 births Alumni of Bocconi University Harvard Business School alumni Italian businesspeople Living peopleHoroscope :

* Venus in Virgo
Finely wrought or overwrought? You have a fine sense of appreciation and are very attentive. You love to help out and take care of others, expressing a first-rate sense of compassion. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to the needs and demands of others. Fragile, refined, you are perhaps too prudish.
Planet in Sign
* Venus in Virgo
VENUS IN VIRGO, the Sixth House sign gives the person a deep and tender sympathy for the sick and people with this position make good nurses. This position also favors occupation as a chemist, or a dietitian who is concerned with the preparation of foods for the maintenance or attainment of health. If the person has employees or subordinates under his management his relations with those people will always be very pleasant, and they will serve him well.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Venus in Virgo
the Sixth House sign gives the person a deep and tender sympathy for the sick and people with this position make good nurses. This position also favors occupation as a chemist, or a dietitian who is concerned with the preparation of foods for the maintenance or attainment of health. If the person has employees or subordinates under his management his relations with those people will always be very pleasant, and they will serve him well.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 12° Virgo
INVOLVED. 12° Virgo denotes one whose life, thinking and/or affairs can become so involved as to complicate his entire scheme of things unnecessarily.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 12° Virgo
A bride rises laughingly, youthfully radiant in her white, wishing to scold the groom who has snatched way her veil.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Venus-Neptune
A mother to every animal, child, or needy person. Generous to the extreme with others. Always sensing the unity in life, as in the phrase "the dewdrop slips into the shining sea." You love movies, myths, and long thoughts. No doubt a dreamer... a lover.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Venus-Neptune
makes an inspirational musician. It gives a fertile imagination and deep emotions, a nature that is pure and chaste, hence occasionally it leads to platonic unions and companionship of the most ecstatic nature.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Mars in Scorpio
You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others may find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do work others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the nitty-gritty.
Planet in Sign
* Mars in Scorpio
MARS IN SCORPIO when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first until others get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy. When Mars is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worse side of the passional nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes addiction to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that parturition will be a dangerous event. In either sex Mars in Scorpio indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Mars in Scorpio
when well-aspected gives a keen, sharp and forceful mentality, a rather blunt manner and an indifference to the finer sensibilities of others, consequently these people often make themselves disliked at first until others get used to them and realize that they are not such ogres as they seem. They are very ingenious and mechanical, with indomitable courage and inexhaustible energy which carry them over all obstacles whatever goal they set themselves. In this respect they are very selfish and ready to sacrifice whatever stands in their way. They make good police officers, soldiers and surgeons and are able to fill any other position where a dominant authority is required, or skill with sharp tools. In a woman's horoscope it shows that the husband has good earning capacity, but is rather too free and generous with his means. It also indicates the possibility of a legacy. When Mars is afflicted in Scorpio it brings out the worse side of the passional nature and leads the person into sex excesses or causes addiction to solitary vice that saps the vitality, and unless corrected it is liable to bring the person to an early grave. In a woman's horoscope it indicates that the husband will squander his money on gratification of self, also that parturition will be a dangerous event. In either sex Mars in Scorpio indicates a quarrelsome nature and a biting tongue.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 2° Scorpio
RELATIONSHIP. 2° Scorpio denotes one who enjoys associating with others. An executive type, sometimes interested in the hidden factors of life.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 2° Scorpio
What has been a handsome and valuable bottle lies broken and forgotten; a track of living perfume leads from it.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Mars-Uranus
Powerful urge to be an innovator. Sudden breakthroughs, flashes, or insights. Avoid the common and seek out the unusual, exotic, and unique. Travel to far-off or out-of-the-way places. Energetic/athletic. Inventions with computers and electronics.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Square Mars-Jupiter
You may lack coordination, in particular in relation to making career moves. Your emotions, led by your temper, can send you off in a direction that is anything but where you really want to go. There is a basic struggle between your feelings and your livelihood; therefore, it is important to find work that does not deny your feelings, or they will explode. Acting only on your feelings and doing "whatever you want" with no thought for a plan is also not helpful. Advice from a trusted friend is in order to help coordinate your job and your emotional life.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Sextile Mars-Uranus
gives an energetic and ambitious disposition, an original, ingenious, alert, intuitive mind which in resourceful in the highest degree and able to cope with great difficulties under trying circumstances. Thus people with these configurations are naturally of an inventive turn of mind and successful in bringing their ideas to realization. Their inventive genius usually expresses itself along electrical lines, aviation, or in other unusual directions, for these aspects are one of the marks of the pioneer of the Aquarian Age, where science and inventions will reach out in directions that are now entirely undreamed of even as possibilities. But while these people are dreamers of dreams they are also practical, energetic and enterprising in a sufficient degree to make their dreams come true in the world. They have a wide vision and a noble nature which rises over all petty distinctions of race, creed or color and recognizes in all human beings the divine spark which is the basis of universal brotherhood. They may not be exactly religious in the orthodox sense of the word but their ideas are truly cosmic, hence they are often mistaken for visionaries by those who do not understand them.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Square Mars-Jupiter
is the signature of the gambler and if one of the planets is in a watery sign, especially in Pisces, he will be a drunkard also, a tricky, dishonest and disreputable character who always acts through impulse. With respect to health we find that these people suffer principally from blood and liver complaints, the circulation is poor and the blood is so rich that there is danger of apoplexy.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Jupiter in Capricorn
The perfect manager: conservative and professional in all things. Your career is all-important. A "doer," you are always practical. Never ruled by emotions, you are cool, capable, and competent. You are quick to get the outline or skeleton of a project, to see how things work.
Planet in Sign
* Jupiter in Capricorn
JUPITER IN CAPRICORN gives an ambitious nature, self-reliant and self-controlled with a desire to rise to a position of authority over others also the ability to dictate wisely and well. It gives a careful, economical disposition, and an abhorrence of waste; ingenuity, resourcefulness and some mechanical ability. These people are trust-worthy to a degree, sincere and honest in all their undertakings and hold every promise inviolate, therefore they usually rise to honor, esteem and general popularity. As already said their aim is to attain independence at the head of some business, but if they do not succeed in that and have to work for others they are best suited to be in the employ of the government, either municipal or national. On account of the implicit trust generated by their sterling characteristics of honesty, sincerity and faithfulness these people are often made the recipients of confidence from friends who feel the need of sharing their troubles with someone who can be depended upon either to give honest, disinterested advice or else to keep the secrets told then inviolate. If Jupiter is afflicted in Capricorn it makes a miser who will hoard all he can scrape together and deny himself all except the barest necessities and is consequently despised by all who know him.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Jupiter in Capricorn
gives an ambitious nature, self-reliant and self-controlled with a desire to rise to a position of authority over others also the ability to dictate wisely and well. It gives a careful, economical disposition, and an abhorrence of waste; ingenuity, resourcefulness and some mechanical ability. These people are trust-worthy to a degree, sincere and honest in all their undertakings and hold every promise inviolate, therefore they usually rise to honor, esteem and general popularity. As already said their aim is to attain independence at the head of some business, but if they do not succeed in that and have to work for others they are best suited to be in the employ of the government, either municipal or national. On account of the implicit trust generated by their sterling characteristics of honesty, sincerity and faithfulness these people are often made the recipients of confidence from friends who feel the need of sharing their troubles with someone who can be depended upon either to give honest, disinterested advice or else to keep the secrets told then inviolate. If Jupiter is afflicted in Capricorn it makes a miser who will hoard all he can scrape together and deny himself all except the barest necessities and is consequently despised by all who know him.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 28° Capricorn
OBSERVANT. 28° Capricorn denotes a careful thinker and one who tends to make a thorough study of whatever he does. The imagination is good, and he is able to link together factors which escape the observation of most people.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 28° Capricorn
A large aviary built as a wing to a rural mansion reveals a host of singing and contended feathered citizens.
Sabian Symbols
* Conjunction Jupiter-Saturn
Your are very "bearish" when it comes to security and seldom make a move that does not strengthen your position. You pursue responsibilities the way others pursue pleasure, and you even invite obligations. Career moves are always solid, based on sound principles, and may be tied in with the law or authorities -- all that is solid and well-reasoned. You don't invest in anything that is not tried and tested. Truth, religion, and philosophy are subjects of great interest.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Conjunction Jupiter-Saturn
has the same beneficent influence as the sextile or trine, though not in as great a measure and if Jupiter is weak by sign or otherwise afflicted the aspects will probably count for very little, but in that case its effect upon the arterial circulation will be obstructive, giving a tendency to sclerosis of the arteries the same as the opposition and square.
Planet Aspects-M. Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* Saturn in Capricorn
Organizational problems. You have a tendency to avoid taking charge or responsibility and may need to accept a more disciplined and serious approach to life. Learn to enjoy hard work. Persevere. Learn how to manage. You may feel uncomfortable when in the public eye.
Planet in Sign
* Saturn in Capricorn
SATURN IN CAPRICORN when well-aspected is strong and therefore his virtues are also pronounced, with honesty and integrity as staunch as the Rock of Gilbraltar and the determination to work toward the desired goal no mat- ter how long it may take. Hence in spite of all handicaps and obstacles people with a well-aspected Saturn in Capricorn ultimately achieve a large measure of success and are generally esteemed by their contemporaries. But when Saturn is afflicted in Capricorn the mind is gloomy and the person sees life from a biased point of view. There is a general sense of dissatisfaction which sometimes develops into a diseased mind. These people are cunning, underhanded and not to be trusted.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Saturn in Capricorn
when well-aspected is strong and therefore his virtues are also pronounced, with honesty and integrity as staunch as the Rock of Gibraltar and the determination to work toward the desired goal no matter how long it may take. Hence in spite of all handicaps and obstacles people with a well-aspected Saturn in Capricorn ultimately achieve a large measure of success and are generally esteemed by their contemporaries. But when Saturn is afflicted in Capricorn the mind is gloomy and the person sees life from a biased point of view. There is a general sense of dissatisfaction which sometimes develops into a diseased mind. These people are cunning, underhanded and not to be trusted.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 24° Capricorn
MILITANT. 24° Capricorn denotes a person whose tastes and outlook run towards the military or along militant lines. A vigilant person who may restrict the activities of others.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 24° Capricorn
The convent lies between gnarled old trees as a very picture of peace and a woman approaches this sure haven.
Sabian Symbols