Vittorio Colao
Birthplace : Brescia ( 45N31 10E14 )
Birth date : 03/10/61 12:00 (UTC+1)
Biography :
Vittorio Colao (born 3 October 1961]) is an Italian businessman, the current Chief Executive of Vodafone Group....
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Categories :
1961 births Alumni of Bocconi University Harvard Business School alumni Italian businesspeople Living peopleHoroscope :

* Uranus in Leo
You have great insight into matters of personal freedom. You come up with brilliant ways to express, emote or act things out. New methods of lovemaking, raising kids, caring for animals are yours. You are outspoken, very dramatic, impressive, and even regal. You relax with children, sports, acting, singing, and such. You really like yourself.
Planet in Sign
* Uranus in Leo
URANUS IN LEO gives a very determined nature, rebellious and impatient of restraint or contradiction, with strong likes and dislikes, and an utter disregard of the conventions where the passional nature is involved. The personality is strong, forceful and self-assertive, therefore these people often incur the displeasure of others and create much opposition. They are very inconstant in affairs of the heart--"on with the new love" before it is "off with the old." In a woman's horoscope an afflicted Uranus shows difficulty in childbirth, perhaps the death of a child by accident or in a sudden, unexpected manner, also a strong tendency towards palpitation of the heart. When Uranus is well-aspected in Leo both courtship and domestic affairs run much more smoothly and it indicates original and inventive genius, particularly along educational or journalistic lines, also for entertainment and amusement of the public and gain thereby.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Uranus in Leo
gives a very determined nature, rebellious and impatient of restraint or contradiction, with strong likes and dislikes, and an utter disregard of the conventions where the passional nature is involved. The personality is strong, forceful and self-assertive, therefore these people often incur the displeasure of others and create much opposition. They are very inconstant in affairs of the heart--"on with the new love" before it is "off with the old." In a woman's horoscope an afflicted Uranus shows difficulty in childbirth, perhaps the death of a child by accident or in a sudden, unexpected manner, also a strong tendency towards palpitation of the heart. When Uranus is well-aspected in Leo both courtship and domestic affairs run much more smoothly and it indicates original and inventive genius, particularly along educational or journalistic lines, also for entertainment and amusement of the public and gain thereby.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 29° Leo
CORNUCOPIA. 29° Leo denotes one who always has plenty. This degree seems to be effective on the progressed Ascendant also, not only bringing abundance, but bringing it from many directions.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 29° Leo
A mermaiden has climbed to the rocky shore of a bleak coast; she awaits the prince who will bring her immortality.
Sabian Symbols
* Neptune in Scorpio
Unafraid of the "dark" side of life, you are interested in esoteric religion, everything mystical or occult, and so on. Sexuality and physical desires are encouraged and seen as spiritual. Money, power, and things of this world are O.K. too. The physical is ideal. Possessions.
Planet in Sign
* Neptune in Scorpio
NEPTUNE IN SCORPIO, well aspected, gives a desire to delve into the secrets of nature and thus it is a good position for those who work in scientific or occult research. It gives energy, enthusiasm and inspirational perception beyond the realm of reason and augurs successful accomplishment of whatever is undertaken. But when afflicted it gives a terrible temper, a sensuous and passionate nature, an inordinate desire for drink or drugs and a tendency to drowning either by accident or design.
The Message of the Stars by Max Heindel. Prepared Aleksandar Cvetkovic
* Neptune in Scorpio
well aspected, gives a desire to delve into the secrets of nature and thus it is a good position for those who work in scientific or occult research. It gives energy, enthusiasm and inspirational perception beyond the realm of reason and augurs successful accomplishment of whatever is undertaken. But when afflicted it gives a terrible temper, a sensuous and passionate nature, an inordinate desire for drink or drugs and a tendency to drowning either by accident or design.
Planet in Sign-M.Heindel, prepared G. Pentidis
* 10° Scorpio
RESTLESS. 10° Scorpio denotes one who tends to be dissatisfied with conditions as they are. May travel extensively. This is a critical degree.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 10° Scorpio
A fellowship supper is served to a group of men brought together in reunion to live again in forgotten moments.
Sabian Symbols
* Sextile Neptune-Pluto
A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision of the endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith in the natural process and next generation. Love of children and animals.
Aspects of Natal Planets
* Pluto in Virgo
You tend to be radical when it comes to self-analysis, which means health care, food, physical wellbeing, and so on. Serving and caring for yourself and others are primary sources of inner growth and changes. You are sensitive to criticism.
Planet in Sign
* 9° Virgo
VERSATILITY. 9° Virgo denotes one of many abilities who may travel extensively. Good imagination. A writer's degree.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 9° Virgo
An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a canvas; his art is futuristic and unintelligible.
Sabian Symbols
North Node
* 27° Leo
TALKATIVE. 27° Leo denotes one who is unusually talkative and who may have linguistic ability. This can, of course, be someone who has something to say or a mere chatterbox. The fixed stars Alphard and Adhafera are here also.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Leo
Over at the eastern edge of the night the streaks of dawn appear; gradually the mounting light wipes out the stars.
Sabian Symbols
* 27° Aquarius
DEMONSTRATION. 27° Aquarius denotes one who doesn't always talk about what he is doing or thinking, but sets out to prove his point by a demonstration of what he has discovered, or what he has proven to be fact in his own way of thinking.
Traditional Natal Degrees Interpretation - Keane, 1967
* 27° Aquarius
In the quiet of the afternoon in the cool of an art connoisseur's library is an old pottery bowl with fresh violets.
Sabian Symbols